[iEgisthus and Calorus keep in rear of Heraclides,
    who walks with Dion]
  Eg. [To Callorus] We're betrayed.
  Callo. [To Heraclides] Do not delay
The blow.
  Her. [To Dion] You like our plan, my lord
  pound;g. [To Heraclides] Strike now.
  Dion. 'Tis balm to Syracuse. Your hand upon it,
And pardon me my left.
  Her.                 With all my heart!
  [Stabs at Dion, whose sword arm is still in bandage. Aris-
    tocles, watching, springs out and knocks the weapon
    aside. Heraclides engages with him. Callorus rushes
    at Dion, who has loosened his right arm, and his foe,
    meeting unexpected defence, is slain. As Callorus falls,
    ,Egisthus strikes at Dion and disarms him, sending his
    weapon against the curtains, left. Dion, unarmed and
    suffering, falls back. Aristocles presses before Dion,
    fighting desperately with Heraclides and Egisthus.
    Aratea appears at curtains]
  Ara. [Taking up Dion's weapon] 0 heart of Mars,
                      beat here!
  [She advances suddenly and draws upon lEgisthus, who
    falls back in momentary astonishment, and Aristocles,
    relieved, slays Heraclides. Ocrastes and Calippus rush
    in rear, followed by guards and slaves. Theano and
    women, enter left. pound;Xgisthus kneels and surrenders his
    sword to Aratea]
  Cal.                   No mercy now!
[To guards] To prison with Egisthus!
                     [Guards lead off Egisthus]
  Oc.                              Dion! Safe
  Dion. [Rising] My wife-and friend-can tell you.
                        Ask of them.
  Oc. [Picking up bandage] My lord, your scarf.