

Friday, February





13, 1931


Intramural Wrestling Finals Pitchers and Catchers Will Report for
To Be Held Tonight; Last
Duty Monday; Remainder of Baseball
Boxing Bouts Wednesday
In intramural
will be held nt 8 o'clock tonight in


Squad to Begin Practice on March 1


the Euclid nvenue gymnasium nnd
Wrestling finals will be run
boxing flnnls will be held tomorrow
ofT tonight In the Euclid avenue
night. As nn ndded attraction togymnasium and boxing bouts will
night, C. W. Hnckcnsmlth, Intrabe held Saturday night. Prelimmural director, has arranged for an
inary fights have been held at
exhibition wrestling match between
the warehouse but the finals will
two well-knoRussian matmcn.
be held at the gym. The bouts
Pete Drury and Aldridgc will
will start at 8 o'clock. Admission
meet In the nnals In the wrestling
is 50 cents for everyone. Stuheavyweight division. Drury has a dents books will not be accepted.
weight advantage over Aldrldge,
but the go will not be a walk-awa- y
for either man.
In the 185 pound class the young- Dury for the following night. Coner Drury will meet Connie Rose census of opinion was that Pete
for the title. This class is an un- Drury would whip Chapman, but
known quantity as neither man has Chapman fought a clever fight and
had Pete Drury quite at his mercy
entered the ring to date. The
started out with three con- at the end of three rounds. As a
testants. One man had to forfeit result of his win he will meet John
Drury in the finals, and John is
due to a doctor's order.
expected to "turn on" and try to
Two of the varsity backficld stars, save the honor of the family.
Richards vs Toth, meet for the 175
The heavyweight bout is by no
pound title. The match will be
fast as both men use a form of means the only fast bout of the
to affect a throw, which is evening. Carraco meets Ferguson
natural as they have been well in a match that will be worth while
trained in the art of blocking and seeing. Ferguson has drawn byes
to the finals and Carraco has met
Hoffman and Shanklln tie up in two opponents.
158 pound devislon.
In the 158 pound class Duff meets
Lvsowskl has handed
match and so Tjvsnwskt.
wrestles a bang-u- p
semi-fin- al
his opponents defeats in a decisive
docs Shanklln. In their
Duff drew byes to the
matches they both gained fall In manner.
very good time and from opponents ' semi-final- s,
but in his one match
who were not set-up- s.
he showed up so well that he Is
A fast bout is expected when considered a worthy opponent ror
Price meets O'Bryant, 145 pounders. Lysowskl.
Price appears to be a ready man In
Forsythe and Bryan, 145 pound-th- e
ring and O'Bryant has shown erSf meet after some heavy going
up well in the seml-flnal- s.
in a tough class. Both boys have
Rodes and Guttersmlth, 135 pound Deen working hard to get into shape
class, have done well to go to the antj the bout ought to be one of
pnais as meir ciass nas not, Deen the fastest bouts of the evening The
an easy one. Rodes has competed 135 pounders, Meredith and Scott,
in more matches than Outtersmith will put on a good go for the fans.
and he may kave the advantage.
Two clever boxers meet for the
The 125 p 7ind class has Woodare
bury and Pi "ton as finalists. This 125 pound title. They have Rooks
and Moffet. Both boys
class had few contestants therefore well in the preliminaries. Neither
the men have had very little com- man is a slugger, but are inclined
However, the two are
shifty and quick.
cuite evenly matched and the bout to be
The finalists in the 115 pound
v111 be interesting.
Another class
vherein the finalists have not had class, Edwards vs C. Kelley, have
vo enter the arpha is the 115 pound ! not entered the ring to date. They
were the oniy two entered in inis
class. C. KeW.meets J. Denton.
The boxlnimls will be featured class- - c- - K;Hey Is also a finalist
by many t. 'lent bouts, but the I in tne wrestling matches,
heavyweight &crap Is expected to
The officials for the wrestling
be the feature of the night.
In ' matches are: referee, Shlvely; time-th- e
preliminary bouts John Drury ' keepers, Hanson, Potter, and Jones.
met and defeated Jack Phipps in Boxing officials are: Hanson, leta whirlwind bout.
eree; judges, Brownie Leach, of the
The same night Chapman mefc Lexington- - Leader, Frank Hoover,
Forquer and defeated him decisiveof the Lexington Herald, and Ed
ly. This matched him with Pete Conboy, of the Kentucky Kernel.

