

Clvdo Watts, who married Miss La
county ngQnt of
Vcrno Purccll ex-2-

Chicago, Jnnunry 18

(Third Mon- 1..
- t o r.
Marshall Field Men's Store (Grill

nr-.- .






February 6th (First
Regular) luncheon at 1:15

Hrown hotel.



part of the State will back things
pretty evenly. I am calling Holbrook
over the telephone today, and will he
sure to say nil that I enn judiciously.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) ROBERT L. PORTER, '22"
The copy mentioned was n
letter, clearly nnd impressively setting
forth the importance and the needs of
the university.
"Jnnunry 2, 1926
two-pag- e

Philadelphia, February Oth (First
Saturday Regular) luncheon at 1:15 Dear Mr. Wilson:
"Rnrrinonr'a nlllli. 1U17 StmiCO street.
"Ronlvlnir to vour letter of De
i .' Tl..rrl
IVK.nn.i. 1!1 fZnnnnt fint. cember 31. I beg to advise that I had
' 'urday Regular) luncheon nt 1:15
a long interview with Mr. Benton at
my office this morning.
.,.,,1 CnnnM aln.nt
'To the best of my ability l ex
plained the nerds of the university to
Mr. Benton and he assured me that he
would support the University's pro- Ave
grnm to the best of his ability.
"I thank vou for writing to me
John Y. Brown Speaks at Win about this matter. I am more than
interested in the progress of our Uni
chester and Kenneth Tuggle
versity, and trust that you will alat Hazard
ways let me know whenever you have
L The favor with which members of need of my services.
Yours very respectfully,
the Student Sneakers Bureau of the
E. M. HEAVRIN '23"
University ol KcntucKy arc ueing re (Signed)
fceivod is clearlv indicated by the fol- "January 4, 1926
"Dear Major:
"Received both of your kind letters
uecomuer iu. iv&h
and as vou surmised, have been too
"MrV nrnwn
busy, what with murders, holdups
University of Kentucky,
Ve are
to answer as I should have.
"Lexington, Kentucky
trying to do a little publicity work
Dear Sir:
"Am very happy to know you can on behalf of the University, having run
stories and pictures on all of the colJ wanis and Rotary in our city, noon leges. Lately however, we have had
are mak- our hands full attempting to cover the
the 24th. Realize that-yoing a sacrifice to do so, but trust you spot news.
- and the University will be the gainer
"The University should have a pub
licily agent to inform the papers of
in the long run.
the happenings of the University
you made before the Rotary, in Lcx- - which the public should know. I am
willing to cooperate with the Univo
; .present and told you after hearing ity in every way possible and attempt
you hoped to have you over here to cover the netvs at the institution as
at some time with us. I told Funk- - well as a litle propaganda now and
Also would be willing to ;o
hoiiser that wo would not take a sub then.
restitute, wanted the original "blown operate with a publicity agent.
"Yours for a bigger and better U
'in the bottle Brown" and that means
K. and akso 300th Infantry,
Yours very truly,
V,- - (Signed)
Mr. Griffin represents The Courier
Mr. Hutsell is president of the Journal of Louisville,
Rotary club at Winchester, Kentucky. Lexington.
The Alumni office has not time to
"January 7, 192G
write to each alumnus and former
"Hon. W. C. Wilson,
student personally, but will not each
"University of Kentucky,
of you take this as a request to solicit
"'."Lexincton, Kent achy.
the support of the senator and repre
"Dear Mr. Wilson:
3entative from your district.
"I wish to congratulate you
Alumni Secretary, that the work be- .gun a few years ago by the Student U. K. Men, Women Do
Speaker's Bureau of the University is
being continued with unabated sue
I say this advisedly, for the
proof of it all has been proven be Graduates and Former Students
Represent Agriculture, ,Home
vond doubt because of the success
with which Kenneth Tuggle has pre
sented the problems of the state in
It was planned to run the following
educational matters, and especially
the problems of the University, here with the article relative to tap n'
in Hazard before the high school, and lege of Agriqilt-but lack of space would
the Rotary and Lion clubs,
not permit.
i.. i
Among the graduates and former powers, his
ability to present his facts concisely students of the University of Ken
R" the University has received some de tucky who are now doing agriculture
served publicity here, and has there extention and home economics demon
fore profited thereby. I am sure that stration work are the following:
each member of the Bureau are men
state agent
Charles A. Mahan,
j ' of ability, but too much praise can
not be given to Mr. Tuggle,
Experiment Station, Lexington;
is my sincere hope that the
Thomas R. Bryant, asistant director
activities of the Bureau shall go on
unabated and that the University shall of extension, Experiment Station
continue to send out young men with Lexington;
the fire and fervor of youth, and with
Grover C. Routt, county agent of
he zeal of one that seems to know
truth that must be spread and made Graves county, Mayficld, Ky.;
known to others.
Henry F. McKenney, county agent
"If at any future day we have oc
casion to need a speaker, Tuggle or of Grant county, Williamstown;
any other of his ability will surely
be called upon from the University to
Miss Lulie E. Logan, assistant state
fill the bill.
leader, home demonstration work, Ex
Yours for a Greater Kenutcky,
periment Station, Lexington;
Pnrfcpr is sncrotnrv of t.lio Rot
Charles B. Elston, county agent of
He Lincoln county, Stanford, Ky.;
iuh of Hazard, Kentucky.
with a few other young men founded
tho Student Speakers Bureau in 1923
Amburgy, county
He was its first President. Although agent, Boyd county, Cattlesburg;
a verv vounir organization on me
campus, it has been a very potent fac county home demonstration agent of
in putting the University before McLean county, Calhoun, Ky.;
the people of Kentucky in a forceful
Robert Miller Heath, county agent
county, Frankfort;
and favorable way. Its second Presi of
dent was Mr. C. M. C. Porter '25, who
William C. Johnstone, county agent
is now at Frnnkfort, senator from tho of MeCracken county, Paducah;
12th District.
Earl Mnyhew, county agent of Knox
Uni county, Barbourville; county
Gordon B. Nance,
agent of
Campbell county, Alexandria;
William II. Rochester, county agent
Graduates and Former Students of Mulilenburg county, Greenville;
Carl A. Wicklund, county agent of
Are Enlisting Legislature
Kenton county, Independence;










