*   [{G’)ltt’Ll/Citi'}/' Agréeulturctb Exper/imemf Station tix
funds be allotted each, so that the investigation may be carried
out in a thorough and eitective manner.
Under this Aet, our Station has undertaken several lines of
i Work. Dr. Peter is making a systematic study of the soils of
the State and experimenting, both in the chemical laboratory
and in plots in field and greenhouse, to ascertain, if possible,
some quick chemical method of analysis by wliielrthe wants of
a soil,. so far as plant food is eonee1·ned, can be readily learned. ·
It is planned to extend the work on soils in eo—operation with
the State Geological Survey until a soil map of the State shall
have been completed. A large nuniber of samples have already .
been colleetedfor this purpose. ‘ ·
Professor Garman is studying the nodule bacteria on the_
_ various clovers and otlicr legiiminous plants for the purpose of
; learning if the nodule bacteria of one species of plant can be
appropriated by others, and_to find out through this work, if
. possible, the cause ot` "elover'sickness."
Mr. Good is studying the.question of contagious abortion in
domestic animals, with`ttheiobject of learning whether or not `
{lll:lllX\lS("fl11 he made innnnne to the abortion germ.
The Adams Fund has given to the Stations a researeh tund
_ and thus given theiuian opportunity to undertake work, the ‘
results of ivhieh may, or may net. be sueeesstul and whieh may
take years to aeeoniplish. But. it one important discovery is .
made, it will he worth all the money and eiiiort given.
A law passel two years ago, entitled ‘_‘r\n Aetx regulating the
y sale ot eoneentrated eon;n1ereial feeding stuils. detining same ~
g, and tixing ptnalties tor violations thereot,” has also greatly
L, increased the duties ot the Station. The work beeanie so heav_Y
lt that a division was torined to earry it out properly, and Xlr.
_I. Turner was ilaeed in eharge ot the detail of the work. We ·
H I have had some ditlienlty in thoroughly executing this law, but
B we hope that the reeentr imposition of several lines upon dealers
,1: in Louisville, Newport. and (`ovington will bring good results.
d Our analyses show eonelusively the neeessity tor sueh a law, as
it a large pereentage ot teeds were tound on tirst. inspeetion to be
d adnlterated. The ineome from the teed work the past year was
JE, Therelis a great. demand tor Station workers to attend Idarni-
rs ers lttstttlttes, and we have had one or more members in insti-
it tnte work eontinuously during the past year.