Hlillf wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma


Sale Ends

Semi-Annu- al

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$4.85 to $6.85





(o He Used
Coach Pat Devcreau
to Work in


L. W. McMurray, Veteran,
May Bear IJrunt of


Seen from the press boX



Pitching Burden

Pitchers and catchers on the 1931
baseball team will report for duty
Monday afternoon at the old Independent warehouse at the corner
of Limestone and Upper streets.
The remainder of the team will
report about March 1. Coach Pat
Dcvereau has made an extensive
effort to obtain the warehouse
which will be an excellent place
to work out, if enough light is available from the skylights.
Three varsity stars will be lost
to the varsity squad this season.
They are Mauser, third baseman,
Rhodes, first string pitcher, and
Kellogg, star outfielder 'who did
not return to school.
Of the veterans returning, Captain Dudley Barnes, catcher, Augustus, second baseman and utility
catcher, McMurray and McBrayer
will form the batteries for the Big
Blue. Pat will be in dire need of
pitching material as his ace Rhodes
was graduated last year.
McMurray, a dependable, hard
working veteran from the 1930
squad, will probably bear the brunt
of the mound duty. McBrayer saw
plenty of action last year, but his
size and hitting ability make him
very useful for the first base position.
Ellis, freshman star from the 1930
frosh, is not eligible, and whether
Devereau has some promising pitcher in the offing is not known. The
Kentucky coach has often approached a season with raw material and produced one or two outstanding stars, who were heretofore unknown for their ability.
Cecil Urbaniak will be back at
the shortstop position again. "Urby"
is a third baseman, but played at
shortstop last season. The work of
erratic mauser was supplanted by
the sterling work of Elwood Krug
er, who alternated at first and third
A sophomore who is heralded as
a great player, Hogue, may win the
shortstop berth, and Urbaniak may
go back to his old job at third
Toth will again be battling for the
second base position. He and au
gustus, took turns at the keystone
sack last season.
In the outfield there are four
veterans. .Johnny Murphy, Bill
Trott, Ohr and Kelly will fill in
the outer gardens.
Kentucky won the majoriy of her
games last season, and faces one
of the most pretentious schedules
that a Wildcat baseball team has
ever encountered.
There are seven freshmen players who will furnish strong
for the regular positions.
Wooten, a pitcher, will be fighting
for a chance to show his wares.
Ellis Johnson, who is on the varsity
basketball team, will be out for the
team when the call for inflelders is
Worthington, who played first
and third, was outstanding with
Hogue, third baseman, and Lavin.
Carney and Luther are
other available freshmen stars who
will make the going tough for the
varsity men.
Kentucky plays 15 games this
year, and opens the schedule on
Stoll field with Miami College of
Oxford, Ohio. The Wildcats defeated the Ohio team here last year,
but the Miami boys reversed scores
at Oxford.
Hi'nols returns to Stoll field on
April 6. The Illinois lost last year
before the great pitching of Rhodes.
The Badgers of Wisconsin
on Page Six)

