Q l 214 Index.
Fayette County, analyses of mineral water from ........................ 199-200-201
Feeding stuffs, adulterants .................................................. 60
,' classification of ....... . ........................ . ............. 65
composition of ...................................... 63, 05-67, 70- 95
. essential ingredients of .,.................................... 57
function of nutrients in ..................................... 63
how to buy .......... . ...,................................... 58 »
· · method of inspection ................... . ..................... 61
. standards of composition ..............,.................... 59
' _ system of tagging .......................................... 59
Feeding stuffs law ........................................................... 53
,· , necessity of .................. » ....,.... , .................. 51
objects of ................................................ 57
report on the enforcement of ........................... xxv
Feeding stuffs registered for sale in 1907 .................................... 955<10.7 __
Fleming Sam, analysis of mineral water from ........................   198
' Food of Crow Blackbird ...........,........................................ 19, 24
Foods inspected and analyzed ........ . ......................i.............. xvii
` Food law. report on the enforcement of ...................,i.. T ...,.......... xvi—xxv
Food standards adopted .................................................... xxiii
· Forwood. X1`. B., analysis of mineral water from .................., 4 ........, 205-206
Franklin County, analysis of mineral water from ................ , ....... 202
Frost. Mrs. John, analysis of mineral water from ....,.,... . ............   203
_ Garnian, H., Bulletin 130, Crow Blackbird and corn root-worm ............ 19
Grant County, analysis of mineral water from ....... . ..... . ............. 202
, Gwinn, R. B., analysis of mineral water from .................,...,........ 202
_ Honse—burn of tobacco ............... , ...... . ................ V ............... 13
· Huffniau. P. B., analysis of mineral water from ....., , .... . ................. 204
. llunter. John S., analysis of mineral water from ............................. 207
• ]mprovcmen.ts at the Station .........................,....................... x
Insects eaten by the Crow Blackbird ..........................., . ........... 30
, James. David H., analysis of mineral water from ............   ........... 199
‘ Jefferson County analysis of mineral water from 1 ..........i................ 202
Jr-ssamine County. analyses of mineral water from .......,.................. 203-204
Kearns, James, analysis of mineral water from ......i.................... 200
;. . Labeling of foods .......,..........................,..................,...... xxi
Lander, D. L., analysis of sulhpur water from ....................,.......... 198
_, Letter of transmittal .....................................,.......,........... iv
·. Lewis County. analysis of mineral water from .............................. 204
List of bulletins available for distribution ......... 1 ........................ 47
. Livingston County, analysis of miner al water from ......................... 205
' Manufacturers of feeding stuffs registered in 1907 .......................... 96-107
· Meteorological summaries for 1907 .......................................... 209-212
J Mineral waters. analyses of .............................................1.. 197-208
1 Mott, Thomas H., analysis of mineral water from ...... . .................. 197
Nelson, Hade, analysis of sulphur water from ............................. 205
Officers of the Experiment Station .......................................... v
Owen County, analysis of mineral water from .............................. 205
- Paris green. use of on tobacco ..................... . .......................,. 12
Publications issued in 1907 ................................................... x
, Quisenlus quiscula, food of ..... . ...................... . .... 1 ................ 19, 2~l
Rainfall recorded in 1907 ................................................... 210
Report of the Auditing Committee ......................................... vi
' of the Director .........,.........,............ . ............ 1 ........ viii
, on the enforcement of the feeding stuffs law ........................ xxv
' on the enforcement of the State food law ............,........... X\‘i
* Roberts. George, Bullotin 132. commercial fertilizers by .................. 111
Robinson. NV. B., analysis of mineral water from ........................... 202
‘ Sadierille public well, analysis of water from .............................. 205
Salubria Springs. analysis of water from ....1.............................. 198
Sandusky. G. \\'., analysis of sulphur water from .......................... 204
* Sehertlius. \\'. H., Bulletin 129 on tobacco, by .............................. 3
Scott County, analyses of mineral water from ............................. 205-207 '
Scovell. M. A.. Bulletin 132. commercial fertilizers, by . .................... 111
Soutlier, Dr. analysis of sulphur water from ............1........... . ..... 207
Standards of purity of foods ........ . ........................................ xxiii
'} Station staff ............... 1 ................................................. V, xvi
Stoll, J1 \\'ill. analysis of mineral water from .............1..............1. 201
· Tagging of feeding studs .................................1..... . ........... xxvii
i "1`emp»s‘;itnre record in 1907 ........................ 1 ........................ 212