




talk with an account of his work In
Industrial chonioHtry.
The progrnm closed with "My Old
Kentucky Homo" mi guests and hosts
departed with u warmer fooling for
tho University of Kentucky In their
honrts nnd a stronger determination
to stand by her In her undertakings.
Prof. E. G. Kelly Leads
Prof. E. (!. Kolley, H. S. '0.1 and M.
S. '01 who Is now entomologist of the
extension division of tho Kansas State
Agriculture College, submitted a plan
in teaching entomology
to vocational agricultural classes before a convention of teachers Juno,
1921. This proposition provided that
the class should contain not less than
10 boys; that the vocational teacher
should teach tho subject of economic
entomology for at least one hour a


Alumni Notes







Detroit. April 29 (Last Saturday).
Dinner at 6 p. in., Dixieland Inn.
Pittsburgh, May 1. Annual moot-In?New York, May 2.






Buffalo, May ". Annual meeting.
Philadelphia, May 0. Annual moot-I- n

WnahliiKton. May 8. Annual meeting.
Denver, May I. (First Thursday)
luncheon, University Club.
Carrollton, May 9. (Second Tues-

day), luncheon.
Lexington, May 13.
Saturday), luncheon, 12: SO p. m.,
Phoenix Hotel


Lexington Alumni Club Luncheon
The Lexington alumni hold their
regular monthly meeting at the Phoo-niHotel, 12:30, April 8. W. C. Wilson, president of the club was In the
chair and made a plea for a stronger
support of their Alma Mater by the
alumni, urging them to begin work
now to have elected to the 1924 legislature men in sympathy with Kentucky's
need for educational advancement and
a state university comparable to those
of other states. Two years Is not long
enough to accomplish much toward's
the University's good, he said, but by
the constant united effort of the alumni
the result will be felt. In four or six
The relation of the model high
school to the University of Kentucky
and its use as a laboratory for students in the Department of Education,
was explained by Harold P. Fling,
principal of the school. It is yet in
its infancy and sadly crippled on account of lack of funds but is doing
good work. It holds membership In
the Association of High Schools and
Colleges of the South, to which only
about 500 high schools are eligible.
The University saxaphone quartette
furnished the music for the occasion.



Birmingham Alumni Entertain Junior
The Birmingham Alumni Club entertained the junior engineers, on an inspection trip of southern industries,
with a banquet at the Southern Club,
April 9, at S p. m. Mr. J. M. Sprague
'07, president of the club, presided and
gave the boys a royal welcome. An old
fashioned southern dinner was served
and a round-tabltalk followed. Short
talks were made by Mr. Sprague, E. J.
Kohn '12, A. B. Haswell '11 and others
of the twelve alumni present.
Birmingham alumni want the southern
trip made a regular feature of the
junior inspection trip and they certainly showed their
and interest in entertaining the boys. They
took them in charge on arrival in
Birmingham, had a special train to
visit the different industries and Mr.
13. J. Kohn, Secretary
of the Club,
spent the entire day with them.
The Club is anxious that the Wildcats play their return football game
with Alabama at Birmingham In stead
o Tuskaloosa next fall, and an effort
is being made to carry out this suggestion. The juniors were so delighted
with their treatment and the industrial
plants visited that they, too, are working to have the Birmingham trip become a permanent part of the junior
engineering inspection trip.



Louisville Alumni Club Entertain K. E.
A. Alumni Deligates.
The Louisville Alumni Club gave a
banquet to Alumni deligates attending
the Kentucky Educational Association
convention in the Red Room of the
Seolbach hotel April 12 at 6:00 p. m.
Those attending the banquet pronounce it the greatest occasion of its
kind In the history of the Louisville
Elwood Hamilton, principal speaker
of the evening, said in his talk "I see
500,000 hands raised to us here tonight They are the hands of the
children of Kentucky. They want an
education and the state owes It to

them. They want a great University
and the men and women of Kentucky
should forgot self and give It to thorn."
Tho friends of the University, according to Mr. Hamilton, do not realize
the extent of the harm done by tho
evolution blight that tins fallen upon
It Is tho duty, ho says, of every
friend and former student to exert
himself to the utmost to combat tho
throughout tho state.
Herbert Graham, In n short address
sot forth the fact that the alumni of
the University nro at tho point of
launching a drive to procure the funds
yet remaining unprocurod to build
Kentucky's war memorial structure on
tho campus In honor of the men and
women of the stale who lost their lives
Ho detailed
in tho European war.
briefly tho plans to be employed which
are given elsewhere in this issue. Hp
exhorted fellow alumni to prosistont
action In completing their groat work.
He said the University would stand
heartily shoulder to shoulder wlth
them and predicted success.
Professor E. F. Fnrquhar made an
address full of vision and inspiration
in which ho paid tribute to our President Dr. Frank L. McVey, referring to
Optimist" and
him as a
a leader who would lead ever on to
higher and better things for tho University of Kentucky. He made an appeal to alumni to stand by the President and uphold his hands In supporting the one ideal to be followed during
the next two years, the uplifting of
tho University.
Professor Enoch Greham, the only
impromptu speaker of the evening, in
keeping with his usual ready way of
speaking gave a speech of well mixed
wit and common hard sense. He said,
as he saw it, we were suffering from
an overdose of veto.
J. T. Pride, Jr., president of the
Louisville club, yielded the chair of
presiding officer to J. Mott McDaniel,
Beattyville, who declared "despite the
governor's veto of the $290,000 appropriation the University can and must
be built up to the point where it is not
eclipsed by any in the country.



