A . i _ ` i` . /.‘/lik/r'f`V.’/Mr. i   ii  1* A.
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· » ‘·   `  . *—`"e-<;    ` 1 C=**h°**¤° Wa"'  
.   l I. y  0     E Bishi; ¤64 AS is the  
` 2 ·   K12;-3<  J·»j;~.é=~; _    1 E coauthor of "A Guide  
_ `= , . ‘ é` *~  ' * `   t0 the Historic Archi-  
..,‘ , . _` * · , .¢:.- _ .._ "   lecture of Piedmont  
· F 5 t V _` V _   ,,_,,,_,__.,,,, ....- North Carolina, " one  
‘ · ` _ . _ ,v i   ” Q     book ofathree-vol-
· ‘ < Y_ ‘ U ,` {   3 it Billy Jackson Bower ’41 AG has written her ume series offering more than 500 photo-
‘   . _A “ · ° . ‘· Q   Q j fourth book and readers are once again treated graphs and 50 maps while highlighting
. . ' ‘ _ t I     F ._ to more rich lore of a pioneer cornrnunity in “A treasures of the regions early history: tra-
i = ` A U in Q ° xl   History 0fAsh Grove Pike, Catnip Hill Pike and ditional Germanic stone and half—t1mbered
` J ` ·     _ "`{   h Oz/1erByways oflessamine County, Kentucky. " buildings, log dwellings and · I RN g
~ V   A i `. ji   _—   . The narrative is illustrated with new and antique barns, and houses built for ‘d1s— . y _ \  
‘ V * V li . y _ E -j.— if To   maps by John Filson along with modern and vin- senting’ congregations, including by    
· *4 ‘- · .   C ..Q   { Y _ tage photographs, and relates the history of the Quakers and Moravrans. The \  . gg
= ·   p E .`_‘ Q ` { _ ¤~     `.-__$Q Ash Grove and Catnip Hill Pikes and other by- book also offers a glimpse into     I _
_   ,_ ‘ { A  · J   A_ 1, ig ways, mill sites, schools, churches, stone fences North Carol1na’s growth in to- if     
j __ T ¤‘-   "- ~ -` $5*}  and historic residences. Bower is the author of baccomanufacturrng,text1lepro-. l ·
, __ ‘ { Z   __ H _ _ _  .5   _  three previous books on the historic area of Cen- duction and fumrturetmakrng. Brshir 1S a
A = 2   \`   ’  ' A °’ ‘ zi 0 eé ii; tral Kentucky. She raised her family on Woodside senior arch1tectural'h1StO1`lHI1 with PY€S€Y·
.`~i     .1 ’JJ·‘_ Q { »Q"g‘·;_g'i Farm in Nicholasville. vation North Carolinla, and autlgolr   _
· ·; .l··   . ’ §.‘-3 i..`·:l "North Carolina Arc itecture." e ivesrn
J .         `»`..', t >~· .
if ` ` ‘ " · V i t'· ¢' " ¤*· ” Woodside Farm Raleigh, N.C.
. . , . ~._5».l, ——;
" > Y * 2 I °·`·Y “* ’i 380 Windom Lane
" i ` ' {`•“<'.i;` . ’ ‘ `
5  . _yP   g  {ft i·.·~t(e Njcholasvluc, KY 40356 The University of North Carolina
  ` i._‘ Y   ._ _  ;‘;]i`{· h 859-224-1208 Plgcii 2288
-     ve . . ox
  7*.  4 IX I ih il :1.7 li ` " ‘   .;Z `..l "J'J‘.LZT“. LTSTJZLIIZ i  · •
  *‘   1. • B g    ff Virginia Marsh Bell "     `¤·*—·—·—-~ ···· ~~ Chalwl Hm, N·C· 27515
l· .,   {tg  tig.   *82 sw is the waurherer vt . |] , | 919-966-3561 i
· i `;`i `{ `_,.     »"-`K ,‘/`1'i;` Di nified Life: The BBS!  r ’     VY} `  
.·~lt i. -— ·'l# _. .~· ..*»» ¤.» g {26- ‘ , · : ,
; 2 ig rix ig}, ‘,¢¢_;¤’· g- ir;   ’,¤_~.· Friends Approach to   · _ = , Teresa Tess Collins a l ,¤ ;
· ~¤ W ’ 3 W ·~` I- it i   *Y ( *4 1,} Alzheimers Care " a guide for   i ’78 CIS rs the author of ·  
r r ; '. ’· c .=   ~.·# ._é_,-fr_' ,· - . . ’ .  » ’ cr tr ·’··
_    ;.`,_‘%%;_‘?{’ y     yr} family caregivers and friends Q  _   i How Theater n HOW  
 ,·’i »t_. ;'··Fj‘Y.‘   *4-‘_¤’j; ‘,·,g   of the family. The book illus- . /   .   ManagersManage, Thcatcr, J
[ {   _`     ‘i°Y_·! [ {if fi     3, ,`}·· . trates how to meet the daily ‘ bnngrng together the Mzxnmécmf   p
lil ;·`l`j`: ie Y        {QQ-' Qi;     challenges of caring for some- L";l‘;;g;;$gj%u·;j¤*¤¤°'· pg  storres,bel1efs and ex- Mmméc   .