Always Favor The
Dealer Who Sells


Last Monday evening in the Euclid avenue gymnasium one of the
greatest basketball aggregations to play on the local floor, Georgia Tech,
thrilled the 4,000 fans by their marvelous playing. There Is seldom
game when both teams, racing like race horses at breakneck speed down
the floor and up the floor, maintain such a dazzling playing speed, without cracking.
That is what happened when the Golden Tornado of Georgia Tech
tangled with the undefeated 'Cats Monday night. Kentucky was conceded more than an even chance to score a victory .
Tech's rambling wreck, bubbling with
from their
overwhelming victory over Georgia's undefeated Bulldogs, came northward to take a double trimming. Vanderbilt took the Yellow Jackets into
and then the Georgians proceeded into the lair of the 'Cats
where they were finally subdued 4.
Coach Adolph Rupp made a unique and strategic move last Monday
night, from the standpoint of the average fan. In the waning minutes
of the fracas, with the score
in favor of Kentucky, he had all his
men undress.
To the student of the game, this is not a new move. It is merely
preparedness. When seconds mean victory or defeat, the time that it
requires to strip of sweat clothes and rush into the fray is precious.
If at any any time Rupp should care to send in some needful information or possibly substitute a player, no time would be lost. The second
factor is the psychological viewpoint. Knowing that if they "lay down"
in the closing minutes, they will be "jerked" out of the game, players
fight all the harder.
The Rambling Wreck seeing that the second team is coming in, will
tend to temporarily crack and feel and wait for victory due to the inefficiency of the the reserve men who might be substituted. Adolph has
pulled this strategic move all season but few paid it little mind until
last Monday.
After defeating the undefeated Alabama five, Tennessee lost to Georgia Tech Tuesday,
The Crimson Tide had not lost a Southern
Conference game in two seasons and the defeat was a big upset. Kentucky claims two wins over Tennessee.
Three of the strongest conference foes engage the 'Cats this week
end. Tonight, the. Bulldogs of Georgia with 13 victories", and one defeat
from the hands of Tech play the Wildcats. Then the boys go to Clem-so- n,
who were defeated here early in the season, and Monday night pay
a return compliment to Georgia Tech in their threshold at Atlanta.
To ask Rupp's men to return home with three victories is impossible.
All these teams are lying in wait with blood in their eyes, awaiting the
snarl of the undefeated Kentucky team. Victory over these teams will
surely be sweet and how!
A eulogy of the Wildcat mentor, Adolph Rupp, appeared in Sunday's
edition of the Herald, written by Frank K. Hoover, sports editor. Hoover
has attempted and succeeded marvelously in describing Kentucky's
youthful coach who Is spending his first year in "big league" coaching.
"Lexington basketball fans should be thankful for Coach Adolph Rupp.
He has done wonders with a basketball team which did not appear to
have a ghost of a chance to win half of Its games this year. And yet
those boys have played and won nine games, six of them in the Southern
Conference. Rupp came here with a fine reputation as a high school
coach. He had won 85 percent of his high school games, although he
told this reporter he didn't want much publicity on this fact. Adolphus
is just this type he doesn't crave much fame. He just wants to win
games, and he believes in his system and his boys.




Pure Fresh Blue Grass Cream




With 12 lettermen and an abun- -'
dance of brilliant sophomore ma
tcnai, prospects lor another successful track team arc promising.
Lettermen who are returning this
spring nrc, Kelly and Gibson, captains; Cavana, Hcber, McLane, Williams, Weinman, Porter, Roberts,
Shipley, O'Bryant, and

this event with a Jump of better
than six feet. Last year he failed
to hit his stride but is expected to
bo a sure point winner for the Blue
this year.
The schedule for this year Is as


"Adolphus Is superstitious that way. Here's another one of his secrets: He dresses in conventional brown when he is going to have a game.
He wears a brown suit, brown tie, brown shoes and brown socks. Down
at Nashville, when the 'Cats played Vanderbilt, Kentucky was going bad
in the first half. At the end of the half, Rupp asked Jake Bronston,
Kentucky's great guard, "What were you thinking of when you were
going bad out there in the first half?" And Jake replied, "I was thinking
if you had those brown socks on." Yes, Adolphus had them on, and Kentucky won the old game, 42 to 37.
"There's nothing in the whole world that the Wildcat players wouldn't
do for their coach. If we must say this, they love him, and if Rupp told
them to jump into the lak and tako a bath on the coldest day of the
year, they'd jump in clothes and all. He's like a father to them, and
usually children are mindful of the advice that true fathers give out.
He doesn't "jump all over them" when they make a mistake. He chastises them a little, but there's nothing harsh in the remarks. If one
of his boys does something good, he tells him about It before the whole
squad; if he does something bad, he does the same tiling. That's the
kind of stuff that Rupp Is made of. He's just bubbling over in personality, and those personality boys usually "get the grapes," whether it be
in athletics or business. Yes, Lexington Is glad Rupp is here. And tills
reporter is glad he's here, for having a conversation with Adolphus is
like taking a drink of good, old fashioned ice water after playing
18 holes of golf on a hot summer day.

We serve hot chicken, croquettes, soups, chilli, delicious
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Benton's Sweet Shoppe