Chicago Club Banquets Senior
The senior engineering class and
the faculty of the College of Engineering of the University who were in
Chicago and vicinity on their annual
inspection trip were guests of honor
at the annual dinner of the Chicago
Club given in the Great Northern
Hotel Saturday, April 15.
A real old Kentucky menu including
chicken a la Kentucky, corn fritters
and French fried potatoes called to
mind the wonders of Kentucky and put
the company in mood receptive to
thoughts of the University,
W. R. Allen '97 master of ceremonies
presided over the toasts. J. W. Crenshaw "22 spoke "For the Class". Following Mr. Cronshaw and supplementMr. Montgomery
ing his remarks
Pritchett, guest of Professor Freeman,
son of the second president of the University, who was born and spent his
childhood at Ashland, former site of
tho University, spoke of the early days
of the University when he was closely
connected with it though he was not
S. D. Findley and Tom
a student.
Riley '22 gave several musical numbers
as a specialty. One of their selections
was the famous "Parson Brown." The
instruments used were a steel guitar,
a piano and a one string violin made
of a cigar box by Findley, such as
every man initiated into Sigma Tau,
musical fraternity, is required to make.
The entire crowd led by Findley sang
"All Hall Kentucky" and then famous
old U. K. yells led by Silas Wilson set
the roof a shaking as the enthuslastls
Kentuckians gave voice to their loyalty to Alma Mater.
E T. Brown '75 spoke on the past
of the University, Professor Freeman
on tho present and Dean F. Paul
Anderson on the future.
Mr. C. H. Gullion, son of E. A.
of Henry
state representative
county, followed Professor Freeman's



In nineteen


Kansas counties there
are 400 amateur entomologist who nro
helping rid the stnto of Insects which
annually Inflict millions of dollars of
damage to growing crops. This work
Is carried on In tho class room and
the field work consists of visits to
farms whore they have fumigated thn
wheat bins to destroy the weevil that
was damaging the grain; visits to
orchards where they spray the trees,
potato fields and burn grass and other
vegetation containing bugs and insects which might endanger tho production and growth of chops.
Professor Kelly prepared 32 lessons
on economic entomology and sent one
each week out to vocational agricultural schools and they are sent in time
so that the insects being studied can
be found in the field. During the year
he spends a day at each school and
makes a Held trip and visits several
farms and different Insects aro locatOn many of these
ed and studied.
trips the farmers go with Professor
Kelly and study the various Insects
which destroy their crops annually.


Our Boys in South Africa
"All of the U. K. alumni out here are
getting along nicely and enjoying their
adopted home. H. W. Taylor '06,
Head of the Tobacco and Cotton Division in Rhodesia, is doing splendid
work and is highly appreciated by the
Rhodesian farmers.
"O. B. Chisholm '09, who also came
out with me, has been for several years
with the United Tobacco Company as
a leaf buyer. He has also
"J. duP. Ooosthuizen '12, assistant
chief of this division and manager of
the Rustenburg Experiment Station is
doing splendid work.
"Paul Kock ex-- , Manager of the
Turkish Tobacco Station at Elsenburg
is carrying out breeding and selection
work on Turkish tobacco which bids
fair to revolutionize this industry.
"W. B. Wilson '11, formerly of my
staff and later tobacco expert in Ceylon, is now cotton adviser to the Agricultural cooperative Union in Natal.
"H. Russell Halbert '20, the latest
arrival, is manager of the tobacco station at Piet Retrif.
"These men are all a credit to tho
University." W. H. Scherffius '99.
Chief of Tobacco and Cotton Division,
Union of South Africa, Pretoria, S. A.



