i FEATURE     g I;
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  In 2003, four students in the UK College of Engineering, were  
l selected for the Navy’s Nuclear Propulsion Oificer Candidate rg  
p (NUPOC) Program. All have requested duty in the Navy’s ` _
fleet of attack submarines. They represent four of just twenty-  
two students selected nationwide. UK was the only school to ·_   X
have more than one student selected for this honor. This is a _ ’  J i`
first in the United States Navy        
UK was recently named one of four 2001 recipients of the Q   .  
Harry S. Truman F ormdation Honor Institution Award for ex- S }·}`_,s*’ _
emplary participation in the Harry S. Truman Scholarship pro- a  f . .
gram. UK has participated in the Truman Scholarship program ·   A I ‘ 4   _ _
for more than 20 years. Eleven Truman Scholarships have ‘ J `
been awarded to UK students. i ·e
A recent UK graduate and two current UK students received I   w no   _~ 
government-funded Fulbright grants for graduate study and _    ` rm
» research abroad for the 2003-2004 academic year. 1 ;j   `  __,:..»    · 
At UK, a spirit of collaboration stirs multidisciplinary research   lj, j
that extends across the campus — and beyond. UK researchers   ,   `     l
are engaged in projects with professors at other public and pri-     g   \  
vate institutions across Kentucky, in other states and abroad. _  ‘     __         ,  
r   ¢. .   »>..‘   law 
UK boasts 78 national rankings for academic excellence — in-  j   
cluding a top 50 overall ranking among both public and private . if 
universities.   .
UK’s scholars — students, faculty and alumni- have been hon- li  
ored by Nobel, Pulitzer, Rhodes, Fulbright, Guggenheim, — "   il l
Grammy, Metropolitan Opera and other prestigious panels.   ' ` `
. 4*-*--.   , ` ¤
UK makes an impact of more than $4.4   3 na,/..   /.· .
• • `   -8 ’• r•' ?
billion to the state’s economy. For every ` -,/>`@_.· ·. _, ~  
$ I in state taxes allocated to UK, there is a re-   ‘? ti   , =°,r I
turn of more than $ I 5 — or I,500 percent - pl U      
in the communities it serves.  lj; ‘   ” fg ‘l
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