At this point the question if the imnrovement of Winslow
Street was taken i-p and considered, but nothing definite
was done except thnt President Barker. and 2essrs. P. P.
Johnston, Jr. and  . L. Edalen were made a committee to take
uD the matter with the (Commissioners of the City of Leaing-
ton and report on the fifth day of this month, when the
meeting will be hild as an adjourned meeting from today.

     Motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting
to be held on the fifth day of March will take the place of
the regular Uarch meeting provided for In the above resolution.

     Came Mr. Gillis, the Registrar, and made the following
recommendation, which was unanimously adoptedt


     Heads of Departments of instruction are automatically
members of the Faculty.

     Professors and Associate Professors teaching on an aver-
age of 10 credit hours perweek for one year, may, upon
approval of the Executive Committee, be admitted to member-
ship in the Faculty.

     If at any time Profeosors and Associate Professors
fail to teach the required time, th;y shall be automatically
dropped from the list, but may be re-admitted on same conditions
as new members.

     The ab-ove .-rle shall not affect present 'Faculty members.

     Upon mot-on, the meeting adjourned to meet Friday,
March 5.

                                 (Not uigned)
                           Seely of the Board of Trustees