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end! Oh that we would upon the spot, individualily
and unitedly, take hold of the living Head, and thus,
as one unbroken assembly of friends, march enaward
to eternal and eternally increasing glory! Amen.

                  NOTES.--Page 13.
  Our departed friend, had his first religious impressions at
a school at a great distanee from hojme, and had these early
religious impressions defaced, and his eternal salvation put
in jeopardy, by being removed from that school, and placed
in another of a different character. And finally he was re-
covered from the influence of speculative infidelity bybeing
put under a course of sound religious instruction. These
facts he repeatedly stated himself to some of his intimate
  They are facts which speak loudly-and we would be un-
faithful to our God and to the souls of men, did we not mark
them. The religious principles of the instructors of youth,
and still more, the practice of the instructors of youth, as to
religion, are by no means inatters of indifference. The eter-
nal destiny of the rising generation is in a great measure de-
pending on these two points.
  Father and mothers, who love your children, and who
know the value of the glorious hope of the gospel, can you
calmly and deliberately give up your children in the most
important period of their lives to the breath of the destroy-
er Can you calmly and deliberately place them, were every
thing they see and every thing they hear, is designed to
make them cold and indifferent, if not hostile to the religion of
our Lord Jesus-
  The friends of the Redeemerare encouraged also by these
facts, to be faithful and diligent in placing the great truths
of the gospel fully before their children, and the children of
their frier.ds, as they may have an opportunity. though they
may not at the time know that they are the means of do-
ing any good. In the morning let us sow our seed, and in
the evening let us not withhold our hand.
      4'Though seed lie buried long in dust,
         "It shan't deceive our hope: