At a meetiTgof the Executive Committee, State University,

 held at the Phoenix Hotel, Saturday, September 23rd. 1911,

 there were present Messrs. C. B. Nichols, CassiusM.Clay and

 Re. C. Stoll. On motion made and carried the reading of the min-

 utes was postponed for the present.

    A requisition for supplies for the Agricultural Depart-

ment was presented by Prof. II.A. Scovell, and upon motion

made, seconded and carried, by unanimous vote, the yeas and

nays being called, thequestion as to what would be allowed on

requisition was submitted to President Barker and Prof. M. A.

Sco^teL. .to consider same, with full power to act.  On a second

motion, made, seconded and earried, on call of the yeas -and

nays, the question of salary for Prof. :arman was left to the

same Committee, with power to act.

    Mrs. Sarah Marshall appeared before the Committee and re-

quested that she be given an increase in salary, on account

of the extra work imposed upon her this year.  Upon motion

made by Mr. R. C. Stoll, which wan seconded, and upon call of

the yeas and nays, unanimously carried, the following order

was made:

    That the salary of Mrs. Marshall be fixed At $600. per

year, for wich she will perform the duties heretofore required

of her, and in addition perform the same duties in the houses

rented by the University that she is required to perform in

the dormitories upon the campus, and that she give such time

Ra is necessary for such purposes to .oth the dormitories upon

the campus and the houses rented by the University.

   Riss Hamilton, Dean of Women, came before the Committee and

asked that extra rooms be prepared upon the fourth floor at