Forlorn Figures

TWO MEMBERS OF Mussolini Used to
Be School Teacher


President McVcy Announces
Withdrawal of Dr. J. E. Rush
and Mr. I). S. Ross, Both of
Hygiene Department.


President Frank L. McVcy announces the resignation of Dr. J. E. Rush,
director of the University dispensary,
and professor of hygiene.
Dr. Rush hns been at the University for the past four years, coming
here from the Carnegie Institute of
Technology at Pittsburgh, Penn. He
is n graduate of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology at Cambridge,
Mass., New York University, at New
York City, .the University of Pittsburgh, and holds degrees of S, B.,
C. P. H and M. D.
Dr. Rush hns mcen employed as
instructor of biology and public health
at the Massachusetts
Institute of
Technology, instructor of bacteriology nt the University of Wisconsin at
Madison, Wis., assistant professor of
biology nnd public health at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and assistant professor and in charge of
sanitary engineering at the Carnegie
Institute previous to coming here.
He is a fellow of the American
Public Health Association and also of
the American Medisal Association.
The resignation of Mr. D. S. Ross,
also of the hygiene department, was
made known at the same time by
President McVey. Mr. Ross has been
employed at the University for the
last three years as hygiene instructor.
asMr. Ross was undergraduate
sistant at the Massachusetts Institute
Courtesy C. P. A. of Technology and later assistant instructor there before coming to the
University.- - He holds a B. S. degree
Miss Helen King, who took her A. from Bates College, Louistown, Me.
B. in journalism at the University,
manager for
and was advertising
Wolf-Wi- le
and Company, and also on
the advertising staff of The Lexington Herald, accepted a position in the
publicity department
of the John Bruce Barton, Noted Writer,
Says No Set Formula
S. Shilito Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, about
for Personality
two week ago.
Miss King's sister, Miss Willy King,
"Bruce Barton, noted writer, after
also a graduate of the University, and being questioner by hundreds of
an outstanding journalism student in women who would become perfect
her career here,- until recently con- - hostesses, and men who would be
iiecieu wiin it-- .i:iiirai tr l i una popular in their business careers, has
Company, has taken a position as come to the conclusion that there is
publicity representative of the Lafay- no nixed formula (for attaining a
ette hotel.
successful personality.
"There is none," he declares, writing in the American Magazine. Be
ing yourself is the nearest anyone
can come to attaining the admiration
M. A.
No two
of friends and associates.
great men are alike and no one can
Eight Take Education as Their attain personality by trying to
Major Subject; English Is
change himself.
Selected by Three
"Take the United States Senate,
for example. There are nearly one
Eleven students in the University hundred Americans, each of whom
completed their work for their master has managed to impress himself, on,
of' arts degree with the end of the the imagination of a state, l ueiy
second semester of the summer ses- anyone to examine these hundred
sion, according to an announcement specimens and draw any conclusions.
by Dr. D. W. Funkha'user, dean of No two are alike- yet all have arthe graduate school of the University. rived.
"It is the same with men and woEducation seemed to be the most
popular subject, as eight of the stu- men in all. sorts of business and indents selected this as their major sub- dustry. Gerald Swope, president of
ject. English was the only other ma- the General Electric Company, and
jor subject selected by those who re- Alfred Sloan, president of the Gen
ceived their master's degree. Three eral Motors Corporation, are unalike
students selected this as their major in both manner and method. Judging them merely from the outside
Those who received their master of there would seem to be little in com
arts degree and their major subject mon, world-wid- each has risen to the top
organization and has
are: George White Fithian, English; of a
Rhoda Virginia Glass, English; Al- the unquestioning loyalty of thou
bert Theodore Punting, English, and
Elizabeth Warner Hart, Frances M.
When Noah sailed the waters blue
Irwin, Hubert Howard Mills, Kenneth
He had his troubles, same as you.
Hill Harding, Daniel William Ham-inac- k,
Mary Bradley
F. J. Fossit,
For forty days he drove the Ark
Before he found a place to park.
Moss, and , James William Bowen,
Hardware Age.


Di6cif& &or&

Students Accept
New Positions
University Graduates in Journalism Are Making Good,
According to Reports
Graduates of the journalism
partment, of the University are


making: good in every field of the news-

paper game that they have chosen to
enter, according to reports recently
received by The Kernel.
J. Abell Mills, as an applicant for
a 'position in the advertising department of the Philadelphia Public Ledger, received praise from- - F. L.
CrMtt, manager of the classified advertising department of that paper,
in a letter to Professor Enoch Grehan.

Sallys Sallies
OA- -


FmIuoo it to ugly It hat to be changed

wytix months.

Courtesy C. P. A.



