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I . University of Kentucky U
A  2;i;";;:;;;;`;;__, r·· -··—·    
V Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER I1, 1913 No. 13 ll
-.. . -__._,-____,____.__.i__;___   El
cm snake mmns T0 MAKE 1·1·s1=;1.F MEN AND GREATER BASKET srmntn nsvs cmusr cmmcu Ann
t AT Puonnnx ··F1=:nn·· usmsun TO s·1·A·1·1z: KENTUCKY IN VIEW musk scmaouuz rmnnows F. DEAN
Many M•n Not•d for DI•p•n•lng When Funda Ar• Dlatrlbutod to I. tm Pun °f tm cw" l”°I"°"I"° Ml•• Florence Hughen will Cem- Feature In tho Chapel Ex•rcl••• Lan
Rnpld lnglloh Addr••• th• Needy 8tud•nt• In Int•r••t of D°P;"m•M wnh un. and plete a Rnplng Traln of Tuuday Morning at th• Weekly
F•|•t•r•. Greater UnIv•r•lty. up"·M°"d°M Tun"` Gam••. 8tud•nt Gatherlng.
on. 1·¤cn1· souuns xzvuon Awaxsnme tone sxnscnn '°“°'°E"T °*'"‘E” T*““ New sun names Au·r¤cn>A1·z¤ cwom or cunwr cuuncu
  —— —-— A HAN° 'N T"' w°”°( -—- som rn: smoma
s . __ The dinner at the Phoenix Hotel on The Alumni Association has started Miss Florence Hughes manager of -1
{ Saturday evening, given fn honor of a system of "student loan fund" to aid TM Cm] demrtmem wm °p°° ° the girls' basket ball team, ls negotiat- At the weekly convocation last Tues-
  our foot ball team, was one of the boys in working their way through °h°n °°u"° in Highway Engm°°"°8’ ing with several colleges and schools day morning, the students had the pe-
most representative gatherings ever college. January 5`17’ for thc bemm °f p°°pl° in Ohio, Tennesse and Kentucky for cullar delight of having Dean Massfe,
• assembled fu Lexington, and before By helping many deserving ones, who am interested in the g°°d mw games during the coming season. The of Chrlst Church, as speaker, and
the night was over developed into a many youths who would not otherwise probwm M the State schedule has not yet been completed, Harlowe F. Dean as director of the
most remarkable "get together move- be able to pursue their respective N° mmm wm be r°°u"°d fm tm but games have been arranged with singing. With Dean Massfe came the
meut," between the city of Lexington courses, will be able to stay and grad- °°u”° and it is h°p°d by uw °m°w° Cedar College, Cedar, Ohio, Antioch choir of his church to be of aid in the
and State. About 300 people of dif- uate with their class. that awry county engineer wm ters College, Yellow Springs, Ohio; Leb- vocal services. Director Dean lead the
ferent professions, afllllation and There will probably be several loan advantage Of this °pp°mmuy t° im` anon College, Lebanon, Ohlo; Wilming- students ln singing "The Old, Old
creeds, came together to honor the funds and several classes of the alumni pr°v° ml kmwledge of mad work' ton College, Wilmington, Ohio; Cat- Story," with complete enthusiasm
. grldiron heroes. have already secured enough pledges and "mmby better the commons °f lettsburg School, Catlettsburg, Ky.; throughout.
, The bmqug; wg, g brmgmt ago", from the old graduates to put the sys- uw r°;°°:° :1 th°nSt°t° nM°°g:°° wh°‘Loulsvi1le Glrls’ High School, and Dean Massie told on the great
dbowgbg tb.; much lgbor md thought tem Into operation. sxfdwb Sd acm: ism] y mini Gem °r' Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn. quadrennfal student Y. M. C. A. gath-
  h·d bean but {dnb dbd tb, cmdgt is The plan on which the funds are to t° it ll en B ml tngm";v snopll:" Exchange games will be played with ering to be held at Kansas City in
d t th mmmco Mr Chung, be arranged is as follows: The mem- uu y ° pmplm emu es °r 8 several of the schools. the month of January and how the at-
m ° °   ’ ` examination before the State Highway
g_ guido, un John g_ Cnmon md bers of the various associations of the The flrts practice of the season was tendance upon such a meeting would
_. png dg, g_ uhm Thy Nm yu g alumni will divide their donations ac- C°mmi"i°¤° Smchl um'm°u°" wm held Monday atfernoou and a number influence those who are fortunate
g ~ · hum-, gn th bug, g th cit cordfng to the year in which they grad- b° nvm t° mm pmpu mg t'° t‘°k° uw of coeds were out for the first at the enough to go there and hear Mr. Mott,
ww ° ry 0 .° y' t County Road E¤gfne•r¤' examination
° uated. From thu than will be a sep- ' Vanity. Among them was Misses Mr. Spear, Mr. Henry and others.
