PSALM C11. 15, 16, 17.

 -Yfsfor nAn, his days are as grass; as ajiower of the
   field, so heflourisheth: For the windpasseth over it,
   and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it
   no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from ever-
   lasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and
   his righteousness unto children's children."

   WE are met here this afternoon under circumj
stances peculiarly solemn. A friend-a father-a
husband-a brother-and the son of an aged moth-
er-has been called into Eternity. To the friend of
sinners, and of the distressed-to the Eternal Father
and to his Eternal and well beloved Son-and to the
Eternal Spirit, the sanctifier and the comforter, let
us lift up our eyes and our hearts, that he would be
pleased to bless aburdantly to Lis and to ours this
severe and afflicting dispensation of his holy prov-.
  We are called upon to remember that we our-
selves also are mortal, and are passing on with in-
conceivable rapidity to the eternal world-and that
soon, very soon, all the relations in which we stand
to one another shall be dissolved.
  "-Brethren the time is short: it renaineth. that
';oth thex that have Nvives be as tholigh they 11haId