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_   i yi     The call to service for the Alma Mater
        g has been heeded by alumni in rapidly in-
  E   - - creasing numbers in the last year. The
  . U  {   growth of the University, its greater pres-
     l   - tige, a new spirit among the undergrad-
1 Q,     i   uates and the firm conviction of leaders
Lf `     i among the alumni that there must be a
      . strong Asssociation and a definite pro-
        gram have figured in this renewed activity.
A V       Kentucky needs an educational awak-
,   A     ening. The first signs of such awak-
J     `     ening are visible. The University, which
_- E J     is at the head of the public school system
  T   _     in the State, will share the advantages of
,       , a renaissance.
- i `     There are many reasons for pride in the `
•   ·   University of Kentucky. Its standards
‘     · are high and the ability of the men and
t »     women who have received its degrees is
_     I known. The quality of work done in the
      i several colleges compares favorably with
  _       _ that done in other institutions in the South,
  I   l   ~ in many instances being far superior.
      The personnel of the student body have
{ `     evoked much favorable comment from
  _     S townsfolk of Lexington and from visitors.
    Its numbers are limited only by the capaci-
    ty of class rooms and laboratories.
i     r Greater growth is possible only with
i _     greater support from the State in appro-
      priations for new buildings, equipment
-     _ and operation. The report of the Ken- ‘
  ·     l tucky Survey Commission on its work,
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