iv sum coLLEcI: or Kamucxv.  
COURSES GRoUPEI> you DEcRm¤.:s-—Conti¤ued.
For the Degree of B. M. E ............ . ........... . ...............4............... 73 .'
For the Degree of B. C. E ............................. . ..... . .... . ......,   T5 if 
For the Degree of B. Agr. ...................... .. ............ . ....... . ..... . ..... 77 Q
For the Degree of B. E. M .................... . ........ . ........................ 80 J
THE NORMAL SCHOOL ................................................ . .................. .. S2 s
THE ACADEMY ............... . ....... . ..,..,......... . .................. . ......... . ..... S6 I
Courses of Study .... . ........ . ...,............................................. . .... 87  _. J
Assocmrrous. .. .............. . ..... . ........ . .... . ...................... . ................ 91   I
Literary Societies ...................................... . .................. . ......... 91  `. »
Engineering Society ........ . ..............,......................................... 01 C  
Athletics ..i........................................... . ............. . ..... . ........ 91 Q E
ALUMNI ........... .. .................... . ............................ . ............ . ..... . ..... 92  ’ E
MILITARY DEPARTMENT, ROSTER ...............,...........   ................... 103   ,
POST·GRADUATES ..................... . .. .............. . .... . .......................... 104 Q {
UNDERGRADUATES ...................... . .......... . .................. . ..... . ..... 101 ‘ (
SUMMARY ........ . ..................... . .................... . .................. . ...... .. 120  5 (
REGULATIONS i.............. .. . . ..... . ........ .. .........   .... .. ............ 121 * Z
Public Exercises. .... . .... .. ............. . ................ , .................... 121 I {
Traveling Expenses of Students .......................... . ................., 121
College Expenses. .......     ,................................... . ........... 121  P 2
Diploma ..... . ......,..... . ...... . ................ . ...... . .............,............... 122 E
Free Tuition, Beneficiaries ..... . ...................................... . ......... 122 5
Appointments to the Normal Course ........ . ................... . .... . ..... 123 I
Special Courses of Study. .............................................   .... 124   ']
Change of Classification ................................................... . ..,.... 124 {
Accredited Schools ......... . ......................................................... .121 ` _ S
Manual Labor, ......... . ...................... . ......................... .. ........ 120  ‘ I
Certificates of Character .,....   ................. . .... . ...................... 126 { 1
The Monitress ..................... . ........................   .. . ................. 125 1 f
Enlistment of Cadets. .............................................................. 127 ¥ 1
i Rules of Classification ...,. .. .. .........................................   .... 127  . 1.
CALENDAR ............ g ............ .. ....................................... . ................... 121 `° 1
THE SUMMER SCHOOLS ............   ........................ . ......................... 128  ‘
CoLLI~;cE DIRECTORY ............................... . ..... . .......... . ........ . ........... 130 V t
APPENDIX ...... . ........................,. . ........................... . ................ . .... 131  ` y
_~   1 t
1’R1N’r1aR’s ERRATUM : McCnu1ey's for Mncau1ay’s, page I3.  I v
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