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S2  . AGRICULTURAL and Mechanical Colleges in the United States owe l
. 86   their origin to an act of Congress entitled "An Act Donating Public
, 87   Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for
· 91 V the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts," approved july 2, 1862.
. 91 : The amount of land donated was 30,000 acres for each representative in the
. 01 V National Congress. Under this allotment Kentucky received 330,000 acres.
. 91 ` Several years elapsed before the Commonwealth established an Agricultural
. 92 and Mechanical College under this act. When established it was not placed
.103 . upon an independent basis, but was made one of the Colleges of Kentucky
104 University, to which institution the annual interest of the proceeds of the
N4  Q Congressional land grant was to be given for the purpose of carrying on its
120   operations. The land·scrip had meanwhile been sold for Hfty cents per acre,
121  - andthe amount received—$l65,000——invested in six per cent. Kentucky State
Wl  Y bonds, of which the State became custodian in trust for the College.
121  , The connection with Kentucky University continued till 1878, when the
.121 ‘ act of 1865, making it one of the Colleges of said University, was repealed;
.122 ‘ and a Commission was appointed to recommend to the Legislature of 1879-
.122 80 a plan of organization for an institution, including an Agricultural and {
.123   Mechanical College, such as the necessities of the Commonwealth required.
.124 ‘ 4 The city of Lexington offered to the Commission (which was also author-
.124 ized to recommend to the General Assembly the place which, all things con-
.124 sidered, offered the best and greatest inducements for the future and perma-
.120   nent location of the College,) the City Park, containing fifty—two acres of {
.126 1 land within the limits of the city, and thirty thousand dollars of city bonds
.120 Q for the erection of buildings. This oifer the county of Fayette supplemented
.121  ' by twenty thousand dollars in county bonds, to be used either for the erect-
.121  L ion of buildings or for the purchase of land. The offers of the city of Lex-
.121 . ington and the county of Fayette were accepted by the General Assembly.
.128 ·’  By the act of incorporation and the amendments thereto, constituting
.130  A the charter of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, liberal _
131 ir  provision is made for educating, free of tuition, the energetic young men of
 ` the Commonwealth whose means are limited. The Normal Department, for
 ` which provision is also made, is intended to aid in building up the Common
U School system by furnishing properly qualified teachers. This College, with
-` the additional departments which shall, from time to time, be opened as the
` means placed at the disposal of the Trustees allow, will, it is hoped, in the
not distant future do a great work in advancing the educational interest of
Kentucky. Being entirely undenominational in its character, it will appeal
 Y with conlidence to the people of all creeds and of no creed, and will endeavor,
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