Page Two

During the past twenty-fiv- e
and more I have devoted myself to
of the
the design and supervision
grandconstruction of racetracks,
stands, baseball grounds, college stadia and athletic fields throughout this
country and Canada. It would give
me pleasure to be of service to you
in this connection.
I am, Sir,
Very truly yours,
Charles Wellford Lcavitt

Al umni Notes

Alumni Secretary

of the University of Kentucky arc achieving great
things in science, business, the professions and social
work. When you learn about such things



Continue Intellectual


tacts After Graduation

W rite to the Secretary
whether it is about a former student or a graduate.
Send in more interesting thing

For Your Page

Detroit, Feb. 24. (Fourth Sat- dinner, Dixie- urday Regular)
land Inn.
Frankfort, Feb. 26. (Last Mon- day Regular) evening meeting.
Somerset, March 2. (First Fri- day Regular) evening meeting.
Buffalo, March 10. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
the Ellicott Club.
LexSngton, March 10. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
the Lafayette Hotel, 12:15.
Philadelphia, March 10. Sec- ond Saturday Regular) evening
New York, March 13. (Second
Tuesday Regular) stag luncheon
at the Harvard Club.
Louisville, April 20. Annual
K. E. A. banquet,

A magic formula, a slogan, an advertising campaign complete ai to
detail. Any of these or another proposed by a member of the Alumni Association may win the capital prize.
One hundred dollars for the best
RESULTS for the Alma Mater is the
offer. This plan is sought particular
ly for its bearing on the 1924 Legis
lature. If it measures up to the con
ception of those making the proposal
its benefits will be permannet.
The contest will close in May. Ad
ditional details will be made known
Alumni Call for Speakers in Greater
Kentucky Campaign
Many things are new about the
should seek to hear about the Alma
Mater's progress from the President, members of the faculty, the student speakers' bureau and officers of
the Alumni Association.
Programs of local alumni clubs
especially in Kentucky are being arranged so others than the members
may hear the principal addresses.
This is one of the most helpful factors
in the "Greater Kentucky" campaign.
The calls for speakers made on tli
University in the last few weeks is
due largely to alumni efforts. Such
contacts with the citizens-at-larg- e
University officials help the institution to render a greater service to the
State and make possible a better understanding and a more ready sympathy on the part of the average cis



"I want the University of Kentucky
to be to this State what the universities of Virginia, Michigan and Wisconsin are to their commonwealths,"
declared Congressman
Albcn W.
Barkley, of Paducah, an aspirant for
the Democratic nomination for Governor, at the opening address of his
campaign in Danville Monday evening.
Mr. Barkley would provide adequate
financial suppor for the University
and complete facilities for the entire!

public educational system. While in
Lexington he visited Warren Mid
dleton, Paducah student who was shot
on the campus several days ago.

Ballots for Annual Election Will Be
Mailed in Few Weeki
J. I. Lyle '96, of New York; Miss
Eliza Piggott '19, Charles A. Mahan
'08 and Herbert Graham '16 have
been appointed on the Nominating
Committee for the Association by
President Rodman Wiley. This committee will suggest candidates for
President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurand three members of the
Executive Committee, two for a three
year term and one for two years.
Holdover members of the committee
are Wayland Rhoads '15, Dr. George
H. Wilson '04 and William H. Town-sen- d

Printed ballots will be sent to all
alumni in a few weeks for the annual
election. Suggestions from any alumnus will be welcomed by members of
the Nominating Committee.
A review of financial needs of. the
University and requests to be made
of the 1924 Legislature appears today in other columns of the Kernel.
These requests were formulated by
President McVey.

Alumni Banquet Will be at Watterson
Hotel April 20.
A great Kentucky
is expected at the Watterson Hotel in Louisville Friday evening, April 20, at the
annual alumni banquet for visitors
at the K. E. A.
Headquarters will maintained on
the mezzaine floor of the Watterson
the convention.
staff will be large enough to render a
real service to visitors. The Alumni
office and the Teacher Employment
Committee will be represented vat all
February 17, 1923.
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
It has been brought to my attention that the University of Kentucky
is interested in possible means of enlarging or adapting her stadium for
the better accommodation of present
day requirements.
A member of my staff, who has
been working on this subject for the
past three years, has discovered and
perfected, for the construction of
a novel and efficient design based
upon the attempt to meet requirements of modern games.
Up to now, all amphitheatres and
stadia have been laid out in accordance with principles of the ancient
Greek and Roman structures designed
for combats and chariot races. Modern games are dissimilar to these ancient sports in many vital particulars,
and it can be imagined that the meeting of modern conditions would result in an interesting type of structure.
The experiments have produced a successful, practicable and aesthetic

s'ta-di- a,

The American Association of Uni
vcrsity Women unites educational in
tcrcst of college women of 130 col
leges and universities throughout the
United States in such a manner that
they may meet socially to form new
and further old friendships, to dis
cuss all phases of education,
music, law, home economics, social
service, medicine, public health, journalism in fact all the branches of
knowledge which are classified in a
college catalog.
study their
home communities to see in what way
educated women may be of service in
adding culture and comfort to the
communities in which they live. They
offer scholarships to tempt talent and
genius, they administer loan funds to
ambitious but not wealthy young peo
pie, they offer fellowships for foreign
study that students may know students and colleges in other lands, and
they give teas and luncheons and din
ners and plays and musicales and lec
tures. It now has some 200 branches
located in every state except four in
the United States Besides the many
thousands of members these branches
represent it has hundreds of genera
members who are isolated from other
college women but who wish to keep
themselvesallied with educational
TL n. 1 . IT tlf .
u. w. iwo years ago in
conjunction with college women of
England and Canada organized the
International Federation of Univer
sity Women which now comprises na
tional organizations of college women
of seventeen countries organized for
acquiring friendship for and better un
derstanding of other countries, their
problems, and their people. Club
houses are being established as rapidly
as possible in the various capitals of
the world. Allready the A. A. U. W.
has one in the capital city, Washington.
Negotiations are under way for one
in London; Paris has one at 4 rue de
Chevreuse; and Brussels has its head
quarters at Maison des Ftudiants
The fee is $2 a year for general mem
bership sent to the Executive Secre
tary, 1634 I Street, Washington, D. C.


"Enclosed k our check for $23.M kt
payment of comavkeien on stationery
ordered through the University of
Kentucky stationery department for
January. The total volume of busi
ness for the month was f 117.10, made
up from 103 orders for 117 pads and
envelopes." The
Printing Co., Harrisburg, Pa.
At a meeting of the Kiwanis Club
at the Lafayette Hotel, February 13,
the following resolution was passed:
"Resolved: That the Kiwanis Club
of Lexington unqualifiedly endorses
the Student Speakers Bureau and 'their
campaign in behalf of the University
of Kentucky."
It was a university program. The
quartette rendered several selections
and the meeting was addressed by
Robert Lee Porter, of the Student
Speakers Bureau. Professors Well
ii.gton Patrick and W. S. Wdbb took
an active part in the discussion that
"Please send the Kernel. I cer
tainly am glad to continue the asso
ciation of my college days." N. F.
Molloy, Jr.',
care the Prudential
Insurance Co., Murfreesboro, Tenn
' "Glad to know that the school is
still interested in her former students
and hope we have a successful basket
ball season. Business is good with
with J,
me." J. C. Everett, Jr.,
C. Everett & Co.,
East Second
St., Maysville, Ky.
"I am proud of the University and
its ideals and am always ready to vote
or otherwise support it. Yours for
a greater Association and a greater
Paul M. Jcfnes
Norton Coal Mining Co., Nortonville,
"As I am interested in Old Kentucky I miss the Kernel very much
and only a continued oversight has
caused me to be without it since leaving school." J. Ray Jenkins,
Co., Elizabeth-towThe Jenkins-Esse- x
"Enclosed check for two dollars.
Shall be pleased to assist in every
way in increasing interest in Old KenDist.
tucky." Paul E. Hite
Supt. Bank Checks Ins. Dept., U. S.
Fidelity and Guaranty Co., Dallas,
Texas, P. O. Box 25.
Other former students who have responded to the recent call for membership in the drive for 2,000 active
members are: Robert L. Price
S. Illinois Ave.,
Carbondale, 111.;
Douglas F. Little
with American
Steel Foundries, Granite City, 111., address 2316 "C" St.; M. L. Pence, Jr.,
ex- - owner Stutz Service Station, 6464
St., Los
W. Washington
Calif.; Paul E. Hite, Hazel E. Burns,
teaching, Central City, Ky.;
Robert Lee Waters
University of Missouri, Columbia,
307 College Avenue;
Mo;, address
Mrs. C. W. Trapp ex- - (Gertrude E.
Morton), 486 E. Main Street, Lexing
ton, Ky.
"For two year9 I was connected
with the Duesenberg Automobile &
Motors Company as financial engineer.
On December 31, 1922, Mr. McAlpine,
who was fiscal representative of the
Duesenberg Company, completed the
organization of his own company, of
which he is president, and I am now
with him in the same capacity." Orvel
General Discount
W. Crowder
Bldg., Pittsburg, Fenna.

