TheKentucky Kernel

National College Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce



Managing Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Dramatic Editor



Morton Walker



William Ardery



Louise Thompson
Virginia Nevlns
William Shafer
Adrian Dougherty

News Editor




Eleanor Smtlh

Polly Reese




Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor



J. D. Adams
Claire Innls
Bill Luther
O. L. Crutcher
Lawrence Crump
Totsy Rose
Marvin Waclis


Ceclle Davis
Mary Prince Fowler
Mary Galloway Griffith Harry Varlle
Mary Virginia Halley
Turner Howard
Cameron Coffman
Gilbert Kingsbury
Mary Alice Salyers
Robert Baxter
O. B. CofTman
Lillian Gooch
Mary Elizabeth Price
Ann Coleman


Gay Loughrldge
Edythe Reynolds


w. vv. sacra

Wm. Oeary


Fannie Curie Woodhead
Gertrude Evans

Buinaas Man agar
Frank Worthlngton
Advertising Managtr
Jimmy Randol
Circulation Man

The warm melting beauty of spring invades
our hearts and brings love to serious thoughts
of marriage. Every year April and May with
their wiles beguile us into dreams of the future, with the result that many marriages take
place even before the traditional time for brides,
A current magazine discusses the problem
of student or collegiate marriage. There is to
some of the older generation a touch of re
assurance in the very fact that the youth of
today still regards marriage as the great insti
tution. Still others refuse to be encouraged by
this disregard of such wild schemes as com
panionate marriage and free love by the col
legians, and insist that marriage for college stu
dents is a bad thing.
There are, of course, certain pertinent points,
such as money, children, marriage for those
who are immature in judgment; still in the examples nearest us, there seem to be in every
case sensible solutions for individual problems.
Statistics in the magazine article mentioned
say that the grades of the married students,
even the younger ones, are much higher than
those of the unmarried collegians. They say
that there is an equality, a basis of common
sense in contact with the opposite sex found
in the
university which forms a
perfect background for marriage.
They declare, these frank statistics, that the divorce
courts are not thronged with collegiate marriages which have "gone on the rocks." In
fact, the writer of the article emphatically
states that If marriages were made in college
that the divorce courts would not be busy at
There are many exceptions, no doubt, but too
much is being made of these exceptions. Too
little attention is being paid to the lasting, sincere, sensible unions founded on the campus
and in the classrooms. There is no doubt that
marriage puts a serious tone on life; that it
makes girls and boys into men and women,
and clears away the frivolities of freshman
and sophomore days which need to be discard-

'"The Drifter" points out that he learned a
great deal about two subjects not listed in the
catalogue on a spring afternoon when he went
for a walk wtlh a girl instead of attending a
duly scheduled physiology lab.
"During the stroll," the article says, "an impassioned discussion of careers for women broke
And In the midst of that discussion
there was discovered a hoptoad that had got
marooned In a black lake of tar which the sun
had treacherously melted.
"For hours the Drifter labored heroically with
a Jacknlfe digging out first one leg and then
another, only to find that some other toe had
inadvertently slipped back. The battle grew
fiercer and the talk about women grew more
impassioned as the afternoon waned and the
tar hardened.
"But Eliza Hoptoad was finally extricated,
presumably Intact... and the woman question
was clarified if not settled. The moral of the
tale is that the Drifter that day learned so
much about the texture of a toad's hide, the
stretch of a toad's legs, and the quality of a
toad's patience that he has ever since felt a
knowing intimacy with hoptoads. Likewise, he
learned so much about women that he has been
a staunch feminist ever since."
And then, near the end of the article the
writer declares that "it is not true that college
They are in
students are frivolousminded.
creatures alive.
fact the most serious-minde- d
If they concern themselves with first love and
the latest rules of an autocratic lean, who is
to say that these are less worthy than the price
of stocks, the precise date or an eraly Egyptian
tax list, or the founding of a political party?
"To appease the serious-minde- d
remove the label Higher Education from the
college gate. Put up Instead a line from the
early Masefield: "The days that make us happy make us wise'," he concludes.
All of which is a roundabout way of saying
that studies are not the only thing in college,
and excellent grades, while they count, are not
always Indicative of how much one gets out of
his college days.
So if you feel like simply dropping everything
and taking a stroll out into the country on one
of the lazy spring afternons, go ahead. You
may not learn about women or hoptoads, but
If you enjoy yourself you can just bet you
aren't missing a whole lot by not sitting in a
stuffy classroom trying to keep your eyes open
while a professor drones on and on about the
Revolutionary War,' its causes and results.
Ohio State Lantern.


