V l
2. Provide the students with a means of regulated and supervised physi- 1 A
cal exercise. _
q 3. Develop a sane and intelligent attitude toward the need for and bene- ‘ ‘
Hts of well-regulated physical activity. Fir
A standard uniform is required of all students. The cost of this ranges j  
from $5.00 to $12.00. A locker fee of $2.00 per semester is charged each ; Engle
d h` h ' l d l ' l k r r ntal and the r'vil of ‘ M“*h·
stu ent w IC mcu es towe service, soap, oc e e , p 1 ege Math
. using the equipment and facilities of the Department of Physical Education 1 Chem
during non-class periods. The swimming fee is $4.00 per semester and in-
cludes locker rental.
A second phase of the Departmenfs program is its intramurul sports for {fir
men and women students and the Women’s Athletic Association for women  
students. Through the intramural and W.A.A. programs and such organizations Physl
as the U.K. Troupers, Tau Sigma (Modern Dance), and Blue Marlin (Swim I gig}?
Club) numerous activities are sponsored which provide opportunity for all i TI·`or<
students to participate in competitive sports and recreational activities.
Professional Physical Education  
The majority of students selecting Physical Education as a major do so ~ Fi
ecause t ey expect to enter t is e as teac ers or as coac es . ince our q Phys
is h ir H ia ii ir s· 1***5
students come from widely different backgrounds inside the state and from Mat}
outside of Kentucky an effort is made to gear the program to their individual  
needs, backgrounds, and future requirements. To this end opportunities for ‘
varying extents of concentration in the major field and in minor fields within 3
limitations of University and College policy are offered for the guidance of i
and selection by the student. Requirements in the fields of English, the Basic
Sciences, Social Studies, Nutrition, Psychology and (for the teacher) in Edu- PhFi
cation are outlined to accompany work in the major Held. The student may PQ;
receive the degree through the College of Arts and Sciences or through the {hy?
College of Education. All physical education majors are required to enroll in ~  
Physical Education 81, Camp Leadership, offered at Camp Robinson at the end Pick
of the Sophomore year. and in Physical Education G1, Field Trip, scheduled in
thc spring of the lunior year. i —
Topical Fields
Topical fields are offered in Recreation, Horsemanship and Dance. A stu-
dent enrolling in one of the fields will have an individual curriculum prescribed
to prepare him for his life’s work. Sigr
rnrsncs fm.,
The objectives of the Department of Physics are: l0¤¤
. . . . . T
1. To provide instruction to the end that a student, regardless of his special pg)
interests, may acquire a general understanding and appreciation of gov
physics. nw
2. To provide a complete undergraduate curriculum with sufficient alas- mg
ticity so that a graduate with a major in physics may teach in sec- VCI
ondary schools, go on to greater specialization in physics; or use his
major as a strong foundation for vocations.
:3. To provide graduate instruction and modern ¥acilities for research in the
physics leading to advanced degrees. mc