The Kentucky Kernel
LEXINGTON, KY. FEB. 20, 1920



Tho Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity
with a silver tea in the
Recreation Room of Pntterson Hall,
University To Receive $110,-00- 0 Saturday, February 21, from 3 to 6.
Less Than Amount
Each guest Is expected to bring a
piece of silver to donate to the fund
for tho fresh air school for poor chilWILL RECEIVE $587,916 dren that the National Alpha Gamma
The, University of Kentucky will Delta fraternity is maintaining. There
receive $587,916 in the years of 1920 will be dancing throughout the afterand 1921 if the bill submitted passes noon.
the Legislature. This falls below the
amount asked for by $110,000. Out of
this, only $75,000 a year will be granted for dormitories, while the UniverPRODUCT
sity requested $130,000 a year for the
two years.
The appropriation for dormitories,
Work Begins In Earnest on
which was considered the most im"The Climbers," as
portant, by the University authorities,
Are Assigned
was the only one that fell below the
required amount and gives no relief
Rehearsals for the Strollers' annual
to the serious dormitory situation ex- show, "The Climbers," are going foristing at the University.
ward every night and each member
The amounts to be received for vari- of the cast is showing marked draous departments of work in the years matic ability.
of 1920 and 1921 are:
Emery Frazier, who has had the
male load In several former Stroller
Experiment Station
productions, including "Father and
Extension Work
The Boys," "Lion and the Mouse,"
Engineering Equipment
and "Under Cover," has been chosen
Agricultural Extension
to play the part of Richard Sterling.
The federal government will appro- Milton Revill, a star of "Mice and
priate $277,916, an amount equal to Men," will give Frazier a close run
that supplied by the legislature for for honors, in the part of Ned Warextension work In the University of den. This part requires acting of the
most difficult kjlnd, and Revill is
handling tho lines with a great deal
of ability.
Mary Elizabeth Downing as Mrs.
Blanch Sterling, has a chance for
TO BE HEARD SATURDAY some very dramatic acting. She Is tho
wife of Richard Sterling, and her husStudents Urged To Attend band's underhand business dealings
are tho source of much anxiety to
Lecture of Dr. Devine
her. Martha Buckman, of renowned
Citizens of Lexington, faculty mem- Stroller fame for her successful apbers and students of the University pearance In one of the stellar roles
have a rare opportunity in hearing at of "Lion and the Mouse," is handling
Curry Hall Saturday night, Dr. Edward the part of Ruth Hunter with unusual
Devine, perhaps the greatest author- skill. Tho scenes in which she reity in sociological research of today. nounces her brother's frivolous wife
Dr. Dovlno was a student at Harrow, as being unworthy of his affections,
in Germany, and was later secretary are most heartrenderlng and call
of the Charity Organization Society forth some superior action.
There aro a number of parts in
of New York. He was also president
of the National Conference of Social "Tho Climbers" which do not have a
Workers and was for awhile profes- groat many lines, but all of which
sor of Economics and Sociology in give opportunity for excellent acting
Columbia University. Ho Is undoubt in character portrayal. Tho Strollers
edly the best authority in the country wero fortunate in having about sixty
on "Poverty.," and his grent books, persons try out for parts in this
"Misery and its Causes," and "Social year's play, and from this number It
was possible to select actors for these
Forces" are
Dr. Dovlno was for Bomotlmo editor parts who aro temporarily suited for
of the Survey, tho groat magazine for tire parts. Carllslo Chenault and Lou
discussing social and labor problems. ise Council as Josslca and Clara, tho
two darlings of tho Hunter household,
At the time of tho San Francisco
ho was nont by tho Red Cross nro showing themselves capablo ac
to tako complete chargo of reorgani- tresses. Clarlbol Kay In tho part of
zation. During tho- war, Dr. Doylno Mrs. Hunter, tho social aspirant, la
was sent to Franco as general repre- doing excellent work In tho portrayal
sentative of tho Red Cross. At tho of this frivolous society woman.
presont timo, ho is muklng a tour of
Grover Creech, as Mr. Trotter, "Oh,
Ho is I Say," and Margarot Smith and Eliztho country giving lectures.
still one of tho editors of tho Survoy, abeth Marshall, as Miss SUlerton and
and his readers always welcome his Miss Godesby. will bear tho brunt of






will entertain






(Continued oh Page 7)

(Continued on Pago 7)"

No. 18


Securing Tickets Given

To Former Service Men.