_ __•¤d.w•• modeled dur thou cl th• Tn. I nn. HH nt nnn _
~- lame; Gridrgq cms., ante fund for csclrclus •¢ alumni mn on not mnnn Ja nun tnn nonnn __ V _ ancunanny (enum). Namco . .  ..
The ummm, nh of which were The association will select some been constructed on mon material and Hughes, Elsie Hiller, Natuine Woods, ROPER RECITAL
mon. were interspersed between the worthy student from the applications, approved methods of experienced mad Nancy Innls, Frances Gelzel and        
d to htm or her will be made loans Gladys Rogers. r
courses ot dinner, and the keynote °° builders the would have been n
sounded by mm, nwum, rms mw to of sas, ssa and $$4. making the totan ·n ng n I n n The mst game will be on January MONDAY NIGHT
source o p e an p easure ot to
the harmony which wary one Named of $100. A personal note, unsecured, those who bunt mom and to the com- 9 fn the gymnasium. with Wilmington -———
in now nrmly nntabhnhnd between the will be given to pay the amount back College. Four of last years' team, with Proceeds of Muslcale to be Used In
people of Lexington and the two great in m°t°“m°°t° du° in °°°* tw° and m(;;“;0::::ln tnn View nf nnui nin mnn the new stars from high S°h°°lB· We Sending Unlversity Represen-
nntversmes. Also the relation be ““’°° "°"° ““°" g’°"“““°“· TM ’°‘ with n bmw,. knowledge 0, gaugbuuu '“° °°““"°’“ °’ h*"‘“g “ W“‘“*“‘ tame. to sag v. M. c. A.
1 d , 1 i .
t‘w°°° Sum and Transylvania were Faylilena if the lsannw H bafexy R: ing that the authorities have decided team as D prev ous years Convention.
" ‘""°““"°" "“" “"’ “'““° "°°°°“‘ ““ ..1.: 2..8.;..: J. :..0:0.;.. trial; to sm the   Em M was , ——
"‘° °l’*"“ °’ °‘*°l’°'““°“ b°“"°°“ “"’ nt Sinn: tnnt would {nn tn nny the lecture will be from thirty to forty. MICHIGAN S FAMOUS JUDGE CHALKLEY
(my °'°d‘ St°t°‘ nntnn when dun, but could nay nh in five minutes in length and after each       REVIEW SUBJECT
. The dinner opened with sn i¤vccs— nnn nn two ynnnn lecture a period wm be allowed in ALL AMERICAN .1
tion by Rabbi David Fitchman, after The n t n rl t be worked out at which questions can be asked and the (By Judge, (jhalkleyy
e a s a e o  
which Prof. R. M. Allen as toasmaster the next meeting on the alumni MSO subject discussed in genera; Few nersons know of the work
d t , d th , ; P Th 1* H‘ 0 M th . ,
mi ro Hee town: n Bi program ciatlon and lt ls now believed that the PROGRAM ut. me ° I, Wn an °n ° carried CH bb the Student Christian
wh ch was un que H [ at t was ar- funds will be ready by next fall. M°"day’ January 5' National Grid-Squad. associations at the State University.
rs¤ss¤ is thc form sf ss M¤-L¤¤i¤s- AB the mms 0, uw graduates go Registration. A visit to the Y. M .c. A. rooms and
ton Team. each holdin: s position. down wnn tnn nlnnlnn tnn Univnnnny Tuesday, January 6. \ F H Y I .1 f a tant wnn tne secretary. Mr. E. L.
responded to BI wash of Kentucky will year after year be· 10:00 a' m°_Addl-ess st Welcome' by Air. ' ' OSL tw great com I 0 Hall, wlll be most interesting. Here
In introducing Mayor J. E. Cassidy, nnmn gnnntnn nnd gnnnnnn Ann nn {nn President H. S. Barker. the University or Michigan foot ball wu, be found large, any moms with
· Ml" Allen paid his work as Mayor a alumni co-operate to aid worthy stu- 11:00 a' m~·"Ns€¤ of Good Roady. t°”"‘· $***9 out an ·'m'A“""`i°`“n [9m" plenty of light, tables and comfortable
great tribute' saying that no man had dents, the cltlzens of Kentucky will Dean Rowe' to the proper construction of his idea. chairs, desks and writlng materials,
d°"€ m°r° ng th; mt°m:i°f Lexh;g` see and know more or their most im- {11:30 p‘ m"`0rg°"im°i°“ °f Hem W"' Hb uluobs me ouS,,.,,, ,uou_ duo,. fron] magazines and newspapers. There is
t . M · l , 1"·T s. . ~ , .
