admission to the residence halls, and does not reserve a room. Likewise, an
application for a room does not constitute an application for admission to the b]
University. tk
Refunds on room and board will not be made after the twelfth week of a sj
semester. A student withdrawing during the first twelve weeks will have with- P,
held 8% of the total semester fee for each week or fraction thereof during pl
which he was in residence. Refunds on room and board will not be made for pi
temporary absence from the residence halls. A student must withdraw officially
in the oilice of the Dean of Men to be eligible for a refund on room and board. tc
Any eligible student desiring living accommodations in a private home in tc
the city should come to the Office of the Dean of Men if assistance is needed.
2 The University operates two new housing projects for married students to
accommodate 450 families in 237 efficiency and 213 one—bedroom apartments.
Q The efficiency apartments rent for $65.00 and $69.00 per month, the one-bed-
’ room apartments, $75.00 and $79.00 per month. Rentals include furnishings If
. adequate to basic living, utilities, and maintenance. Q
To apply for a housing unit, communicate with the Office of the Dean of FI
Men for general information and an application blank. No deposit is required SI
with the application, but a $25.00 deposit is required when the applicant is ii
‘ assigned and accepts an apartment. Only full-time, married male students of
the University and their immediate families are eligible for the apartments.
Assignment of apartments is made on a priority basis which is established by
the date the application is received in the Oflice of the Dean of Men. The Uni- .1
versity reserves the right to change rental rates at any time it is deemed
necessary to the welfare of the projects. t·
All students registered as freshmen and sophomores at the University, f
regardless of the number of years they have attended college, and all students Q
on academic or disciplinary probation are forbidden to possess and operate I
motor vehicles while attending the University unless given special permission
by the Dean of Men. This regulation applies to the University environment
including the campus, the city of Lexington, and the greater Fayette County
area. Students in the above categories must not bring motor vehicles to the t
University at any time without permission. All upperclass students who bring 5
motor vehicles to this area must register them in the Office of the Dean of Men g
at the beginning of each term.
Self-Help. Many students pay a portion of their expenses at the University l
through part-time employment within the institution or outside. While the 1
Y.I\I.C.A., the Dean of \Vomen, and the Dean of Men render all assistance
possible in helping students to obtain part-time employment, positions cannot *
always be found for all who need such help. It is advised that no student ,
attempt entire self-support, and all new students are urged to come prepared ,
to meet their expenses in full for at least one semester. The student who is to
be partially self-supporting should seek help from his advisor in adjusting his J
study load to the end that his employment will not prevent him from obtain-
ing the largest benefit from his courses.