Tucsdny, Aprli 21, 1931

Headline Appearing in Friday's
Kernel Fires S. A. "Daddy" Boles







Admitting that higher education as it is practiced in this country has come In for some hard
knocks during the last winter, an article written by "The Drifter" in the current issue of
Nation, says that "youngsters still learn a
Onlverlty The
O.HeUl Newiptpcr of the 8tudenU of the
great deal in colleges."
of Kentucky, Lexington
"And," the nrtlclc rends, "if what they learn
year. Entered at Lexington, Ky.,
Subscription $2.00
I'ostofTlce as tccond class mall matter
enters their consciousness during an
session in a dormitory bedroom instead of in
the class hour father pays for, at least It is
longer and used oftcn-er.- "
Editor likely to be remembered




Editors may come and editors may go, but
The. Kernel goes on forever. Sometimes It is
exceptionally excellent, while at other times It
Is not so good.
Whenever It Is nearly perfect
we are all satisfied and at pence with the
world, and when It Is rather poor vc all feel
the utter futility of trying to do things.
Within the last two years The Kernel has
made considerable strides toward perfection,
The advertisements have increased and the
student body as a whole has taken more and
more interest in what appears In The Kernel.
This year it was changed, from a weekly to a
and that is all toward the goal
of making it a daily.
We, who work on The Kernel and for The
Kernel, know what It is to love something almost to exclusion of all else. We cut classes
indiscriminately, all so that The Kernel may be
as nearly perfect as possible and so that we may
not disappoint the student body In having the
paper out on time. Professors who rant and
rave about tardiness of journalists could not
possibly know what The Kernel means to us.
As the legend goes, advertisements are half
of the battle when it comes to the financing of
a newspaper. A great many people have the
mistaken idea that nothing of Importance in a
remunerative way could possibly come from advertising in a college newspaper. Perhaps from
their viewpoint they are correct.
But we take great pride in announcing that
the popular and successful Henderson Drug
store advertises only in The Kernel. This particular firm entered business not so very long
ago and immediately put an ad in The Kernel,
and the returns have been so positive that It
has decided to advertise in the future only in
The Kernel.

Letters are given annually to the most outstanding participants in athletic events. They
are cherished, revered, and coveted by all of the
men on the campus. When college days are
over they still have a meaning to those who
have been fortunate enough to receive them.
Old grads are continually boasting of how they
earned their letters, they are treasured, put carefully away and only taken out on state occasions for friends and children to admire. A
letter is one of the most appreciated rewards
that a man can receive.
This year letters have been requested for the
rifle team. The men on this team worked hard,
spent a great deal of time developing their
skill, labored under the stress of unfavorable
working conditions. These men deserve some
award. It has been suggested more than a month
ago that they receive letters for their work.
The suggestion has been apparently neglected.
The rifle team deserves recognition for its
work and it is only just that the members of
it should receive letters. The end of the school
year is approaching and this matter should be
decisively settled before it is too late. We know
that the school appreciates their work and we
feel that it is doing an injustice both to the
student body and to the team to allow this
matter to be overlooked any longer.

"Athletic Council to Dispense
With Full Time Director." . . ."Ath-- 1
letlc Director" headline over a
story In The Kernel and over a photograph of S. A. "Daddy" Boles, for
many years head of the physical
education department of the unl-- 1
vcrslty, and present head of the
athletic department. Who gets the
point? Or, rather, who didn't get
It? Well, for the benefit of those
who didn't and for those who did,
here are the facts:
In Friday's issue of The Kernel,
there appeared a story explaining

