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Research Board of Trustees Board of Trustees
The University Of Kentucky Research Edward T. Breathitt, Governor Dr. Ralph Angelucci Dec. 31, 1968 . .
Foundation was awarded over six million Dr. Harry A. Sparks Lexington UnlverSlty of
dollars during the first six months Of 1966' Superintendent of Public Instruction Robert Hillenmeyer Dec. 31, 1970
Research at UK has been largely physical Wendell P. Butler Lexington ICCntuC/ky
science oriented. BM emphasis now is also Commissioner of Agriculture William Black Dec. 81, 1970
on education, the humanities and social Paducah Facts
sciences. . . ’ MEMBERS Term Expires 1967
UKRF admlmsters funds for 763 difterent Smith Broadbent, Jr. Dec. 31’ 1968
research and special projects distributed Cadiz FACULTY MEMBERS
among 78 departments and divisions. Sam Ezelle Dec. 31, 1968 Stephen Diachun June 30, 1968 ‘
Projects run the gamut from an appropri- Louisville Department of Plant Pathology ‘4‘ OF
ation to assist a local school board in pro— Dr. R. W. Bushart Dec. 31, 1967 Paul Oberst June 30’ 1969 63 $‘;(\ .
gram development to an annual award of Fulton College of Law (4 \L I“ 2
almost $1,500,000 in the tobacco and health Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer Dec. 31, 1970 O: m.-;:; --1
research program, which already involves 81 Ashland L“ ' . B C ,
UK faculty researchers from eight depart- B. Hudson Milner Dec.3l, 1970 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD _>_ ”I “ n
ments. Glenview Gov. Edward T. Breathitt, Chairman 2 ' L1 ‘1’ a. '
Dr. Harry Denham Dec. 31, 1969 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman 0‘865 $
' - Maysville
Unwersnty Museums Richard E. Cooper Dec. 31’ 1969
Kentucky Life Museum—Waveland Somerset EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Tuesday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. -4:00 pm. Charles 0. Landrum Dec. 31, 1967 Ralph Angelucci, Chairman
Sunday 1:30-4:30 pm. Covington Smith Broadbent, Jr.
Wm. R. Allen, Zoological Henry Besuden Dec. 31, 1967 Robert Hillenmeyer
'Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Winchester Harry Denham