ex-'2- 2,


ex-2- 2,

der, Engineers, U. S. Coast Guard
Headquarters, Washington, D. C, residence address 1434 Harvard St.
Edna T. Crcmin, of Louisville, died
February 14, after a brief illness with
During her years in the University
Miss Crcmin took an active part in
all its activities, was a member of the
Philosophian Literary Society, and
was one of the original founders of the
local sorority which afterward became the Epsilon Omega chapter of
Kappa Delta. She was also a charter member of the chapter.
In the Louisville Alumni Association, Miss Crcmin has been one of the
most interested and loyal members,
and it was rarely that she failed to attend any event sponsored by the University. For the last ten years she
has taught in the Louisville Girls'
High School. In connection with her
work there she has studied for several summers
at the University of
Chicago. Prof. H. B. Moore, principal of the High School, paid the
following tribute to Miss Cremtn:
"She was one of the most capable and
most popular teachers the school has
ever had."
Help your class break the record.

Phillip M. Riefken was an engineer
in the Bureau of Mines for several
years and at the beginning of the
World War was in charge of Field
Inspection for that department.
then went into special service with
the E. I. Dupont de Nemours Pow
der Company. In 1920 he left the Dupont Company to accept the vice- presidency of the Equitable Fuel Company and treasurer of the Rocky
Mountain Oil & Producing ComJpaay,
with headquarters at 815 Union Trust
Building, Washington, D. C. Mr.
Riefken married Miss Annie Hersoh- -

ex-2- 5,




ex-1- 4,

ex-2- 2,


on page 3.)



Tuesday, 19 June, to Saturday,



Second half begins 26 July.
Opportunities to work for higher
degress and the A. B. degree in the
oceanic climate of the San Francisco
Courses ;n the regular academic and
scientific branches, and in law.
Information from office 26.

ex-2- 5,

ex-2- 4,

Betwixt Us
"Attending the Southern Agricultural Workers Convention in Memphis
last week I was with a large and
handsome bunch from the Station in
Lexington. Among them were T. R.
Bryant, C. A. Mahan, Prof. E. S.
Good; Prof. J. J. Hooper; Prof. Geo.
Roberts, and Prof. L. J. Horlacher.
In addition to these I saw a fine bunch
of old Kentucky fellows who are in
allied lines; Hub Gale '14, came over
to look up the crowd; he is farming
on a large plantation about 30 miles
Memphis, address Big Creek
Plantation, Turrelt, Ark.
"Ran into Wm. C. Mitchell '16 on
the street in Memphis. He has left
the U. S. Farm Economics Department and as I understood, is managing a place not very far from Gayle's
"Last but not least, who should be
working around Memphis, selling industrial service, but one of our former legal lights, H. C. (Monk) Morrison '14. Say boy, there are almost
as many U. K. men in Tennessee as in
Kentucky. Did you realize that Governor Pcay, newly installed at Nashville, is a native Kentuckian, although
I do not think a U. K. man? Another
decade and they will have to change
the name of this state. Send us some
more of the same." Morris L.
'16, General Agricultural Department,
Louisville & Nashville
Railroad Co., Paris, Tenn.

ex-1- 6,


was a
He is
about the organization
of a Kentucky Alumni Club in In
dianapolis, which he says is a good
college town. He is field representaGreen &
tive with the Longmans,
Company (textbook publishers) and
his address is 2450 Central Avenue,
Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Eubank says
one of the U. K. men whom he sees
often is Irvine V. Middleton
who is with the Westinghouse Electric Company, address Hoosier Athletic Club, Indianapolis, Ind.




NOTE Alumni in business and in
the professions are encouraged to insert cards here for the convenience of
Write the Business
fellow alumni.
Manager for rates:

fi ni


Louisville, Ky.

ex-1- 5,

in the office last week.

E.R. Ransom '05
ONE YEAR $2.00.
Herbert Graham,

ex-1- 2,

Have you sent in any news?

a wa
Marion E. Taylor Bldg.





With Caskey Jewelry Co.

Martin A. Doyle went into the U. CAREFUL WATCH REPAIRING
S. Coast Guard Service soon after re
Satisfaction Guaranteed
ceiving his B. M. E. degree, and has
continued in this branch of the ser- Phone 262
c. He is now Lieutenant-Comma- n
Lexington, Ky.
1S7 1. Limestone