News Bureau
To Cooperate With A. A.
G. E. Co.

Carroll county, Cnrrollton;
Rn nh 0. Wilson, assistant county
agent, Union county, Morgntifield;

Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne








'23 Graduate
Is Transferred to Nashville, Tcnn.

Owen county, Owcnton;
Miss Zilpha M. Foster, home demon
We wish to express our thanks to
county, Mr. John KIcnkc of the News Bureau
stration agent, McCrackcn
of the General Electric Company, 1
Gcorirc W. Gnrdncr. county ngent River Road, Schenectady, N. Y., for
of Washington county, Springfield;
his cooperation ns shown by the folMattie M. Hodges, assistant home lowing letter:
demonstration ngent, Christian county,
"Wo take this opportunity to re
introduce ourselves to the staff of
IInrrv B. Lane, county agent of the "KENTUCKY ALUMNUS."
Crittenden county, Marion;
"Items concernine alumni of your
Edward P. Tichenor, county ngent or
college and of interest to the renders
McLean county, Calhoun;
of your publication are enclosed,
items will be sent nsthcy
Raymond II. Lickert. county agent,
under my signature
Oldhnm county, LaGrange, Ky.
If those am acceptable a marked copy
of tho issue in which they appear will
be appreciated. Any suggestions con
cernintr news items or articles win
be helpful.
Thomns Hamilton, whose name has
been appearing on our
1923 and
should be addressed at 425 Virginia was on the Schenectady Test
avenue, Bogalusa, La. His perman 1924 was recently transferred Lorn
ent address is Colonial Home Iarm, the Cleveland General Electric office
panv's office to the Nashville
Lexington, Ky.
Mr. Baugh
o f the same company.
man was very popular m the hdison
Leon O. Beatty should be address- club activities and look part in all
ed at the Hazelwood' Sanitorium, Tus-comusical proirrams. He was a member
of the first Edison Club quartet."
of the arrival of a
News has come
daughter to Mr. and Mrs; Graham vana. and have meetings every day
McCorklc nt their home in East Or- The Kernel reads mighty pood in th's
ange, N. J., born Wednesday, Jan- Spanish atmosphere. Send it on.
uary 6.
"P. S. Speedy Propp is in Sngua
LaGronda, but has never heard of any
201 other Ky. graduate in Cuba.'
Edgar II. Dunn's new address is
Pythian building, Fort Myers, Fla.
Frank J. Wcdekemper, salesman, is
with the Wilson and Toomer Fertil
ex-- , Scout Executive of
W. C. Haley
izer Company, Tampa, Florida.
the North West District, should be ad'23
1550 North Robey street,
dressed at
Ottis L. Jones writes us as fol-- ,
Chicago, 111. He is living at 3138
you be good enough to
Broadway. Mr. Haley went from Lex lows: "Would
correct my mailing address and send
ington to Chicago last fall.
tho Kernel to me at 4531 Main street
Kansas' City, Mo.? As you may sur
The wedding of Miss Virginia Fran
I am now connected with the
ces Anderson and Mr. Richard W mise
Company hereon Caddo River Lumber
was solemnized
Bozcman ex-2- 8
moved here re
Friday, December 25", at her home in in Kansas City having
Lexington. They will be at home in cently from Cedarattorney, Iowa. now
Lovcl II. Lilcs.
Lexington after January 15. Mrs
living nt Vanceburg, Ky.
Bozeman is the daughter of F. Paul
Anderson, dean of the College
Engineering at the University of Ken DUES AND SUBSCRIPTJON

