The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, meeting in
regular session on Tuesday, April 6, 1971, notes that this meeting marks
the end of the term of non-voting student member

                       STEPHEN B. BRIGHT

and wishes to recognize his services on the Board during the year begin-
ning in May 1970.

       Mr. Bright has been regular in his attendance and has at all times
been frank and open in his presentation of matters which he felt to be of
concern to those students he was representing. A staunch defender of
student rights and a firm believer in the need for greater student partici-
pation in University governance, Steve championed his causes with stead-
fast determination and maintained his poise and self-possession at all times.

       It is the hope of this Board that his experience as a Student Trustee
has been a beneficial one for him and that as he retires from this position
he does so with a broader understanding of the role of a Trustee in the
affairs of the University.

       Now, therefore, be it resolved that this Resolution be adopted, a
copy spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and a copy transmitted to Mr.