·t-101'ld Head Of the Department. Inigeneral, the graduate courses are designed to train
oun for the more responsible positions in librarianship.
i€¤$€ ‘ Requirements for the Masters Degree
and Prerequisites: A bachelor’s degree from an approved college or university;
X t an undergraduate scholastic record that is above average, together with evi-
en s, dence of ability to erform raduate work satisfactoril · an ‘
H 1_€_ _ _ P _ E y, completion of a
m t preliminary core of mne Semester hours in Library Science.
X BE Undergraduate preparation should include academic rather than profes-
’ 0 ` sional courses. Languages are considered basic for those interested in college
ES _ or university library work. Subject to the recommendation of the Head of the
* _dm Department, the preliminary core of nine semester hours in Library Science
Vb? may be taken during the first semester of the graduate program; comparable
`“ C work taken elsewhere may reduce this requirement.
is an The Master of Arts degree requires: Satisfactory completion of twenty-
four semester hours of graduate work in Library Science; fulfillment of the
residence requirement of 36 weeks; fulfillment of the requirement of a readin
_ Z
knowledge of one modern foreign language; preparation of a thesis; and pass-
nents ing a final oral examination in which the student is asked to defend his thesis
ration and also is examined on any subject matter related to his field. The M.S. de-
level gree substitutessix semester hours for the thesis and a minimum of six se-
n the mestir groursf with a réiinrrzum grade of C for the requirement of a reading
field know e ge o one mo em oreign language.
The residence requirement may be fulfilled by any combination of semes-
ters or summer sessions which totals the required number of weeks. Subject
` Elo She recommendation of the Head of the Department, candidates who have
a previous training in Library Science may take up to one-third of their
graduate work in courses in other departments. Such courses must be related
closely to the students field of specialization.
rorgllgll Professional Curriculum in Librory Science
tm; UNDERGRADUATE counsras
d b Course No. Title Cm
3 y 10la-d Independent Work 1
113 Organization and Administration of the School Library cali
y the 121 Introduction to Library Work 3
129 Cataloging and Classification 3
l men 133 Reference and Bibliography 3
, p1,€_ 136 Literature and Related Materials for Young Pcoplu 3
_siti€s   Elgldreng Literature and Related Materials 3
, 1 rary rac ice 3
145 Organi at'on f L`b M t '.l 3
'duate       l 1'3l’y 3 €1'l'\ S 3
isua eac ing 3
ay be
on bv Course No. Title Crs.
'_ 201a-d Problems in L`l z r S ·` = · 1 .
’“°h‘§ 212 The rubric Laiiiiii? www me
C1 SCI- 213 Problems in School Library Service 3
c0m_ 214 The College and Llmversity Library 3
227 Problems in Reading for Children and Young People 3 ,
9 Cul" 229 Advanced Cataloging and Classification 3
gives 232 Library Work with Children 3
. 233 Subject Bibliography 3
b · . .
1 Idfy 235 Government Publications 3
242 History of Books 3
250 Adult Reading Guidance 3
6 and 252 Advanced Book Selection 3
of the 254 Seminar 3 '
287 Nonbook Materials 3