Farmer NFL pla ers give
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  A Whole New Ball Game T
By Jeff Zurcher
unless too painful, try to recall those wretched synonym worksheets from your Members ofthe Kentucky chapter ofthe _
elementary school days. You know the lot: looked like they were printed by Natlonal Football League Players Association
Western Union, smelled like your great-grandmothers bedroom. And your R?'?'l`Bd PIBYBVS D'V'S'Pll lO'llBd lO"C€$ ln EDO?
smirking English teacher was all—too—enthusiastic to distribute them — knowing &"thtth€ L9X'ngm"`l;8SEd priégnt Cmd Aeuee
darn well that you had no chance to come up with three different words for Fgélagclgléléfiyqzggzgg[_3§;?;|hOaki§g¥2;;R5§S
“OVal‘ Players embracing the children ln the poster
Oh~ the hO"OrS· are left to right, Lester Boyd [New Orleans
But hei>el¤lly» yeu leemeel- saints], Frank iviinniriela [Cleveland Browns],
And now you know that 0bl0ng, elliptical, egg—s/raped are acceptable syn- Dgppick Ramsey [ggkland liigidgr-5], KE||y
onyms for "oval." While you also know that kind, gentle, giving are not accept- l