Charles K, Dunn asks thaUhJs Kernel be sent to Box 796 Fort Pierce,
Florida, in the future instead of 212
West Washington street, Chicago, 111.

Miss Marie C. Becker writes as follows: "Kindly have the alumni office
note my change of address on De
ccmber 15 from 2504 Bardstown Road,
Louisville, Ky., to Captiva, Florida,
rt George Becker. I shall be in Florida
until April and do not want to miss
the Kernel during that time."
Morris E. Pendleton, who was with
the Armstrong Cork Company
has been
Albany and Sclinectady,
transferred to Pittsburg, Penn., and is
now living at 522 Coal cinsburcr. P- '18
We are in receipt of the following
letter from John L. Sallee ex- -, Apar-tad- o
939, Tampico, Mexico. "I thought
I had paid my dues for this year and
had wondered why the Kernel didn't
"I was in Lexington for the Clemscn
game last October, and drove out to
the campus, but there were so many
cars that I could not find a place to
park. In fact, I felt I was lucky to
get through without a wreck for the
co-ewere changing classes and it
was almost too much for a man just
from deep "montie." Maybe there
were n few boys on the campus too

don't remember.
"I wish you would send me an alumnae register if you have any."


Miss Lucille Harbold has returned
to Ashoville, N. E., from her home in
Lexington, where she is the teacher of
Latin at the Ashevillc


Besides his father, Mr. Russell is
in the Murray State Normal chool, survived by his mother, two brothers
:uurray, iy.
and one sister. One brother, Lee Boyd
W. J. Pinson ex- - should bo address- Russell is a senior at the University.
Blue Sulphur Hotel, St. Paul, Mr. Russell made three, lettres in foot
ball while at the University, wa
Fred Luker writes us as follows: active in athletic and student affairs,
"Will you please change my address a member of the Tau Beta Pi, honor
for the "Kernel" to Apartment 20. ary naional engineering fraternity and
5846 .Frontnac, Detroit, Mich.
Triangle fraternity.
"I am still with the Hupp Motor
Car Corporation of that city, on the
Miss Mary Elizabeth
Depov is
engineering staff in charge of road teaching at Dudley school, Lexington,
testing experimental cars."
Charles L. Cooper is a student for
Arthur C. Smith, draftsman, is the ministry at Emery College, Atwith the Virginia Bridge and Iron lanta, Ga.
company, Roanoke, Virginia.
Ellen V. Butler is attending the Li- We are in receipt of the following brary School, Albany, New York.
from Lawrence A. Soper, Jr. "I am
Joseph E. Murphy is with the Ohio
sending along my dues and hope they Valley Coal Company, Maysville, Ky.
will arrive in time for a Xmas pres
William T. Shelby should be nd
Will D Sutton ex- county agent of ent. Bowman Grant and I have an dressed at 620 Cleveland
Graduates and former students of
street, Clenv
the Univorsity of Kentucky all over Hopkins county, Madisonville;
Alumni club all our own here in Ha- - water, Fla.
the state are enlisting the support
Hurry R. Cottrell, county agent of
and influence of their senators and
representatives in behalf of the Marshall county, Benton;
special appropriation which the Uni
Joe A. Wesson, county agent of
versity will ask for this session of the Meade county, Brandenburg;
The Alumni office would appreciate it if you would send addresses of
Legislature. Their activity in this
(lirQction is partly showed in the fol
John H, Atkerson, county agent of any
of the graduates listed below.
lowing letters, received in reply to por-- - Green county, Greensburg;
William B. Howell, county agent, James Saffell Wutson, '08
SSiliil reepjosts sont out by this office
to use their influence in our behalf.
Trimble county, Bedford;
"January 2,
James V. Coleman, county agent of George Francis Browning, '09
Dear Mr. Wilson:
enclosed a copy of the letter ,uruo county, Hodgcnville;
hat I sent to Senator Brock. I also
Luther F. Morgan, county agent of
send a letter to the same ofToct to Magoffin county, Salyersville;
Cecil Byrne Ellis, '09..
.Henry M. Holbrook,
Philip R. Wutlington, county agent
rom this district. I think that this of McLean county, Calhoun;

