Bishop H. P. Almon Abbott                LL.D,

Senator Alben W. Barkley                 LL.D,

Mrs. Mary Breckinridge                   LL.Dv

Mr. J. W. Carnahan                       LL.D*

Judge H. Church Ford                     LL.D.

General Allen W. Gullion                 LL.Dq

President Raymond F. McLain              LL.Do

Rabbi Joseph Rauch                        LL.D,

Mr. Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston         LL.D.

Dr. Charles W. Welch                      Le;D

Judge Samuel Mackay Wilson                LL.Dq

Dr. Irvin Abell                           D.Scp

Dr. Fred W. Rankin                        D.Sco

Mr. Irvin S. Cobb                         Litt.D,

Dr. A. L. Crabb                           Litt.D.

Mrs. Mark F. Ethridge (Willie Snow
       Ethridge)                          Litt.Dq

Dr. John C. Metcalf                       Litt.D.

             * * * * * * * * * *

3. The above list was read by President Donovan
   to the Board of Trustees.   On motions duly
   seconded and passed, the Board authorized the
   granting of degrees indicated opposite the
   name of each person listed herein.