N E C R 0 L 0 G Y
Janet G- Williams Ferron ,65 Rasslllldapllveras Joseph R Bumett Sr. of An- Mary Dale Robinson of Lex-
of Charleston, W.Va., F ebru— glaulgsllay 82 og (;lT)la§€l9» chorage, May 1, 2003. Life ington, May 29, 2003. Fellow V
ary 1.3, 2003 eo 0 new ’ i Member Billie J. Rowland of Pineville, Z
Vtrnn D- Benton ’65 of Venus 9· Meeux Jn 82 of Kathryn Reed Combs of Mateh 7, 2003 Z
: 2/fllngurgey. November 8. Hencdebulg.Abr1l22»2003 Hilton ileael.s.c..Jamtary 5, JohnW Rowland of  
· Nell Alley 84 of Clnclnnatl, 2002. Llfe Member Pineville, Maieli 7, 2003 . 
   lili;nlAll’llu1Llz;t:£gl5%02 Ohlo, September 23 2001 Manne   Comm Oi Cennal Vera Harper Saunders Of i
. 2 , . Stephen   Kayse 84of Clty,Apr1l22, 2003. Fellow Lexington, lannaiy 16, 2003.  
Margaret A- Peek Ireland ’67 eteemeete 9hte» December Virginia Ritchey Creech of Lite Member  
of Chandler, AYIZ., May 26, 3, 2001 Lexington, May 16, 2003 Mary Glenn Mecbbid · 
2003 l _ Kathy Malle Hlll ,85 ot Lex` Eileen Nunn Deep of Shearer of Lexington, De-  t
J ohn F. Mead 68 of Lows- rngton. Mov 29. 2003 Henderson, March 31, 2003. eembet 8, 2002 _
vlllci, Februla/I1yI20, 2003 f rlvyllllilllm E_ gage; E5 gf Fellow Frances M. Stoldey of Lex-
Wil iorn T· e ee ’ 0 2 a eSSee» ao 0 lllal'Y George K. Doyle of Lexing- ington, October 16, 2002
Tulsa, Okla., April 30, 2003 11. 2003 l ton, March 7, 2003 Bobby W_ Walker Oi London, .
Susan E- Moore "/0 of   Sueett Slewtut tgeaeta Lou 1 Eastham of May 11, 2003 ,
. Georgetown. Decetnber 24. e>e—Are-—Deeernber25— iota n. Ballantine of Lex- Beahancmneeioi Rmg *
Mark D Mldkilf ,79 Ol lngton, May 12, 2003. Fellow Simpsonville, March iii  A
. .. ' I . l Harry E. Bland of Lexing- 2003_ Life Member - “
Fzllrlleld. Ohlo, September 3, lo Sa mb I 5 2002 _ _ F0,. inn", in/b,."m,l0,i l~
2002 gt- M b » 0’ vte 0 * Ma M Breckinnd e ‘ l
Micilaell 2 ijiglngf ,79 Ol Hailu R. Bogale of Lexing- Patzyso-n of Washington,  ::55;;;  l
HOrsah€aaS_ NY" May ni ton, March 8, 2003 D.C., December 11,2002. 1-800-355-11035  l
2003 William R. Brown of Lex- Fellow "'“l "$k.g°" l
‘ ‘ _ · · opcrulor 2 SMG `
rant w. Molweill ·7o of wm- i;§;0“* Al"0 21* 2003 Fel laglellggnnlrlzgtirglrllarf Pern. I
ston-Salem. N.C.. April 3. ry ’ ui il _ H .i_ I _l_ il. _ _
  Cannen L- Buck Of Harold E. Resinger Of ll I. II LS (HIL Ill!] IOII$.L()HI
DaablllY~ COllll·— Mereh ll» VeT$aille$, APY0 1, 2003. F€l- UKl·¤ll·l;ll»l‘1‘l· or lx|C\'l`l'<§l{\` i
  Fellow 10W .\Iullltll ·\~~tnt.llitvn