Georgetown at

Vanderbilt at Lexing- The Wildcats should be exceed'
Inclv strontr In thn flrlrl ovnnf a this 1
APr11 25 Tennessee at Lexlng-me- n
year. Despite the fact that several
were lost to the mlrldln rils-- ! ton.
tance runs through incllelbllltv.
May 2 Sewanee at Sewanee.
Coach Shlvely believes that the 1931
May 9 Cincinnati at Lexington.
thlnlles will bo the best team ever
Southern Conference meets at
to represent the Blue and White.
The events and men available
Southern Conference meets.
Sprints: Kelly, Heber, Poster, and ,
Longacre. Kelly and Heber ran
dead heats In practically all the!
meets last year, with Kelly having
a slight edge. At the Vanderbilt'
meet, Shipwreck was clocked at 9:9.
Middle distance: Watts, Gibson,
Evans, Ruttencutter, Yates, Parmer, Mattox,
Milllkcn, and
Little is known nf thn
Monday night, February 16, the
ability of these men in varsity com- -.
petition, as the majority of them first whistle signifying the opening
will see major work for the first of the long anticipated intramural
time this year. However, Milllkcn, i basketball, will sound In the Euclid
Gibson. Watts, and Ruttencutter avenue gymnasium. For the past
turned in beautiful performances month, fraternity, independent, and
. i: u. teams nave Deen Dusy
last year, and should win many
rounding into condition, and now,
points this year.
Long distance: O'Bryant, Martin, with only a few more days remainand Burress. O'Bryant and Bur-rc- ing for practice, are tapering off
in preparation
are in excellent condition due with light work-ou- ts
to their work on the cross country for their opening games.
News comes from the intramural
team this fall and should reach
office that this is to be the biggest
their peak by the opening meet.
High hurdles: Cavana, Shipley, basketball year the university has
Baker, Emmerich, and Skinner. known. Already approximately 28
Kentucky is fortunate in retaining teams are entered and late entries
Cavana, and Shipley. These two are coming In every day. At the
boys having won the majority of present time 18 fraternity teams,
five independent, and Ave R. O. T.
their races last spring.
Low hurdles: Gibson, Weinman, C. teams are enrolled. The season
Williams, Emmerich, and Skinner. will last about a month or six
The Wildcats enjoyed a fair season weeks and in that time the winner
will have been
In this department last year and and the runner-u- p
much is expected of lettermen recorded in the flies of the intraspring. mural office.
Weinman and Williams this
This year will see a slight change
Shot put: Epps, Adridge, Seale,
and Forquer. This department was in the arrangement of th"6 finals.
hurt somewhat when Wright failed Before, the end of the season has
to return to school this semester, always found an uneven number of
but it is thought that his place will teams eligible for the finals and it
has been necessary that one of
be taken by Epps, former intramur
these teams draw a bye, which was
al shop put champion.
Discus: Tuttle, Gibson, and An always unsatisfactory In the eyes of
drews. Tuttle, as a freshman last the team that failed to draw the
year, had little trouble in winning bye. This year the managers of the
over the varsity men, and great various teams have decided to dithings are expected of the new vide the teams into three divisions:
the fraternity teams, the independcomer this year.
Javelin: Cavana, McLane, Heber, ents, and the R. O. T. C, or Company teams. These teams will play
and Rodgers. All the men are good
in this even, with Cavana and Mc- within their own division in what
is known as the "Round Robin"
Lane holding a slight edge.
Broad Jump: Kelly, McLane, and type of play: that is, a defeated
Yates. Kelly won this event in ev- team is not further eliminated from
ery meet but one last year and Mcfurther play but suffers the loss In
Lane enjoyed a similar success the their percentage column. After
year before but was out last year each team has met each opponent
with a bad ankle. Yates was im- in its division the squad with the
proving steadily toward the close of highest percentage will be named
the last season and should be jump- winner of their division. This will
ing within a few inches of Kelly leave the divisional winners in a
deadlock for first place and a miniand McLane.
Pole vault: Porter, Hubble, and ature tournameht will be held to
Turley. These boys enjoyed rather decide the university championship.
In the past it has been a custom
fair success last year and should
improve greatly with more experi- for the trophy donors to give awards
to the winner of each division. This
High jump: Roberts, Gibson, Por year a new system will be used by
ter, McLane, and Tuttle. Roberts which only the winner and the
receive trophys.
at one time held the state record



Mitchell. Baker & Smith

"Coach Rupp, Referee Dick Bray, a young fellow named Huffman, who
was visiting Rupp, and myself went out to Whitney's farm to take a peek
at the various stallions there the other day. From Whltneys we went
to Joseph E. Widener's farm, and thence to the Wldener training barn.
Here we saw, among other things, a black cat. Rupp yelled, "Boys, it's
in the bag!" and proceeded to chase down to the spot where the black
cat had crossed over, and follow in the footsteps of the cat. Of course,
he was referring to the Washington and Lee game.


Made from

Successful Track Season
Is Seen as 12 Lettermen
Sign for Spring Practice


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