


The Kentucky Kernel
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the Btudcnt body of
the University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students,
alumni and faculty of the institution.
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Is the official nowspaper of tho University.
It is Issued with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the universities of other States and Canada.
mail matter.
Entered at Lexington Fostofflco as second-class

Eliza M. Plggott
Mildred H. Graham
Eliza Spurrier
Miriam Horine
Edna Smith

'Martha Buckman



Managing Editor
Squirrel Food
Patterson Hall
Mary Ricketta
Lois Ammorman.

Margaret Wilkinson


Should Student Study Current History?

History is being made more rapidly today than
ever before in the history of the world.
The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow.
Therefore it seems that there is but one reasonable
side to this question of whether a student should study
current events and it is reasonable to expect that all
broad-minde- d
people are coming to the conclusion that
such a course should be established in the leading colleges and universities of our country.
Our student is asked to go upon the battlefield and
if need be give his life for his country and why then,
prohibit this student from studying the conditions, that
in the future he may not be needed to give his life for
his fatherland but will be able to live for humanity.
For example, take this gigantic world war. How
many of our students know where to go for the most
unbiased news? How many of our students know exactly what is happening and how it could have been
avoided? How many know just what part the United
States is playing in this world contention (except in a
very general way) ? Not many? How, in the coming
years, are we to forbid such another calamity that
makes every nation of the earth wear mourning? Only
by knowing the conditions today that have made and
are carrying on this war. Are we to wait for fifty
years to find the real facts in the matter, until our
grandchildren study them in the histories to be taught

We think not. The Outlook Weekly Magazine is
giving, in connection with its editorials, a series of questions and topics of discussion to be studied by the thinking folk of today and while the whole planet is engaged
in its death struggle it is very little to do to acquaint
ourselves with the topics of the day.
True education consists in being able to "move" in
an emergency, to be able to know where to go for facts
and how to form an opinion from the reading of such

Let us all be educated


M. H. G.

Women and War.

It is a new and wise government which puts the
stamp of "true patriotism" on the effort to increase the
food supply of the nation. Commendation of such efforts has been wanting in the past. Never before, however, has there been so widespread a movement, backed
by government forces and
in by great woman's organiations, to conserve and increase the nation's food supply and eliminate waste. This campaign
against waste is long overdue. No nation is so prodigal
of its resources as our own, whether it be of life, labor
or land.
Such a campaign finds a ready response in the womanhood of the country. The women of Europe are
serving in every line of endeavor, that men may be
freed for active service on the battle front. So nobly
have they responded to their country's call, that the
former Premier Asquith declares they
have fairly won political rights. In our own land when
the call came for a mobilization of the nation's forces
the women were ready. Under the National League
for Woman's Service they volunteered by thousands to
serve as agriculturists, industrial workers, stenographers, aviators, nurses, wireless operators, in any capacity in which they might be of service. Though she
is ready to serve when the call comes the normal woman
shrinks from giving consent to any activity that



Woman is the normal conserver of the human
Both her nature and her training lead her to undertake constructive work for mankind. Her patriotism manifests itself in tasks which build up rather than
tear down. The woman who could not vote "yes" for a
war measure which means destruction of life and property was true to her instincts and her training. The
quality of her patriotism cannot justly be questioned.
The criticism which Jeannette Rankin evoked by her
action was a gentle zepher compared with the storm of
criticism which would have descended upon her head
had she voted a calm, unemotional, masculine "yes" for
a war measure. Men should regard her action as an indication that participation in public affairs does not
make her less womanly.
When war can no longer be avoided, however, and
our nation is engaged in what we believe to be a struggle for world democracy, the womanhood of the country is ready to make the utmost sacrifice for this cause
of the people. We, as college women, are called on to
do our part. This does not mean a rush "to the front."
There are few Molly Pitchers in modern warfare. By
offering our services for whatever line of work we are
best prepared, by practicing the utmost personal economy and thrift, we can enlist in that great "Service
Army," under the flag which stands for human liberty
and justice.