Miss Bennett Gives Valuable

Ag. Student Takes Dabney's
Place as Leader of

The Military Ball, which Is ono of
Advice To Women on
the big annual affairs In tho UniverChoosing Vocations
sity, will be given Friday evening,
February 20 from 8:30 to 1 o'clock in
CHOSEN the armory. Members of the battalion and former service men will bo
"What are you going to do? How
Clyde Bland, of Cynthlana, senior in given preference in securing tickets. and why have you picked out your
the College of Agriculture, was elect- Uniforms are required.
vocation?" asked Miss Helen Bennett,
ed president of the senior class at a
of the Bureau of Occupations In a
called meeting held recently in chapel.
mass meeting of University women
Owing to the graduation of Ed. Dab-ne- GIRLS ORGANIZE NEW
In chapel Monday.
who was elected senior president
The meeting was called for the purpose of Initiating the organization of
last fall and his leaving school to
HONORARYJATERNITY a Woman's League, to be composed of
take a position in Louisiana, which
left the position of president vacant,
all the women students of the Uni
a meeting was called and Clyde Brand Phi Sigma, Journalistic Lo- versity. Its aim Is to unify the body
cal, Formed With Aim
of women students by bringing them
was selected to fill out the unexpired
To Petition
together frequently, and to promote
term as president.
the general welfare of all. Included
Bland, in his University career has
In the work of the League will be the
made an enviable record, navlng made
only "A's" and "B's", with "A's" in
The girl3 In the Department of procuring of noted vocational speakthe majority. He also was a star play- Journalism have organized a Women's ers who will talk to and advise the
Fraternity women students in the selection of
er on the champion senior football Honorary
team which won the championship in known as Phi Sigma. This local was and the preparation for vocations.
A' committee was appointed to draw
series last fall. He is organized with the aim in view of
the inter-clasa member of the Alpha Zeta frater- petitioning Theta Sigma Phi, a na- up a tentative constitution which will
nity, the National Honorary Agricul- tional Women's Honorary Fraternity. be presented at tho next meeting of
The requirements for admission are the Leagua, when officers wfill "be
ture fraternity in the University.
Bland made public Tuesday the per- very rigid. The student must be in elected, and complete organization
sonnel of the staff of committees her junior year at the University, will take place. Mary Van Meter was
which he has appointed and it is de- have a standing of L:9 in the point appointed to act as 'chairman of 'this
sired that these committees commence system; and she must be active In
(Continued on Page Two)
at once on the work assigned to them college activities and have no condiso that a favorable report can be tions or failures.
Theta Sigma Phi ranks very high GLEE CLUBS MAKE NEW
made in the very near future.
in the
nationally, having chapters
leading universities of the country,
ORATOR BY SENIORS including Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan and California. The men in the
Has Shown Marked Ability In Debat- Department of Journalism have had a Men To Give Series of Conchapter of Alpha Delta Sigma, the
certs; Girls Work on
ing In University.
men's honorary national journalism
on Operetta
Gobel Porter, of Dixon, Ky a senior fraternity, which was- established In
was the University in 1915. The purpose
in the College of Agriculture,
The work of the Glee Clubs of the
elected class orator at a meeting of of the organization of these fraterni- University is to bo commended for
ties is to further an Interest In
tho progress and Interest that Is bethe senior class Tuesday afternoon.
as a life work, to promote lit- ing shown. Under the direction of
Porter has shown his ability on the
campus, having been a member of tho erature and education and to gratify Professor Carl Lampert, head of the
Department of Music, many ambitious
Varsity Debating Team and debated social interests.
The girls who aro petitioning Theta plans have been made for this semes-to- r
asainst Transylvania in 1919. He was
and the clubs are hard at work to
also a member ot tho debating team Sigma Phi are Martha Buckman,
of these
of Tho Union Literary Society which Louise Will, Adelo Slade, Elizabeth bring about a realization
defeated tho Patterson Literary So- Card, Elizabeth Marshall, Mary Ar- plans.
Tho Men's Glee Club consists of
ciety in a debate for tho Barker Tro- cher Bell, Margaret McClure, Margarphy, winning it for tho third consec-utlv- ot McLaughlin.
about twelve university representative




timo, making It permanent property of tho Union Society.
Other business matters wore taken
up after tho election of an orator and
after reports were heard from several Psychology Students To Meet Next
committees on senior ball arrangeA Psychology Club will bo organments and Caps and Gowns and Ring
designs, tho meeting adjourned.
at 7:110 o'clock Wednesday
night, February 25, in tho lecture
room of tho Psychology Department In
Novlllo Hall. All students who have
Tho pledges mudo during tho finan- comploted ono somestor's work In
cial drive of tho Young Womon's Psychology aro eligible, and aro urged
Christian Association of tho Univer- to bo presont.
sity wore duo Monday, February 9.
Those whoso pledges have not yet
boon paid aro requested to communi
Dr. Wilson announces that Inoculacate with Luclllo Dean at once.
tions of tho serum for influenza will
bo given to students free of chargo at
Patronize Our Advertisers tho University dispensary.

singers, who aro now training to appear in a series of concerts covering
a period of two weoks, that will bo
given over a part of Southern Kentucky, Including Paducah. Later on
the northern part of tho State, including Covington, may also bo made
by tho club.
The Girls'. Gleo Club Is now working on a Chinese operetta, "The Feast
of tho Llttlo Lanterns," which will bo
given March 15, in tho Llttlo Theater.
This opera Is a tuneful work built, ou
Chinese lore, Introducing quaint Chinese instruments and fairy stories.
Tho principals woro selected at tho
last mooting. Sara Metcalf Piper,
Carllslo Chenault, Margaret Smith and
Josophlno Evans will appear In tho
leading roles.
