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  Printery Building, 1intt·i·t·d at the Postoiliee at Lexington
  { Lexington, Ky. as second-eluss rrnttter.
  VOL. 8. MARCH 1899. N0. 6.
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\ , 5 .V.: Spring. ·
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Ht Y. \\ hen spring was young and life was new,
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· ’   Love was our only friend and guide ; ‘
gt,-cet   Sweet were the bowers he led us through,
  And sweet our going side by side.
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j · And still we tollowed, hand in hand ;
  Love was the niusie in our blood,
  : And love the glory of the land.
I ,   Rich autuni fell, and winter drove *
` 1ll1° g- ,.[`llC lflllly l'l])@llC55 l1'()lll tllti CUT ;
    But, wrapped in warm, soft robes of love.
  yi i \Vhat reeked we it the world was bare?
  So, round again we come to spring, ,
E ‘ Strong for another year’s eniprise ;
_ ° The birds are glad to hear us sing,
9 The sun is dazzled by our eyes.
{ For, hand in hand, where’ er we go,
  Earth under foot and heaven above,
[gl Love is the only lite we know, _
  I Q T And every breath we breathe   love.
  1. -7740 rlbvrniizg Herald.
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