Q -6- 3
Q SPENCER COUNTY FARM BUREAU (State and National Farm Bureau Federa-
§ tions), County Agent's Office, Taylorsville. Founded 1936. Presi-
R dent,`W} F. Thompson, R.R. #1, Taylorsville. Secretary, J. C. Carri-
,§ thers, R.R.#l, Taylorsville. Terms expire February, 1943.
y Npmpepshlpz 200. Qualifications, any person interested in agriculture. y
Q Committees: Public Relations, Dr. B. F. Shields, Taylorsville.
A Ԥ Purpose: To improve agricultural conditions and promote better under-
Q standing between rural and urban people. _
·· § Normal Civic Activities: Promotes and aids d-H Clubs and future Farmers.
;,· g Defense Activities: lpterested in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service,
_ _Q Auxiliary Fire Protection, Salvage Demolition Service, Emergency Repair
, { Service, Motor Corps Service, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
S Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other
Q Metals, Teaching Classes of Map Reading and Sketching, Public Speaking,
. pl Signal Services.
X gi Local Publicatiens: None.
in Q SPENCER COUNTY 4-H CLUB (State 4-H Clubs), Taylorsvillo. President,
4 QZ W. C.`Wills, R.R.#5, Taylorsville. Secretary, Mrs. E. C. Bodine, R.R. '
·"* fr #4, Taylorsvillo. Terms expire October, 1942. Advisor, Nevin L. Goebel,
Q County Agent, Taylorsvillo, Telephone, Office, 66; Homo, 128. Term of
Q‘ office indefinite. p
i Membership: 150. Qualifications, must be enrolled in an agricultural 1
gp project. ·- i
Q Committees: None reported.
E Purpose: Education in agriculture and home economics.
Fg Normal Civic Activities: Farm.Machinery repair drive.
{3 Defense Activities: Engaged in Emergency Repair Service, Collection of
Q: Scrap MEtads_and Other Metals. Interested in Sewing and Preparation
_ EQ of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and Serving
‘ V 3, of Food, Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service, Collecting Books.
I gi Local Publications: None.
gp SPENCER COUNTY GATE AND FISH CLUB (Kentucky Sportsman's League), Taylors-
¥` ville. Founded 1958. President, Frank Beauchamp, Taylorsville, Te10~
ig phone 27-W. Secretary, G. Louis Hume, Taylorsville, Tclopkono 56¥V.
Yi Terms expire February, 1942.