j  Bulletin of the State University of Kentucky
I).  VOL. VII. FEBRUARY, 1916. N0. 4
  Eniroamn Commem-
 , Announcements ............................ 5
g  Preparedness ............................. 5
E  Farmers’ Week-—Its Significance ................... 5
  Election of Alumni on Board of Trustees ............... 7
Qi  What Are We Coming To?. ...................... 8
  Alumni Dinner. .............................. 9
  Eradication of Commercialized Vice in Lexington. ............. 9
  ` Sketches of the Origin and Growth of State University-—James K. Patterson 10
  Farmers’ Week at Kentucky State. .................... 12
  . WHAT Soma Ama Doma-
  Augustus Owsley Stanley ....................... 16
  Samuel Boin Coleman ......................... 18
  Frank Daugherty ........................... 19
  Fred J . Rankin ............................ 19
  John L. Patterson ........................... 19
 ·g Here and There ............................ 20
  In the Movies ............................... 20
`j  The Alumnm Club of Kentucky State ................... 20
‘ Basket Ball Schedule of 1916. ....................... 21
  Base Ball Schedule of 1915 . ........................ 22
Foot Ball Schedule of 1916 . ........................ 22
Early History of Athletics at Kentucky State-A. M. Miller. ....... 23
  The University .............................. 27
  Student Life. ............................... 30
l Class Secretary Section .......................... 33
\l Alumni Clubs ........................... . . . 39
  Deaths .................................. 40
  The next issue of the Alumnus will appear ln April, 1916.
 {X To Alumni the dues and subscription are $2.00 per year; to former students
 i` and friends, $1.00; single copies, 20 cents.
  J. D. TURNER, Editor.