An awful epidemic rages at Kentucky
The Kentucky Colonel Says:
hope all those who are now rais
ing flags, will raise potatoes this sum Worse than chicken-poor measles,
mer, suh.
more relentless in its fate
But an antidote has been found
to ward away the strife,
Lykelle Pome No. 28.
Our heroes bold, 'tis sadly told,
It was a lovely April day,
just take themselves a wife.
The grass was very green,


came driving by
The Ag. Freshman Says:
She really was a queen.
A prominent and promising young
She stopped beside young Johnny
Ag was heard to say that his princi
As to class he quickly sped,
pal trouble was learning to horse-shoAnd asked if he would ride with her.
the cows.
This, is what he said:
"I cannot cut my Latin,
Captain Fairfax says that the dif
My average I must fatten."
ficulty he had in teaching the girls
draws to "dress quickly" was offset by the
John Marsh:
ease with which he taught the boys
well, doesn't she?"
BUI Shinnick:
"I should say so. to "present arms."
A sweet

co-e- d


co-e- d

Ten men smashed In on my date last

Now Just What Did She Mean?
Notice on Patt Hall bulletin board:
"Girls drill tonight. All go as far as
possible In gymnasium costumes.
A. J. H. D. of W.

Wayne (writing home):

"How do

you spell 'financially'?"

there are two r's In embarrassed."
out without permission,
was returning Hallward slowly. In
succession she pasBed Homer
John Gibson, Doc Nodes and
Howard Kinne. Grabbing her companion, she said: "Come on! Run I
It must be awful late."



"Some men aro born great; some
achieve greatness,
and some have
greatness thruBt upon them." It Is
hard to decido In which category Bill
Shinnick really belongs, but we rather
suspect, after a hasty review of his
University career, that we should follow his own lead and place him in all
three. Certain it is that the president of the class of '17 lias been identified with almost every school activity, and has won every available honor during his four years here.
Bill was a celebrity in his own home
town, before his arrival at "State."
As president of the class of 1912 of
the Shelbyville High School, as
of the annual of that year,
and as star performer in various the
atrical productions of the institution
he established an enviable reputation.
Surely this is proof that he was born
great. .More than that on good authority iwe have it that the editor of
the "Kentuokian" after a search of all
available resources could find nothing
"on" Bill. This is Indeed a unique
honor and further proof of his natural
The list of Bill's achievements will
occupy his full quota of space in the
Annual. Three years he has taken
prominent parts in Stroller plays.
Last year he was stage manager of
that organization, and now Its president. He is a member of Alpha Delta
Sigma, honorary journalistic
fraternity; Canterbury Club, honorary literary organization, Lamp and Cross,
honorary Senior fraternity and Kappa
Sigma. He was Junior Class Orator.
This year finds him
tlhe Kernel and president
of the
Senior class, two of the biggest of
to offer.
fices the University has
This needs no comment. Truly he
has "achieved greatness."
Bill is not of athletic build, but he
will not leave without his "K." No
one who remembers his gyrations as
he led the "Locomotive" or "Skyrocket" on the football field doubt
that he has earned it. It is in the
that Bill joins the
role of
class of those who have had "greatness thrust upon them."
These honors are but superficial if
they are not based on real character
and ability. In these Bill Shinnick Is
not found wanting. At the risk of giving the impression of an elegy rather
than a eulogy, it might be truthfully
added that the University will feel a
loss when Bill Shinnick



He: "They say that absence makes
the heart grow fonder."
She: "Yes, and so do weekly cor
In the Spring a Young Man's
Miss Pollitt (in Greek):
does 'c' stand for?"
The old adage, "make hay while the
Student (coming to life): "I know,
sun shines' has been changed tk
center field."
read, "make love while the moon
Hard on the Sigs.
Last Sunday's issue of the Lexing
ton Herald carried an article telling
the history of the house now occupied
by the Sigma Chls. In It was this sentence:
"It is a sad sight to see this historic old dwelling given over to bats,
owls, and squirrels."


The following notice was found on
the "Kernel" hook, and being in doubt
as to where It properly belonged the
editors after much consultation finally
decided to place it with "Squirrel
The Investigation Committee of the
"The Lodge of Jilted Brethren will
Board of Trustees has adjourned un
meet Saturday night, 21st, Room 23,
til May 30, at which time further re
New Dorm. Important business.
ports of investigation will be made.
Professor McCoun and Dr. Cain
were employed as experts to investi
Y. M. C. A. MEETS.
gate the standing of the various deThe Y. M. C. A. held its weekly partments and the administration In
meeting Sunday night in the Y. M. general. They reported some of their
C. A. rooms on the campus with Harry investigation and further reports will
Mllward as leader. Virgil Chapman be heard at the continuation of the
read a very interesting paper and one board in May.
enjoyed by all of the boys present.
One of the questions before the
Mr. Smith favored with two violin board is that of consolidating the Colsolos accompanied by Mr. Mllward.
lege of Mechanical and Electrical and
the College of Civil Engineering.
faculty members
Wife All that you are, you owe to alumni were called for (bearing reme!
garding the affairs of the University.
Hubby Don't tell anybody!
take the blame myself!
Self-Mad- t.

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