Napoleon, views of, on transfer of Louisiana to U. S. 773		Ohio river, flood of 1789,		483

issues Berlin decree,	820	flood of 1832,		969

Narvaez, Pamphilo,	42	Ohio settlements, threatened invasion of,		652

Nashvillo founded,	607	Old Chillcotho,		227

Katchez, settlement of,	77	Old excise law of Pennsylvania,		684

Nauvoo, advent of Mormons to,	979	Oldham, Colonel, at St. Clair's defeat,		689

extra privileges from charter of,	980	Old statutes of Indiana,		826

exodus of Mormons from,	985	Old statistics of Western Pennsylvania,		430

Neville, General John, attack on houBeof,	695	Old Town, (Skipton,)		130

New England Ohio Company, formation of,	451	Onondagas, townB of, destroyed,		301

proceedings of,	400	Orr, Captain, in Lochry's expedition,		332

boundaries of land purchased by.	464	Orr, Major, at Camp Meigs,	898,	897

resolutions for government of settlers, 4c, 473		Ordinance for government of N. W. Territory,		466

appoint Rov. D. Story public teacher,	474	for surveying Western lands,		434

settlers reach tho Muskingum,	475	for disposing of Western lands,		435

proclamation of Governor,	476	O'Reilly, Spanish governor of La.,		200

first court held at Marietta,	477	Orleans Territory formed,		777

New Madrid,                                186, 505,	847	Oswego, fort and garrison,	105	211

New Orleans founded,	76	Ouiatenon, ancient records of,		84

New York cedes Western lands,	452	English garrison at, surrenders,		167

proceedings of, in war of 1754,	122	Croghan's account of,		184

Now Jersey objects to Virginia land claims,	324	Gamelin's journal at,		631

Neyon'B message to Pontine	171	Scott's description of,		561

Neglect of Indians by the British,	430	Wilkinson's description of,		567

Nicholas of Kentucky,	678	British traders captured at,		280

Nipissiug, Lake of,	80	Ouabache, original name of Wabash,		81

North American Land Company,	725	.		

North Carolina, western troubles in,	506	Paper-mill, first in the West,		737

North West invaded by Spaniards from St. Louis,		Parsons, General, letter from,		442

1781,	448	Paris, peaco of,	169, 407	

North "Western Pennsylvania,	716	Patterson, Col. Robert,		407

North Western Territory, Ordinance respecting,	466	Paully, Ensign, commandant at Sanduskj-,		167

appointment of executive officers in	,467	Peace negotiations at Paris, 1782,		407

representatives, 4c, to be elected,	468	Peaco measures proposed by. Washington, 1791,		595

Bill of IiLhts,	469	Piernns, Pedro, takes command at St. Louis,		201

provisions for forming States,	471	Peckitanoni, Indian name of Missouri river,		53

rapid settlement of,	716	Pembina, early history of settlement at,		944

population of, in 179G,	716	character and customs of sottlers at,		946

primary titles to lands in,	729	finding forty-ninth degree of lat. at,		947

lands reserved and donated in,	729	singulur climate at,		918

representatives elected,	746	Pennsylvania, frontiers troubled by Indians, 17S2, 398		

first legislative council appointed, 749		land controversy with Connecticut,		451

proceedings of first legislature,	749	memorial to governor of,		686

proposal to divide,	753	titles to land in,		717

Chillicothe made capital of,	755	purchase from the Delawares,		TIT

State convention proposed for,	759	primary titlo vested in Commonwealth,		719

Report to Congress relating to,	760	further purchases from Indians,	718	,719

Nova Scotia conquered,	129	purchase of tho Trianglo,		720

Nullification in Kentucky,	748	depreciation of State bonds,		721,

in Ohio,	931	donation lands,		722

Nunez, Alvar, early adventurer,	44	tho "struck district," lands offered for sale,		724 724

Occupying claimant law of Kentucky,	745	interference of tho land companies,		725

O'Fallon, agent of S. C. Land Company,	610	rapid growth of the State,		729

treasonable letter of, to Governor Miro,	510	Pennsylvania population company,		725

Ogden arrested by Wilkinson,	813	Pennsylvania militia, noble conduct of,		896

Ohio, State of, measures for forming,	759	Pennsylvania volunteers, expedition of,		888

is admitted into the Union,	703	Peoria, Lako Crovecceur upon,		68

meeting of first legislature,	706	Perkins, Lieut.,		911

tho "Sweeping Resolutions" of 1810,	828	Perry, Com., ship-building at Erie,	899,	901

Banks and first banking law in,	924	his victory on tho lakes,		902 .

Columbus made capital of,	925	Piasa, legend of,	|	61

Ohio Land Company,	99	Pickawillonies, on tho Great Miami,		108

Ohio river, first colony N. W. of,	451	Pike, Capt. Z. M., expedition up the Mississippi,		800

proposed division of territory beyond,	465	crosses Falls of St. Anthony,		803