focal point for visitors. When that hap-
V pens, the ro ad in front of the Taylor Edu-
/  cation Building will be closed to vehicle
    i trafHc and returned to lawn. This will make
        l crossing South Limestone Street easier for
  __/ ,     ¤  W pedestrians.
,.V- //   I Y V  " L **VV·j   l  ll ll j A PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE
`I f g       I. E   C _' . ·—     d l l   Today the main UK campus is comprised
rr /rg_   §‘?§E‘?€i VL ( E: .; {S   ~ __   - J J 7   11 r__,, I   _|\       l ll jj H l __ of384 buildings on 795 acres ofland. It’s
.   ‘ {fi { ‘ ‘,§§;FF‘E;f { I L ‘ ___ Krr-   ‘‘''””'     I rrrr L-PLM LQ- `   nl _    ig - come a longway since the inception ofthat
    F I I L L E ;_¤;F-E T ’'”'   trrrr V -»»-*   rrrr L’l'l`L L I ' I I l ‘ ‘   52-acre park, and has seen trends in design
  ` . ;.;gF§‘F  P E * L " l   rr.#—   rrrr       ll Y · 3 come and go,while improvingfacilities for
jugll *1* L L K ‘ _ {5;;: ’T‘ ~f"‘ ’’'' 5 T’T;JQ_l_j L   E 4 V " LE students, faculty and staff In the ’60s, UK
  Cgi- /y;,·_7.¤"€S`:’F'TFTFF:_r: . _ I l l HYJKTITTJTL L \   li  ,   wk · · ·
j   E é i (     { j     J     Q s !4;L1LL§§§