The popularity and apparent demand, throughout our country, for a volume such as the compiler now presents to the public, was a principal, though not the strongest inducement for preparing a third edition at this time   and from the point now selected for its publication.

The projector of these Annals has been most anxious to correct errors, unavoidable in former editions, and to embrace in the present his entire original plan. To secure greater facilities for that accurate knowledge of the early Western Settlements by the English, so necessary in the compilation of a reliable work on the subject, Pittsburgh was selected as the most eligible place of publication. The first edition was issued at Cincinnati, where he was assisted by the^ lamented James H. Perkins, a gentlemen highly competent for the task. That volume was, however, necessarily incomplete, embracing only the central portion of the West.

A desire to include in its pages a more full account of events connected with the early history of Illinois, Missouri and other communities, induced him, at a later period, to prepare a second edition, which was issued a few years ago in St. Louis, and included a thorough revision of the former issue, with considerable additions   in which he had the valuable assistance of Rev. j. M. Peck, a gentleman whose long residence in the Ear West, and familiarity with the history of those portions less elaborately treated of in the first edition, rendered him admirably qualified for the undertaking.

Although the author claims credit for but little more originality than that displayed in the plan of the work now