Ores? a&er
wiw a

True Personality Is
"Being Yourself"


Summer Students

Italian Premier Substituted
terest for Discipline in




Teach inp





The days when Signor Mussolini,
the Italian premier, was a school President of Garrett Biblical Institute
teacher, have been recalled by tho
Evnnston, Illinois
finding of a report in the municipal
The present age is marked by a
A re- nrchives of Gualtlcri, Italy.
rnnt. rllannfrri frntn Hnmn fn I tin T.nn. lively Interest in religion.
don Referee says that the document' in all walks of life are insisting thnt
Is dated
when Signor Mus- the great need of our ilny is n revi
solini was 19 years of age, and is val of religion which will make It a
entitled, "Yearly report of the teach- vital factor in human living. Alonger, Benito Mussolini, to the Mayor side of this interest there is persistent
questioning as to whether religion as
of Gualticri."
After noticing that out of 35 pupils defined and interpreted in the past is
there was an average attendance of adequate to meet all the problems
arising from the complex life of to33 daily throughout the year, Musday. As a rosult of this questioning
solini's report states:
and of a searching for a satisfying
"But It may be a sign of the times,
is daily more appreciated conception of religion, several points
by the masses and has become a so- with reference to theology are receiving greater emphasis thnn at any
cial necessity.
"I have always exacted and obtain- time in the past. Only one of these
ed discipline by very simple means points of modern emphasis I desire
by stimulating emulation and inter- to touch upon In these paragraphs.
It is recognized as never before that
est in the work on hand, and by .unobtrusively studying each boy's char- religion brings nnd ought to bring
into play the entire personality. There
acter and special inclinations.
"Discipline obtained by methods of have been fragmentary ideas of recoercion is no real discipline. It ligion which say the evidence as well
checks boyish individuality in the bud ! as the test of religion in the exercise
and gives rise to latent sentiments of of only a part of man's being and
Until school and home go powers. There have been those who
hnnd in hand in the work of educa- put chief, if not exclusive, emphasis
tion, true discipline is destined to re- on emotions. The religious man was
main n pious and utterly 'Utopian the man who enjoyed a highly exaltwish. How can you expect a boy to ed state of being. There was no in
to school
bring a clean copy-boo- k
when he has probably been doing his
lessons in a cow-she- d
"Practice has taught me to throw
many ideals to the winds, and that is
why I get along very well with my
boys. It is a mistake to judge the
teacher by the number of his pupils
who get through their examinations
successfully. On these occasions both
teacher and pupils mainly trust to

sistence on checking or controlling
emotion by thought or any demand
thnt the emotions should find expression in noble decisions of the will or
exalted living. At other times, religion placed almost exclusive emphasis
on intellectual assent to doctrine or
creed. The religious mnn was the one
who raised no question regarding inherited formulns of belief, but who
unhesitatingly said, "I believe." Again
no question was raised as to the
quality of the spirit and attitude dominating life and conduct. The present controversy between
modernism and fundamentalism is in
a lnrge measure based on a definition
of religion primnrily In terms of the
Still others have defined
religion as implicit obedience to laws
In such instances,
nnd regulations.
religion has been in danger of losing
vitality. The spirit disappeared and
the letter took its place, until the
warm human nnd divine quality of
love, the sense of pcrsonnl union and
wns sacrificed. Once
more, there have been times when
observance or rites nnd ceremonies
was thought to be the essence of religion. We have not fully overcome
this danger. Attendance upon church
services, the formal act of baptism,
in communion are
or participation
still considered by some the chief or
sole condition of salvation;
Religion, irgiitly conceived, stirs the
deepest emotions of man. It involves
loyalty to certain fundamental intellectual convictions. It creates a deep
sense of obligation, demands rigid
obedience to eternally true moral

Student Dies From
Sudden Attack

Of Appendicitis

Lucien B. Kcach, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Obrie Keach, of Henderson, Ky.,
died during the summer, following an
opcrntion for appendicitis which was
performed the same day.
Mr. Keach was a sophomore at the
University last year In the College of
Arts and Sciences and was a member
of the Sigma Beta Xi fraternity.


it finds in, ceremontas,

rites and Institutions valuable means
of quickening and strengthening religious life. Let it be remembered
that religion is not exclusively or preeminently a state of exalted emotion, nor is it an intellectual assent
to statements of even eternal truth,
nor obedience to laws and regulations
or painstaking observance of rites
and ceremonies. Religion is more than
any one of these, and, important as
all these factors arc, it is really more
than all of them combined. This
significance of religion is
being recognized, as never before, in
recent discussions of religion. Relig
ion quickens, inspires, enriches and
brings into play the entire personal- ity. It stirs and purines the emotions. It challenges the mind to con
stant endeavor and it inspires the
will to noble decision. Thus is trans
formed personality to loving,


Library Enlarges
Staff; Adds Books


During the summer months the
University library has catalogued a
total of 469 valumes, including works
on general and special subjects and
fiction. Additional new books of fiction are to be received in the near
future, according to Miss Margaret
King, head librarian.
The library staff includes one new
member, Miss Ellen V. Butler, assistMiss Butler is a
ant cataloguer.
member of the class of 1925, and is
also a graduate of the New York
State Library School in 1926. wtiiuujJnttrumMM youve tvvMen.


Non-Breakab- le

Pressureless Touch

and Guaranteed Forever Against All Defects
Here's a new De Luxe Duofold Pen in
offering the handsomest writing equipment
any lady or gentleman can possess.
Crystals of silvery pearl and Parker Permantte
must be delicately arranged to produce the in ode me effect of this unique


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Costly, to produce though not high-pricand very beautiful.





to you

Not duplicated anywhere else. A masterly
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Size, $8.50; Juniorette or Lady, $7.50. Pencils to
match, $3.50, $4 and $5.
Dealers are showing the aew pens and pencils
separately and in perfectly matched pairs, for the
first time this year.





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lifelong perfection,

we offer to mike
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U tent by the
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Duofold DeLuxe

Courtesy C. P. A.

This is your store-a-nd
it is for your convenience. We have complete lines in all school
FillersGym Suits
Shoes K, Fobs


Fountain Pens Pencils
U. K. StationeryPennants Banners

Campus Book Store


tkkkmxtlm Mute






