Journalism and New BOT Members  
j Tglecnmmunicatiuns Get "l1wo_newmembe;s of th; UK Boarld of Trustee? args re-  
. p acing wo mem ers w ose emis ave expire . e
% unanlmcus Approval new members are James E Hardymon of Lexington and  
  UK’s School of Journalism and Telecommunications has Phllllg R' Elttgiiog Gl2§§)W‘ lil3gg};m?gl9lgl?1lf£Ol}Sly
  been reaccredited for another six years by the Accredit— gzggrdolglos Buildglalat tggncorncrlgf Roée aid ijllgi
lng Colmcll On Educatlon lll loumallsm and Mass Com- well Str;/ets was namegd for him Patton is circuit `ud e
munications. The journalism school is a part of the UK for Barren and Metcalfe coumiés J g
College of Communications and Information Studies. The rc lace Grad Stumbo 0% Hmdman and
The unanimous stamp of approval by the accrediting fo rig E13 d IHC ia. H and CEO Path Chen ICH
panel came after a yearlong self—study by the UK {mgm . S; H ‘ C uma g
school’s faculty and staff and a four-day inspection last O Ovmg On`
fall by a team of educators from several collegiate jour-
nalism schools in America. Accreditation is based on   épri ,V  E _
compliance with standards in such areas as quality of  Qffr   [
faculty, instruction, scholarship and public service.     {ji _‘     o
A report by the visiting team of journalism educators     I * -e`; V   V
said that "a student-centered culture pervades the (UK)     j_‘-        
school." The team’s report also said members were "im-   ; fj   `gjgj    
pressed with the important role the school is playing, es-    Qigj]  j€ if V ._
pecially in the Commonwealth, in advancing the public    }>”-g..·;j_;,Q*   {;_Z·Q,    i 
discussion of journalism and the First Amendment." * _, _ T     .   __   . , `
as  Y ifi?       it- I    
. . . Y  if ·i‘` J   . l J
Plant Science Building Opens 5 i   ’  
UK researchers are combating parasites and pathogens Y  
while improving farmer profitability in a new Plant Sci- I  
ence Building on campus. . [
Home to the departments of Agronomy and Plant   T
Pathology, as well as some horticultural scientists, the      
four-story $21 million building contains laboratories, fac- ’°- Q ty '  
ulty offices and a lecture hall in 96,000 square feet. The ,— \3   _ U _¢ _ A _ I [AA tr ; , _ . 
buildings two upper floors house research labs devoted , i,   g  _ P if ig _ -1,,%*; '   i °‘**
to plant genetics and molecular biology, crop physiology,  if F' L? ‘ `WQK r ` i
seed biology, plant biochemistry, and weed science. Plant ¥`   é  
pathological research will primarily be conducted on the dl jg  
second floor. The first floor will provide space for diag-      
nosis of plant problems, the UK Advanced Genetics     6 ;_
Technology Center, undergraduate research, plant >""i 4··‘ ·e V. ‘jZZ·i·“`  — g
growth and containment facilities and a collection of his- _ V I .     §
toric Kentucky weeds. Research already under way in- _   jj _      , _ T ` i J Q
cludes the development of disease resistant and higher  4% `  ’iV%}%§???I‘           ‘
yielding plants. improved seed quality, prevention of for- ’  _ f_. gv  l__.'  ~ .   j _,., .   V   E
age toxins. pathogen control with less use of chemical T? ` `l`*‘*f""‘”“`“‘*"*’e"**   ’° i “ ` ‘ ‘l .
pesticides, and bioengineering of plants, which is a grow- GOV Paul iD6i?i?0ll· Pf`9$id9m? L99 li Tijdd Jr and CUHGQE Of l
lllg SCgI'TlCHlL of K€Il[l..1Ci(ylS €COHOmy. Agf`iCUii]Uf`€ DEED   Scott   pl`BpGl"E to snip l]ilE "ViFlB"
The building was financed primarily by the sale of 43 Bil the dedication ofthe UK Plant Science Building.
acres ofthe UK South Farm in Lexington.
Compiled from UK Web sites, UK
Public Relations news reports, and
Kentucky A/umni magazine staff
8 Kenrucxv ALUMNI