. F E A T U R E
·" A . ,, ” A `A  . .. ‘  · . »   . 1978 All-American and 1977
@; .  ,3 A'? 2    A I *5A ·    `tA ' ‘> ‘ Al|—SEC quarterback Derrick
- 2A I" ·     ‘  .  J   Flamae wasdr ftedb the
Ji J .~ — - A  $= » V. 8. V
 . _ ..7 .j _ · 10* ’    ~ j , _\_, j Ik`. · , Oakland Flanders IH 1978.
l l  - ,4 ·   '§ _ `_  Q"  ` '·¢ —l>   '_ 6  § {  
l   * ` . ·  = , E12 yr A ,"*  
(PCAK) program, so you must re-  ·  · ° * ij; _ `   p_ \   · , l, lil L
alize that she really knows what .   ° A · c • { A J   f ’ ‘},¤
kind, gentle, giving are about.   ;   #$V. -  4  ,3 
What’s more, she used those Z§*  Q ji A;   ‘ I; {  VY 'M , .
adjectives to describe professional \ (   ’   V   A   . g     Q L
football players: those men who ,  .  3 "°  A ‘   \ _ —\ ~ * €_
receive large salaries to act  "   4.0   . " r. ‘ . . A Q A
disobliging, malicious, and ma- ·  . ` _ _  ’ Y · f
levolent on the job. And that’s on fz . ’ I . ‘ , _ ‘ , Y' ~ `( ·· ·f  
their good days.   E. j/   A g' ’
As you may have guessed, ,   . ,   i ,  t I *  
Seyfred’s comments pertain to  _;‘,=,afV?_:···~· · `gii ·   »~~¤   ·   i .-- H; ‘ _ P _ 2 »,-_   'IA   _
football players off-the-field, for       ‘ ij?    ‘ . i . .,   · .; - ‘»,i i·{ ·‘       `~Tii=__?-YS?.
any football player worth his   Q_   ?;L·,i`;.LL:¢:‘».;.»-».4L.   ,Vj L 
shoulder pads has no interest in ` A i` V A A  A A   AA i i i  " `  ‘   "   `  "` A AA A    "  A
= kindness while on—the—field. In
I particular, her words highlight the conduct of the Kentucky chapter of the National Football
League Players Association (NFLPA) Retired Players Divi-
In 2002, PCAK joined forces with the Kentucky NFLPA AIIConference and
for a campaign to promote awareness regarding the hazards Al|·Am€¥`lG8¤
of shaking infants — the first partnership of its kind in the _ , V A I |’"€‘b€9kB" lm mg
nation. Seyfred developed the concept for a large poster and .      ; A Cats 'n 1971- JOE
the players, she said, "embraced the idea." And then they W, W Y   V Ar     A §?gf$;;€épéE|$2SNBW
embraced 11 babies for the photo.   · ]  N ’4_ /7 Orleans giants in
"Because they are former football players— who no  ‘ [  g;  1972-
doubt did some damage on the field — they are seen as j _  2.,   ° A A gb , A’
untraditional partners for preventing child abuse, but that’s A    _ AA —‘    Y \
what got the campaign the attention it would not normally  A   j ·‘
have received," Seyfred added. "Men at health fairs would .   »
walk by that poster, stop, and look at big, tough guys with no _ V _ _!
necks. . . guys they recognized. That poster appealed to an T _ `   A _ j
audience (males) that hadn’t been reached before."     9. '     v J ’ V ' r ‘
And reaching the male audience is imperative, as males, _A  if   p _, gi ’ __   .  ·‘ _. · 4
according to PCAK’s Web site, account for more than 70 Q, .·.· J  *· ` f_ ·<" V ,, A _
percent of individuals charged with and convicted of injur- ,  ' _ A   AA "*A  `  A
ing or killing infants by shaking them.   i ? _
Thanks to a grant from the chapter, more than 2,500 post- `  _ A `* ·
ers were distributed statewide to social service and A     t A A `  
healthcare centers. Additionally, several players
autographed the posters at four Central Kentucky retailers in April 2002. Now
the chapter has teamed up with PCAK again for a second poster in the process {
of being released.   _ " -
"I have never seen a more committed group of men than those on the post- , , I
ers," Seyfred stated. ‘ ·
And not only is the Kentucky NFLPA committed to PCAK. but also to sev- - '
eral other groups and charitable organizations, primarily those focused on ‘A
"Our purpose is to enrich the lives of children of Central Kentucky," said Dal-
las Owens, a 1993 graduate of the College of Communications and Information