STATE c0LLEc·121: on KENTUCKY. 131 A
Statistics of Higher Education in the United States for 1902-1903.
(From tl1e Report of the National Commissioner of Education.)
Number of students in 513 colleges and universities ................................., 11.1,130
(The 513 include .13 schools of technology.)
In classical courses .....................,....,................................... 51,152
In other culture courses. .. .....,......,......................................... 13,605
In general science .... . ......................................... .. . .... . ........ 7,397
In mechanical engineering ................................. . ............,...... 6,800
ln civil engineering .............................................................. 5,278
I11 electrical engineering ...........................................,............ 3,652
ln chemical engineering ...............................,......................... 725
In mining engineering .......... . .... . ........ . ................................. 2,2.1.1
— ln textile engineering. ...,........................,.........................i... 133
lll sanitary engineering ............ . ...................... . .....,............... 27
I11 architecture .............,.......,............................................ 558
I I11 agriculture ........ . .............. . ........................................... 3.306 l
T In household economy .......................................................... 772
I' ln summer schools .............................................................. 11,086
' .‘1d111i1te<.l 10 1\. B. (5,61.1 IIICII, 3,061 wo1nen),.. .............................,.......... 8,675
_ .\d111it1ed to B. S. (2,801 men, 52 women), .......................................,..... 2,853
L' .‘.d111itted to .-\. M. (1,111 men, 287 women) ...,..,.......   ....................... .. 1,398
` .\d1nit1ed to hl. 5. (179 men, 6 women), .............. . .......................... . ..... 185 I
lr. \':1ri1.·ties ol degrees conferred .................. . ........................i............ .16
H Nuniber oi pupils in secondary schools, public and private ........................... 776,625
`L' ln Latin ........................... 3.12,988 In chemistry .......,............... 51,750
In (ireek ...........,............,.. 18.951 In physical geography ............ 150,053
Dm. In French .............,........... 75,736 In geology ...... . ................. 21,645
I11 German ..........., '. ........... 125,558 In physiology .... . ................. 166,650
I11 algebra ......................... 389.865 ln psychology .... .. .... . .......... 11,896
ln geometry .... . .................. 191.242 In rhetoric ........................ 303,083 .
in trigonometry ............ . ...... 15,8.18 Il] English literature .............. 320,297
[HH. ln astronomy .,.... . .......,....... 1.1,651 In history (not of U. S.) .......... . 269.056
lm. lu physics ........ . ...... . .,...... 113,550 lll civics ........................... 134,967