that the Kentucky High School
Athletic Association would not employ a full time director of athletics In the future. The story was
, run in the sixth column, on page
, five.
Due to the fact that the advertising department failed to get
enough ads to occupy the proper
proportion of an eight-pag- e
such as the editors had planned, the
news staff was pressed for copy,
and the press room workmen were
pressed for time during which to
set up enough news to fill the paper. The result was that, In making up the paper, one of the pressyesterday was appointed alumnus room men decided to give merited
publicity to some of the athletic
director of the Kentucky Intercoldirectors or coaches at the univerlegiate Press Association by William Ardery, president, to serve un- sity. "Daddy" Boles was the first
fall meeting of the organlza- - , one chosen; then Prof. J. C. Jones,
til the
iinn whitn (i normnnpnt. director of golf coach, was next. But somethe association will be elected, un- thing that wouldn't have happened
der the organization plan of the one in ten million chances did hapif
making up
flBHHBHBHl National College Press Association pen in picture of the paper. Boles
each unit organization in the enwas placed beside the story antire association must have a permanent director who will carry on the nouncing that the Kentucky High
business of his association with the School Association would not emWmm mm&s
N. C. P. A., and who will serve on ploy a full time director and it
just happened, agahi, that, head
the national board of directors.
lines to the story failed to explain
that the story was related to KenRANNELLS
tucky high schools, rather than to
Admiral DUfdoreoe tresaffsg
the university. The evil deed was
todrvp WIUKSOUU .lL n.l- wrvtc.
Prof. Edward W. Rannells, head done "Daddy" Boles was fired!
of the art department, will speak The Kernel had fired him!
Worst of all, it was the first,
Rear Admiral Byrd, Arctic and at the Art Center at 7:30 p. m. tonight on the current water color issue for the new managing editor.
Antarctic explorer of international
fame, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight exhibition. The general public is Fate was against him; woe be unto him in the future!
at the Henry Clay high school au- invited.
Byrd's llecnure will be
accompanied and Illustrated by motion pictures, selected and assembled under his own personal direction.
The Byrd expedition has to its
credit the exploration and observation of a total area which, If superimposed on a map of the eastern
half of the United States, would
extend in a wide belt from Chesapeake Bay westward and around
the head of Lake Michigan, northwestward to beyond Duluth and
embracing the greater part of the
states of Virginia, Ohio, Indiana,
and Illinois, and about half each
of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.
Of the area described, it is estimated that 150,000 square miles
were surveyed by aerial camera, or
territory equivalent to nearly the
whole of West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. The total distance flown was about 7,100 miles,
more than 2,100 miles being covered by sleds.


Fencing Tourney
Will Be Held
Friday, May


The second of the
fencing tournaments will be held
May 8, at 8 o'clock In the men's
gymnasium under the direction of
M. Applebaum, instructor, and C.
W. Hackensmith, intramural director. At the same time there will be
tournainstituted a semi-annument for girls.
Fifty students of fencing will participate in this event, which will be
run on a straight elimination basis.
The honor system will be employed
in scoring touches.
Using the last tournament as a
ALL? basis for judging the turnout,larger
Applebaum expects a much
iime was wnen almost every speaker we turnout. Fencing is rapidly gaining
heard at various gatherings of different campus popularity at the university, and
present for the ex-organizations spoke in flowing terms about the those who are expect an excellent!
hlbition may
rosy future for college graduates.
display of fencing.
Cups and medals will be awarded
But how times have changed.
to the
Within the last week we have heard three groups.winners of the boys' and girls' .j
The intramural department
different talks on the possibilities of the col will donate the trophies for the j
lege student's landing a job when he receives men. and the Women's Athletic de- his diploma in June. One predicted that half partment will present medals fori
of us will be standing in the bread line next
winter, another said the only way to get a Job
100 E. Main St.
Is to start working with an organization for
James Shropshire, director of stunothing and prove that you are worth a salary,
dent publications at the university,
and the third observed sarcastically that the
only possible way to get a position was to buy
half of a business and give yourself a Job.
So they go from one extreme to another. A
couple of years ago speakers were prone to
paint a too elaborate picture of the college
graduate's chances.
Now they seem to be
afraid they will give us some encouragement.
Perhaps we're optimistic but we still object
to swallowing all the discouraging statements
without first investigating. And we still think
that the average graduate, If he has initiative
and ability, will be a long way from the bread
line next winter. Ohio State Lantern.

