ALFORD, NELL, B. S. in Home Econ. Hartford, Ala.
AMBURGEY, LINEVILLE V., B. S. in Agr. Salesman for the American
Tobacco Co., Lexington, Ky. Res. 119 Hagerman Court. . • '
BAILEY, JOSEPH HARRISON, B. S. in Mee. Eng. With Carrier Engineering .
Corp., 39 Cortlandt St., New York City. ’
BARKLEY, MARIE RODES, B. S. Assistant to Manager, \E./omans Ex-
change, North Upper St., Lexington, Ky. Res. 737 S. Limestone St.
BAUER, GEORGE CHILDS, B. S. in Ind. Chem. Chemist, Hercules Powder
Co., Cathage, Mo. S H E T h_ H
L, KATHERINE FLORENCE, B. . in ome con. eac ing ome
BELEeonomies in High School, Owensboro, Ky. Perm. Add. 405 Kentucky Ave.,
BELI'I$iXR]CltPERIT`)A., B. S. in Agr. Superintendent, Fordsville Public Schools,
Fordsville, Ky.
BENNETT, HERBERT H., B. S. in Agr. Salesmlan King Brand Co., Sit. Louis,
Res. 112 Warren Court, Lexington, Ky. "
BERTRAM, ELIZABETH L., B. A. Head of English Department, Paducah
Senior High School. Paducah, Ky. Res. 1147 Jefferson St.
BIRD, MARGARET TILFORD, B. S. in Home Econ. Home Demonstration
Agent, Mayfield, Ky.
BLAKEY, HUBERT MeGUIRE, LL. B. Lawyer, Beattyville, Ky.
BLAND, CLYDE, B. S. in Agr. Agricultural Agent, Illinois Central R. R.,
714 Grand Central Station, Memphis, Tenn. I
BLATZ, LUCILLE CAROLYN, B. S. in Home Econ. Teaching in Ballard
School of Jefferson County. Res. 414 W. Hill St., Louisville, Ky.
BOONE. HERVEY PARKS, B. S. in Mee. Eng. Engineer, H. Netherton Co.,
111 N. Fifth St., Louisville Ky. Res. Y. M. C. A.
BRAND, KATHLEEN, B. S. Mayfield, Ky. .
BROMAGEN, JERRY, B. S. Maintenance Dept., Dallas Telephone Co., Dal-
las, Texas. Res. 2221 Madera St.
BROWN, VVILLIAM COLEMAN, LL. B. Vi/ith The Allender Co., 256 Vine A
St., Lexington, Ky.
BURGE, LOFTON VOIERS, B. S. in Ind. Chem. Mayfield, Ky.
CAMPBELL, YVILLINM R-, Geologist. Scout Executive, ·Cha.i·leston, S. C.
Permanent Address 454 E. Maxwell. Lexington, Ky
CARBD, EII:IZl§{E§ETH LLOYD, B. A. Teaching English, Guayama, Porto Rico,
ox *0. .
CHAMBERS, JAY LEA, B. A. Providence, Ky.
CHERRY, JAMES PRESTON, LL. B. Special Vl/orlc in University of Ken-
tucky, Lexington, Ky. Res. Delta Chi House.
SHOATE, DAVID CRAIK, B. S. in Mee. Eng. Instructor in Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dal:.
COLEMAN, JOHN WILLIAM, JR., B. S. in Mee. Eng. Engineer, Dept.,
American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Louisville, Ky. Res. 231 W. Broad-
COLEMAN, SALLY HENRI, B. S. in Home Ee. Paradise, Ky. , _
COTTRELL, HARRY ROBERTS, B. S. in Agr. County Agent, U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, Springfield, Ky.
CRACRAFT. LUCY JANE, B. A. Teaching, Cynthiana, Ky. Res. 118 S.
Walnut St.
CREECH, GROVER HOWARD, B. S. in Agr. Purchasing Agent, Creech Coal
Co., Twila, Ky. Res. Pineville, Ky.