Second Semester
]a.n. 30 Saturday, 6:45 a.m.—Orientation activities for all new stu-
. dents `
: Feb. 1, 2 Monday, 7:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.—Registrati0n
~ and classification of all students
t Feb. 3 Wednesday—Class work begins
` Feb, 9 Tuesday—Last date one may enter an organized class for the
‘ Second Semester
Feb. 13 Saturday—Last date one may drop a course without a grade
Feb. 15, 16 Monday and Tuesday—Last days for filing applications for
degrees in College Dean’s oflice
March 31 Thursday, 8:00 a.m.—Midsemester grades due in the Regis-
trar’s OH;ice -
Apr. 7-19 Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to Tuesday, 7:00 a.m.—Spring vacation
May9 Monday—Correspondence and Extension grades for seniors
due in Registrafs OfHce by 9:00 a.m.
May 14 Saturday—Last date to submit application and transcripts to
Registrafs Ollice for admission to the 1960 Summer Ses-
May 23 Monday—Senior grades and reports of comprehensive exami-
nations due in Registrar’s Oilice by 9:00 a.m.
May 28 Saturday-Alumni Day
May 29 Sunday—Baccalaureate Services
May 30 Monday—Ninety-third Annual Commencement
May 31-]une 4 Tuesday through Saturday—Final examinations
]une 4 Saturday—End of Second Semester
]une7 Tuesday-All grades due in Registrar’s Ofiice by 4:00 p.m.
]une 7-11 Tuesday through Saturday-4-H Club Week
~ Summer Session 1960
]une 13 Monday—Orientation activities for all new students
June 14 Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.—Registration and classifica-
tion of all students according to an alphabetical schedule
]une 15 Wednesday—Class work begins
]une 18 Saturday—Last date one may enter an organized class for
the full Summer Session
]une 25 Saturday—Last date one may drop a course without a grade
]une 28,29 Tuesday and Wednesday—Last days for Hling applications
for degrees in College Dean’s OHice
july 4 Monday—Independence Day holiday
Aug. 5 Friday—End of Summer Session
Aug. 8 Monday—All grades due in Registrar’s Oflice by 3:00 p.m.
Aug. 15 Monday—Last date to submit application and transcripts to
Registrar’s Oiiice for admission to the Fall Semester,
Sept. 11 Sunday—Opening of Fall Semester of 1960-61