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T UK Thrives in Uncertain Times lllll  
by Kristin Cruser   . l O l .,
Even during difficult economic times, UK alumni and   all
friends remain loyal in their financial support of the uni-
versity. The 2002-2003 fiscal year ending June 30 brought
The Campaign for the University of Kentucky total to
$579 million — just $21 million away from its $600
million goal. Money from the campaign is already
providing needed funding for students, faculty, academic pledges for the year. Gifts and pledges during the year
programs, libraries, facilities, and research. resulted in UK qualifying for $5,188,297 in funds from
Fund—raising efforts for the year have resulted in two the state’s Research Challenge Trust Fund (RCTF),
new endowed chairs and ten additional endowed profes- which matches research—related endowed gifts and
sorships. UK now has 80 endowed chairs and 198 pledges. Pledges, RCTF funds, cash, and gifts-in—kind to-
endowed professorships. taled $68.75 million for the year.
. . . The UK Fellows Societ , the universit ’s leadin
_ Hlghllghts for the Flscal Year donor—recognition society, Bwelcomed 1375hew mergbers
H   into its ranks, bringing the total number of individuals,·
organizations, corporations, and foundations in the soci-
4 UK donors Hfe vital to the gf0Wtli ofthe institution. “W€ ety to 5,920. Individuals in the society are recognized for
. are grateful to the university’s loyal contributors for gifts of $]()_()()() and above, and recognition for organiza-
making UK’s continued success a pri0rity," states tions, corporations, and foundations begins at $50,000.
Terry Mobley, vice president for development. "The re- As alumni and friends learn about the benefits of in-
SLlltS of th€iI' CHOIIS aI‘€ visible th1`OLlghOul th€ CHmpLlS.” eluding UK in their estate plans the Bequest Society has
Over 39,000 donors, including 22,156 alumni, contrib- added 18 new members. Only in its second full year, the
uted $55 million in cash and gifts-in—kind. organization has a total membership of 70, bringing to
Additional fund-raising efforts yielded $8,560,971 in over $16 rniiiion the total bequests to UK_
l ¤ i Planning for the Future
  __, { . It’s one of those things most people put off because they think it will be depressing. But
. 1 " making confidential arrangements now for what happens to your estate is important and
..\ · . · can be reassuring. "Everyone can benefit from careful planning," said Dion Guest, an
  `“i attorney with the UK Office of Development.
    l   ....°   ~ One misconception is that a person has to be elderly and/or wealthy to need an estate
    plan. Renee Montague, also an attorney with the office, said, "Putting together a plan
  gives a person peace of mind to know that he or she has taken care of family and chari-
  table interests. We are passionate about being good stewards."
E . 1   ,_ i- · The staff helps alumni and friends develop plans that provide for heirs and charitable
E ,   ·· ‘“} _   giving to UK and other interests, set up an annuity that provides the donor an income
a   . ‘’``"i   ’ \ for life with the remainder given to UK, and utilize assets such as stocks, insurance poli-
E   _ cies and property for charitable giving.
Dion Guest and Renee l\/lussetter
are attorneys and work in the UK
Office of Development estate and
gift planning department.