on H Mor us y gpm ng 0 le portant institutions. B his won mann one from Cnnnnn nnd a piano. and the students are invited
City. assured tha faculty and Students "‘°‘_"' " ' wcdnudaw January 7- one from \Vlsconsln on the mythical and encuomged to make free usc'
that the whole clty administration was 8:00 a. m.—"Hlghway Englneerlng— mum ’ It is subuonod by tho ubudoub body
heartily in sympathy with them and DR•       Text Books," D. V. Terrell. ' ulouo_ The outubhuhmoub to ouo thm
    Position Player. University
their work and in closing invited the The program is also arranged for ` ‘ is now found in on tho uoivo,-Smog
Left End ......... Fritz ....... Cornell
students to a night shirt parade, or     each day and special attention will be Lent Tackle Bunn] Princeton aud oohogoo throughout tho Uuhod
¤¤Y other kl¤d of D¤r¤d¢- Dr P n r nnrmnr chairman nrumu given to road dralnage and to bridged L it C rn ·-·· mums ··-·· Cnmnn Stntnnl Tnn nnjnct in tn nnnnly inn
Mr. Jolm G. Cramer, secretary of the ` ° ° ° ' Ally one desiring l¤f0rrl1¤tl0¤ C0l1CCrll· 8 mu ````` ` `°'````   k - { ·
Elegant Gavel to tha Or- Center ....... Simpson. .Pennsylvanla lac of other means 0 imprmmg me
Lexington Commercial Club. followed nmlunnn lng the course is requested to write nvm nunrn nnnncn Harvard social and moral tone or the student
0 in response to "Town and Gown," said ` to Prof. Walter E. Rowe, Dean of Clvll R;} t rl; lkl ‘‘'’ nnnnnn '‘‘‘ nunni an body by providing an hourly us may he
t,h8t. 116   DO'. b6u8V8   UIGTB WBPU Department. University of Kentucky. B 1 `BA 6 I · · ` O · · · ‘ g an conlfortablg and [nyiuug paplgp and
'I`l1e annual meeting for election of Right land ...... Solon .... Minnesota
any except fmlglnary differences be L6¤i¤St0¤· by enlisting the co-operation and com-
ofllcers ol the Lexington Sectlon, Quarter Back ..llughltt .... Michigan
KWCCD thc Unlvcrsity and UIC Cltildlis , blned efforts of all Christians to create
nnd ann dmnnnncn nnnnln vnnlnn un Amcricsn Chemical Society. was hold Peter presented tothe section a hand- Lett nant ....... t ralg ..... menlgen I n I [
· Y"l‘id¤·Y ¤f¤6r¤00¤. lll UW ¤¤¤6¤¤blY some mahogany gavel, bearing a sll— Right Half ..... Norgren ..... Chicago an utnlosphere Th S lm B an
also ststcd that no css doubted that espet-tally ln State lnstltutlons, slnee
!‘00m of Scoville Hall. The f0ll0Wl¤E ver plate with the inscription, "Lex· Full Hack ..... llrickley ..... Harvard
the University of Kentucky ls the _ _ , political conditions will not permit
officers were elected: Chairman. Dr. fngton Section, A. C. S., organized, As you notice (oach \ost puts one
Brands! b¤¤l¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤9¢ to thc CNY ind the recogntlon of any religious body
mnt the Cnmmnrcinl Club would do F· E- Tuttle. h98·d of U18 DCDBFUHCHI April 20, 1912." of the Michigan halfs on the team and d I 1 Cl i I
nvnmnlnn nnnnnnn tn nnnnn nnr innn of Chemistry; First Vice Chairman. Messrs. n. 0. Wilson and s. n. puts nrlrkley. or nary-ard. at tnu °" S9"' :;‘ ":"°’““ "° "` sn °'" pw
Dr. R. N. Maxon. ofthe Chlllelstfy D6- Averftt, who had attended the annual back. Most people believe thls ls an me wm uc u Soma way' [ B www
n tutfon the greatest fn the South. of religions und moral training will
. Mr Dnnnn Bnnnulnntdgn ndiwn of Dnrtllléllti S9C0l1d Vice Ch¤i|‘¤1¤¤. Ml'- convention of the association of Of- injustice to llrlckley for he is believed b i I f Tl t
The elnlnrnld in nnnnklnn nn ocnmng S. D- Averitt. Experiment Station; flcfal Agricultural Chemists ln Wash- to be the best half back playing the T my riy 0r;’g(;nT' nw iuogamil:
Together, nnvinwnd nant of me nin Councllor, Dr. F. E. Clarke, Central ington last November, as delegates game today. lt ls also strange that uso oct: ul Jailug do: 6: 2;; D
wry of niinnnuon in Knnnnnny and nn University; Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. from the Experiment Station, present- the Michigan Aggies. who trimmed anzmg Bus u ini: M; n; OEM ug
  lG· D. Bucklwr. Expt-lrimsnt $t¤tl0l1· ed very interesting reports concerning Michigan so wonderfully, did not get u emocm L sp r 0 an ne"`
· (C0¤¢|¤¤¤d 0¤ PI89 Ellht-} Oh retiring as (`hulman. Dr. A. M- the work at the convention. a man on the All-American team. (Continued on Page Eight,)