Cracken County; Mr. Vincent Denun- color and had been taken from both -
ug' zio, Jefferson County; and Mr. Paul unmulched and lightly mulched fields.
as Fehr, Campbell County. Professor Plants taken from the heavily mulched
ter C. S. Waltman summed up some of plots showed less of the injury and
it the recent strawberry work at the were more normal in appearance, In
hilt Experiment Sl8.ti0ll which showed that the afternoon Dr_ Colby again led a
son the 1938 yields were much ’more satis- discussion on "Some Cultural Require-
ned factory than those of 1939. ments ot Red Raspberries" and "Some
the Dr. A. S. Colby of the University of New Developments in Grape Culture."
ttls- illinois gave a very interesting discus- Both of these topics were of much
be sion of his strawberry work in that interest to those in attendance and a
State and stressed the important part great deal of discussion was had from
plc- which winter mulch plays in the straw- the floor and many questions were
.·crc berry production of Illinois. It was asked of Dr. Colby.
the brought out that in most of the State Professor A. J. Olney then led a
dis- of Illinois severe winter injury is growers discussion on "Raspberries,
ight expected and is experienced where an Strawberries a n d Grapes" which
lm- adequate mulch is not applied. brought out many practical experi-
gm- Importance of mulch in producing ences in growing these fruits from, ‘
the- clean fruit and in conserving moisture Mr. A. H. Jones, Fayette County; Mr.
that was also stressed. The importance of Robert Scott, Kenton County and Mr.
early setting and early continued B. L. Karcher, Jefferson County.
1940 cultivation was brought out. In dis- In the business meeting Mr. Herman _
mn cussing the working out ot old berry Yopp of Paducah was elected Presi-
mac patches Dr. Colby stated that best dent of the Society. Mr. William
cum results were obtained when this opera- Fegenhush was retained on the Board
lddt tion was carried out immediately after of DiI`€Ct0I`$ BS first Vice President.
d in commercial harvest ceased, and that Mr. Marvin Eblen of Henderson ~
Well where the operation was delayed County was elected second Vice-Presi-
. Q unreasonably or was not performed, dent to se1`Ve the uueXDi¤`ed term of
,fQ_§ié there were very few or no plants Mr. Yom) and Mr. Frank Browning of
cmg formed sud the yield for the follow- Fleming county retained his place as
log`,. ing year was Seriously reduced Hg third Vice Pl'€Sid€l1t. MI`. Ben E. Niles
tm;] also discourages me leaving or exposed of Henderson, who has most oapahiy
mole shoulders of soil where the berry rows bsiitiied the duties of Secretary it-ud i
were reduced in size by barring—ot[. Ti'essu1`e1` f01` the Pest t“`e¤tY Years- ‘
to an His experience shows that a great deal submitted his resignation because of ` 7
me H of moisture was lost from the exposed 0tbei` business duties- Action upeu g ,
mm shoulders sud mst this son should be this resignation will he taken by the  
Hem] worked back into a rooting space for Executive Committee c omp o s e d ‘ _
been new plants as quickly as possible, of the President and Vice Presidents ,
cum Upon examination of the crown and and if they See tit to seeelit Mi? Niies ‘ V
work roots or s number or strawberry plants resignation. another Secretary and r
wen, that had been brought from the Treasurer will then be V elected by E   p
;\l_m_ gaducah section of western Kentucky, them. {
r. Colby pronounced that they had i - ` ‘
ivw been injuried by the severe cold of THE 1940 COLD AND STRAW' .
Ehicw mid-January and that the yields would BERRY MULCHING   K
y MVA be reduced to a certain extent depend- It is expected that the strawberry i A ·
cticcs tug Ou tbe \\'e8·ti1el‘ C0¤diti011S during mulch trials carried on by the Special   V ·
1]_kGt_ the spring. The crowns and the roots Horticultural Project will give results   [ "
Hsmrv of many of the plants examined were in 1940 somewhat different than those   _ n _
lv No brownish decked to dark brown in obtained in 1939. The weather during -5   g