P¤S€ Page  
‘ I
Absences ............ . ............................. 33 Recommendations for Prospective  
Academic and Administrative Staff 351 Medical Students .................... 59 *
Academic Probation, Dropping for Residence Requirements .................. 58 I
laow Scholarship Readmissionn 30 Topical Related Fields ................ 56 `
Administrative Committees ............ 398 Tutorial Work and `
Administrativeand Service a Comprehensive Examinations .. 56 ;
Organizations   ....................... 40 Upper Division Requirements .... 55 i ‘
Aclrninrstrative Organization, 2 gshland Center .......................... 33, 186 ~
mversity ................................ stronomy ........................................ 236 V
Admissions ...................................... 16 A d' -V' 1 S ` .............. 187, 343 E
Aeronautical Engineering .............. 277 AEdiglog;uEClin·icvl$? ....................... 346 i
Agriciiltui-al Economics ..................   Auditors ...................................... 18, 30
Agric tura ngineering ................ A t b'l .................................... 26 i`
Agricultural Entomology ................ 279 u Gmc I ES 2
Agricultural Experiment Station .... 342 Bacteriology ................................ 67, 204 1
Agricultural Marketing .................... 275 Botany ........................................ 68, 206 E
Agricultural Extension ............ 280, 342 Bureau of Business Research .......... 343 2
Agricultural Statistics ...................... 275 Bureau of Community Service ........ 343 I
Agricgltiirre an;] Home Economicgn 275 gureau 02 Céoivernnsent Research .... 342 l
0 ege o .......................... , ureau o c oo ervice .............. 4 E
Admission .............................. 19, 90
Curricula .................................... 91 . · ·
crnnnnrren Rennrrernener ..·.·..... no €2}.*i‘;$?‘*n‘£?$Z$§?Z§’ .:;;;:1::;:;;:;;::::nn; 18;
Agflcultlife ........ . ...................... ... 92 Ceramics   __________________ _ _ 202
i1;£<;{¤is0r1g§<;;¤¤mi¢¤ ··--·---···--------·-·-· ig? ghanging of Cirades ....... Z.Z.ZZZZZZZZZZZII 34 1
Pre-Tneninginan   ............. IQ ..... 103 Cll§§§,‘{§§;, ?f‘g‘“*’°"“g ··············· gg ggg
Pre-Veteriwv -—·-·---······-— , ---—-··-···- 1 03 innnsnnai "IZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ .... T as
Farm and Home Convention ...... 105 Child Development and Family ,
Agronomy ........................................ 280 Living _ __ ill-; 293
gif gqnditioning ·······················     Child   ......   343 _
Ai:“_m$;€’}:;0é·ié¥i6·n ······················ · 40 Civil_and_Architectura1 Engineering 297
. . ························ Classification .................................... 32
izzmerican Histog;   ..................     Classification in Foreign Lnngnngcs 32
Amliomynan ysm Ogy ·········· 64* 195 Classification of Transfer Students .. 32
nxlclgti allguages ........ . ........ ... , 198 Clothing, Textiles, Costume Design,
Gra lic ............,............... . ........... 196 and Interim Design ________ 108, 291
H;i)i€w.......... ........... ...... ....... ........   Coiiiliiiiegi Qouxges (3rtS_·La`v,‘grts_
Latin ..ZZZfIZZZZZZZZIII][ZZ][ZZZZZfZ]Z]ZZ.Z..Z me E; ifgfgii §“' €““*“"· '“‘ 58
A¤i¤·¤1 H¤S*¤#·¤<1¤ -··----····—··-·-··--·-——· 283 cn.iima.$anninnrgnnnn¥g"§lZjZIZ1ZZZZZZZZZZ as
Animal Industry .............................. 283 Connncicei College Of   iiiirii 153, 332 i
Animal Nutrition ............................ 287 Accnnniing 158
2**1;**1 1i¤*1*¤1°¤Y ·········-·····~·-··-··   {gg Banking and"iiin2{n€é"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZ 156
Am ilogoggynmz ··‘·*···············‘···*· 1 304 Bureau of Business Research ...... 343 1
  Melgigmcs ‘‘‘‘‘···‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*   242 léusiness Management ................  
Annlrenrren fer éeéiee ·Z?$·i-LIZ -·-···· Z S5 n8II3L2§§§S-n;L‘3’*??..::i:::;i;;;:;i:;ii::i: inn
Arabic ·········‘·*··· : ······· : ····‘‘·····‘‘·'‘‘·‘‘ 198 Economics ............................ 155, 330
Architectural Engineering .............. 297 General Business 154
A*¤1¤V€S» Umverslfy °f K<=¤1¤¤1<>*  331 Industrial Administration ............ 159
  ..... .. .............................. , 202 Marketing, Merchandizingi 157
Drgxliilgrtiiializiligtlngi and noi PC1'Sf);l:I(§llslMHHBg0lD€Ht ............. .  
. ''‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘'‘‘ Puh 'c ervice ............................
]Eid;igi-iiition ....................................   gnqiiiicnisnr? fm, Gmdnaiinn ____  
· ·············‘··‘·‘· 1 ‘·‘·····**··‘······ ecretaria raining ....................
Slculpturc and Ceramics ........,..... 22% Snscinlizniinn in statistics ________ 16l
Aftb-FOI’BStl'}f . ............ . ..... . .... . ....... .. Cciiiprehensivc Examinations (Arts
MS ¤¤,<1 .5¤¤·e¤¢¤S» €<>11¤¤¤ 0* ···— 5% 193 and Sciences) ....................,... ss
  ....................................   gmnnuting Cent? University ________ Sgg
` . `'`''' ' ''''` ' ``'' ""°°'°""" `'`` °" 0l"lCCI't· Ctlll'€ l"·€S ...... .. ............
  Courses ..`"n"".nn·d§·   SG1-111$0li1`|§ and   S€|'ViCQ§ ,,,_  
gnniligelri ggiigrsciiiiiiégi ·---·--·· Y gg niiiiiif’ia?‘§i,‘i{l1°'éa§na;1:;:1:;;::1;::;: nn
Genernr Rennrrernenn ·····-···-·-·-·- 54 €§§{};" ???¥*.‘?.T?i€i‘i.f?F..:;::;::;:111:1:;:;;:1; n2?
Group Requirements .................. 54
Independent Work Courses ........ 57 _ _ 284:
Lower Division Requirements .... 54 Danrying .......................................... 7
Organization ................................ 52 Dean of Men .................................. g
Pre-Dental Curriculum .............. GO Deaniof Women. ...........,.................. 7 i
Pre-Medical Courses .... . .........i... 58 Definition of Residence for 20
Pre-Ministerial, Pre-Theological, Assessment of Fees .... i ........... 35
and Pre—Religi0us Education .. 60 Definition of Semester Credit . .......
P1‘c-Pliarmacy .................................. 61 DGKTCCS and C\11’1’1€11l¤ ···················· 48