Faculty meetings are beine held to teach the
teachers how to teach. It is rumored that at '
these gatherings certain outstandingly appeal- - j
ing lecturers speak in their most pleasing man-- ,
ner so that the others may listen and profit
from their endeavor. All in all they are carrying out a program for the betterment of instruction methods. The theory is excellent, but
In our viewpoint it would be more profitably
employed if the students would receive training
prior to being subjected to improved methods.
If demonstrations of ideal situations are to
be presented the student body should be exposed
to them before the faculty wastes too much time
developing arts which the students are not
capable of appreciating. In art, appreciation
of the merits of artistic things must be cultivated before a person is allowed to attempt
the most insignificant creation of his own. This is
the ideal plan of instruction as it develops appreciation and consciousness of the value to be
obtained from future work and instills the true
desire to work.
The art student is trained how to use the
tools which ho Is to work with before he is subNow that the day has come that marriages
are recognized as made in college as well as jected to their influence, he is taught how to
in heaven, perhaps the young married folk may employ the subject matter which is to be prebe observed in deeper, more permanent living to- sented to him, he learns by learning the value
of things. The college pupil should be trained
gether than ever before.
in the same manner, but usually he is not.
Therefore, if the faculty is training itself
by listening to model instructors the students
Excerpt from a news story telling about the
should be able to spend part of their time crash of two automobiles, one of them an AusCONVENTION
learning how to become model assimllators. tin: "and they towed it away Just like a real
Three members of The Kernel staff Friday The rudiments of assimilation should be pre- car."
and Saturday attended the National College sented to them in the same manner as the rudiPress Association convention which was held ments of better teaching are being presented
When talking to the average woman, the
in Cincinnati.
In their contacts with other to faculty members. This would lighten the only way to get in a word edgewise is to start
collegiate newspaper men the delegates from load of the faculty and brighten the load of first.
Kentucky feel that they have found soluthe student.
tions to many of the problems which have conTwo women talking over the telephone at
fronted them and that they have heard intellithe same time reminds us of nothing so much
gent discussion of many others. If college
as an endurance contest the kind that ends in
Journalism is to continue to progress gatherexhaustion for both parties.
Posters soliciting votes for May Queen; earings of students interested In it must play a nest groups of sorority and fraternity politicians
large part In this advancement.
is only gathering in solemn conclave; alliances' formIt
Harvard will permit no "Yale." In the conthrough meetings of this sort that ideas can ed and spilt; candidates on parade; all the fan- struction of two dormitories at Harvard, the
be exchanged and that problems can be work-e- d fare and ballyhood of the annual election for Yale trademark on locks is not to be used. Harout.
May Queen burst forth this week, not to die vard officials deny this has anything to do with
In November the University of Kentucky will down until the last vote is counted and the Yale University, however.
be host to delegates from other colleges flambouyant headlines of the next Kernel anKenneth Kldd, Ohio State student who rethroughout the United States for a convention nounce the triumphant co-e- d.
on the Leviathan,
of the N. C. P. A., and it is believed that by
In spite of the complexity and doubtful in- cently worked as bell-bo- y
that time a permanent organization will have fluence of campus politics and their corruptions, bald that his greatest thrill came when he was
been worked out. It cannot be doubted that the there is always hope that this year the eleclon showing a Scotchman around and the Scotchcent).
meeting here will be beneficial, both to those will be conducted on a fair basis. And this hope man tipped him a farthing" (one-fourwho are interested in journalism at the uni- is rising to conviction with the appointing of efversity and to tlie representatives from the ficient election officials.
Jose R. Capablanca, seven times national
However, the candidates for election seem to chess champion, enjoyed baseball much more
other colleges who will attend. Directors of
be unusually worthy this year, and The Kernel than chess while he was a student in Columbia
the organization believe that definite arrangements for the establishment of a college news feels confident that the co-e- d
on the
who is chosen University. He was regular short-sto- p
service will be completed at the fall meeting will reign over the festivities of May Day with varsity.
and that other matters pertinent to undergrad- fitting graclousness and charm as well as
Not that we enjoy mentioning it, but there
uate journalism can be given enlightening con beauty. All hall to Her Majty, whoever she
may be I
are only six week of school left.



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