‘ "x
· . List of Officers 5‘s~’
_ y 155
_ ·_._ GEORGE B. KINKElAD, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
_ D. F. FRAZEE, Lexington, Ky. ‘ `
. C. B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Ky.
. C. M. CLAY, Paris, Ky. · ·* ‘   _
J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College. `
` ’. ~ M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary. T.
Z M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
_f ` A. I\I. PETER, Chemist, Head of Chemical Division.
·· H. E. CURTIS, Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division.
i" H. GARM AN, Entomologist and Botanist, Head of Entomolog— A
Y ical and Botanical Division.
_` IV. H. SCIIERFFIUS, Agronomist, Head of Agricultural
_‘ Division. 4 .
* R. M. ALLEN, Head of Food Division. _
~· `J. D. TURNER, Head of Feed Division.
, J. O. LABACH, Chemist, Food Division. .
. MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist.
S. D. AVERITT, Assistant Chemist. _
f O. M. SHEDD, Assistant (`hemist.
MISS LILLTE LISTON, Stenograivlier, Food Division.
i E. C. VAUGHN, Assistant Entoinolgist and Botanist.
GEORGE ROBERTS, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizers.
· E. S. GOOD, Animal llllHl_>2lll(ll'llZl]], Head of Animal Hus-
_ handry Division.
J. IV. NUTTER, Assistant in Dairying.
I l\lISS O. L. GINOCHIO, Stenographer.
H. D. SPEARS, Assistant (/'hemist, Feeds.
_ AV. D. NICHOLS, Assistant Animal Hnshandman.
A J. IV. MeFARLIN. Assistant. Fertilizer and Feed Divisions.
_ AIISS ANNA IV.-\Ll.lQS. Sl(‘lIO{_fl`;l]lll(‘l`.
E. F. IVORTHINGTON, SI1]>(’l'lHl(‘H('l(‘]lt of Farm.
Address of the Station.