Charles McCarroll, '10





Ralph Detweiler Quickel, '10



Squire Webber Salyers, '10

Kathorine Margaret Schoene (Mrs. Patrick Henry), '10
Louis Litsey Adams, '11

James Alfred Boyd, '11




William Edward Hudson,




Mills, .'11

Grover Cleveland
Joseph Bishop





Sanders, '11


Elmer Francis Worthihgton, '11



Mary Irene Hughes, '12






Harry George Korphage, '12.
Joseph Millctt Lewis, '12



William Abithal Wallace, '12
John Rudolph

Watson, '12



Philip Arthur Whitacre, '12



Algernon Sidney Winston, '12
Charles Leon Bosley, '13
Herbert Adolph Conhurst, '13
Fred Farris, '13




Kurozawa, '13


Showdy Elbert Puckett, '13



,. h





Shaffer, "'13










r.Ai-t- -

Arthur Ray Bennett, '14

................ ..r......

William Wayne Chambers, '14


Gaither, '14

Donald Magoffin

Carl Emil Lauer, '14






Ruth McChesney,

(Mrs. W. H. Bockman)


Herschel Russell Shelton, '14
Esther Mae Bailey, '15





Zechariah Pierce Hamilton, '16
Hays Judd, '15





Archie Xavier Pfeffer, '15













Ernest Edgar Pittman, '15







Charles Stephenson Rainey, '15


Clarence Barbour Shoemaker
Emerson Bitner, '16


Sue Hunt Frost, '10


Fogle Judd, '16

Charles Frank Kumli,










Cram, '10

AWin Clarence Elliott, '10


Work For
versity Appropriation

ifnil..(iimiiil. ........


Royalston Haywood


We are advised by F. A. C. Thomp
son that he has moved from Fulton
to Hickman, Kentucky.
We are in receipt of the following
from Thos. L. Garwood. "I wish only
to have you change my address and to
have the "Kernel" sent to me here
I am with the Chicago, Wilmington
and Franklin Coal Company at West
Frankfort, 111., and wish the Kernel
sent to me at my house,, ?
rrankTort, 111. Hop
Elm street. Wo
ing xo soon have all the good news
I am thanking you."
John Howa'rd King, who .married
Miss Christine Gearhart ex-2Octo
her 8, 1924 is practicing law, 1014
Fidelity Union building, Dallas, Texas
They are living at 2015 Bennett ave
The marriage of Miss
Brewer and William Cecil Martin of
Bowling Green was solemnized
Richmond in November, and was an
nounced juut before the Christmas hoi
idays. Mrs. Martin, since graduation has been nutrition specialist for
the American Red 'Cross In Carroll
and Caldwell counties.
Ray Russell died at Our Lady of
Victory hospital at Lackawanna, N.
Y., Sunday afternoon, December 27,
at 1 o'clock. Mr. Russell suffered the
loss of his right arm at ho elbow
by amputation following an accident
in a factory at Buffalo recently, when
the member was caught in a crucible
spinner. Ho was employed at the
Electro Refractories Corporation, of
4vhich L.. U. Milward ex-0is presi


Miss Margaret

Albert Marlon Mathera, '09




Benjamin Harrison Mitchell, '16

Crowder Mitchell, '10


Pago Neaglo, '16




tj; tAM



Tipton, '16


Orville Robert Willett, '16


John Henry Williams,