L ‘~ fi .3,;  I tif A {     ffrt T. j I. ii,   one with Alzheimers diseaie, .e.r.i,r...»»....ir,r.....i.... V plerrences of seasoned E
: _·   {All   ,:‘ 1 .. {iv`; ii.,}   ' ° `t ·..,...».¤r·¤`··rr»..4¤,...r·4r»i ‘ t €at€rmanaggfS_ a ` ‘
, Z`, tl ».,,,i '= ._ y,   I ,   such as communicating wi A g r ,
  J` *,‘{·5’   `.'   qi; =·i,·"‘· 1,-; ;/Aj . g the person with dementia, Through them, a por- —”’"—‘
’i   li T!   il   ff. 2'.{.Y'i,,»‘§, ,tV.  ` {`;T‘f,}f»;· working with the doctor, finding commu- trait and a concept
{   '.§._   ,“   »[ ;'_·`i. ,.·`,f ‘f_#;`·, yl, g nity resources, and taking care of yourself. Based emerge depicting what they have unknow-
* [ tif { Eff   i }_`·   if .{·`}_,iQY·     on the ‘Best Friends’ method now widely used by mgly practiced throughout their careers —
. if     l.<¥;;Q"_. {V, .j     if `* ,  rj, professionals in facilities for managerial1mag1nat1on.The book rs par-
* fi  [1 '4 ri': ,3. yi jr ";r’ *._§". <,>,·Y‘}’_'. *,—¤_ Q r _ Alzheimers patients around the ticularly useful for new theater managers,
{ ’   l   *{y 'i,`._,i‘_ ir"   Q5 ;*_i_f {   »J‘    world, this book focuses on issues covering a wide variety of topics including
  Qt     { é aj   { Q’·i·h’,;'   _¢  g   gs facing the lay caregivers. Bell was budgeting theater costs, gross potentials
  ‘.`.’  ll f.-}‘/_;. It inf  V ,.4  --··  . a family counselor with the UK and ticket prices, show contracts, settle-
  77 rT·”'·"H *. ,*·s` ’ ‘·. Mf ·   re.;  `  - ` d mer enc and securit roce-
,· t ¢ ~» #.1.:   _,< . ,   ·   ·  · V Sanders Brown Center on Aging ments an e g y yp
T Q.   *_`.~’,·z.*°,;{’?i_ ‘t`Y     ll.   fi   ,2 .   A from 1982 to 1993. In 1984, she dures. Collins has worked for the
  ('IZ-{   { { [Ji?  fi   _Qi*Y ‘ *  ` , opened the Helping Hand, a de- Shorenstein-Hays Nederlander ~
      ,.;’l     Q   V   I2, rig;   Vi'; C C 1 mentia—specific day care center in Organization in theater manage-
Z·'»'_'(’,.     { _?   ·i     if if} ;§   {/g Lexington. Bell also is co-author of two previous ment for more than 20 years. g
.·     ‘   j·.,a'»{4 it ‘; g.¢° y` ·fi   if books on care of individuals with Alzhe1mer’s She managed the Golden Gate,
' Q Vg A- :»_’·1;r_’;’y ;l» ev; ;•`·,<;.i.- jj  disease; Orpheum, and the Curran The-
I -,’ nf #{2 Qi   (_ { gK{.·f·, gf   ater in San Francisco. 1
  i‘~,i,·  yl.   ij ji fyi? ,}=,'    Health Communications Press
Q   ,”_i€ ,··e"  :i;.rl__( 'li   ,‘.` P.O. Box 10624 Scarecrow Press ·
    · 1*  1,  J;   ij;   .'·‘_. L Baltimore, MD 21285 4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200
` I i I V 888-337-8808 Lanham,MD 20706
54 KENTUCKY ALUMNI 301-459-3366