$$tMt 8$8S$&


Betwixt Us
"It is my purpose to give you a bit
of news in a modern laconic stylo.
"My profession is the practice of law
and my office is in the Citizens Bank
& Trust Building. I am doing well. I
assisted several bootleggers to go to
jail this last term of court and several
improvident husbands to pay alimony.
In each case, the jailer and female
spouse seemed to be well pleased with
my practice. I represented the defendant.
"V. Y. Moore '09 and B. L. Nisbet '15
are practicing at this bar. Clyde
Taylor '15, is principal of the Sebree
High School. Clarence Clark '17 is
priclpal of the High School hero and
Guy Henry, ex-- , is
is making good.
a teacher In the local high and is noted
for his evolutionary advocations.
"I am always glad to get the Kernel
and tho Alumni News. I am for Old

Stnto for brcnkfnst, dinor and Btippor valley In tho United States, which has
and during tho General Assembly, be- hardly iOi. tho business depression.
An Alumni Club has not as yet boon
tween meals." J, T. Gooch '16,
officially organized but no doubt this
will bo attended to In tho liear future.
attorney for Swift &. Com- Wo will be very glad to havo Ken"I am an
pany with office at tho Union Stock tucky people look us up. P. E. Eastwood, '21 Assistant Head of ProducYards, Chicago, Illinois. I have been
Carbondnlo Mawith them since my return from tion Department,
chine Company.
Franco In 1919.
"I attended an Alumni Association
dinner of tho Chicago bunch some fow
weeks ngo. Wo are contemplating
giving the Senior Engineers a royal
reception when they reach hero."
V. T. Woodson '14.



Mr. nnd Mrs. George P. Mills nnd
little daughter, Marjorlo Mills, came
from Philadelphia last wook and will
make their homo In Lexington. Thoy
nro with Mr. ami Mrs. R. 1'. Shryock
nt their homo In Aylosford Placo unX
A copy of tho Tribune Democrat, til finding a suitable apartment to go
published at Benton, Ky. by Barnes & to housekeeping. Mr. Mills is a gradu:
Lovett (Joe T.), came to this office ato of tho class of '10. Ho will be with
his brothers in
Tho paper certainly

credit to the publishers; they nro campaigning for a County Agent, are behind the dark tobacco grower's cooperative movement, nnd certainly
show the progressive spirit of good
journalism. The motto of the Tribune
Democrat Is, "Therefore we ought to
give more earnest heed to tho things
we have heard, lest at any time we
should let them slip." Hebrews 2:1.




Mrs. Henry Nevorman, noe Mario
Antonlnetto Williams '13, was a visitor
in Lexington recently. She spent some
time on tho campus, welcomed by old
frlonds among the faculty, and was a
guest nt the alumni luncheon nt tho
Phoenix, Saturday,
April 8.
Noverman was returning from a three
month's stay in Florida and had with
her, her mother, Mrs. Williams, and
her son Henry Noverman III a
bright, handsome little lad of three
years. He hopes to don the blue and
white In 1938. Mrs. Neverman's home
Is in La Moure, North Dakota.

"Your letter and the fourth copy of
tho Kernel reached me today and I
am enclosing herewith the check for
dues. I have enjoyed reading about
the activities of the student body and
the good work of tho alumni. Am
mighty glad that tho Legislature came
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. DeMoy were
through." John L.
recent visitors in Lexington. Mr.
Apartado No. 255, Tampico, Tamps,
graduated in '19. While on a
visit to his home in Louisville, he went
out to Manual Training School and the
school-daythere made
F. H. Tucker '09, chemist for ten memories of
years at The National Bureau of Stand- him home .sick for a sight of U. K.
ards and later chemist in the research again so he was here renewing old
Mrs. DeMey was Miss
laboratory of the Chile Exploration friendships.
Company, New York City, is an associ- Amelia Webster of New York City.
ate chemist in the Bureau of Public Mr. DeMey is connected with the
Hudson Coal Company, Scranton,
Penn. Residence address 819 Ask
"We are having ladies night at our
alumni club dinner, Saturday night.
"J. H. Bailey '19, connected with the
Get our meeting in the club calendar.
We are not organized as a club, but Carrier Engineering Corporation, 750
Clark '16 and I are keeping the thing Frelinghuysen Avenue, Newark, N. J.,
on the go. We meet the last Saturday is leaving April 15th, to act in the
in each month at Dixieland Inn, John capacity of resident engineer in conR. and Farmer Streets. The next meet- nection with the installation of a coming will be Saturday, April 29." C. E. plete dehumidifylng equipment for the
Planck '19, The Free Press, Detroit, Grauman Metropolitan Theatre, Los
Angeles, California, having a seating
capacity of 3600 people.
"R. L. Jones '14, has been engineer
I have been doing some missionary
work for old State, and several of our in charge of operations in tho South
graduates will enter there in the fall, for the Carrier Engineering Corporaamong others, the valedictorian
of tion for the past two years. He is now
this year's graduating class, Ralph located at the main office in Newark.
"Warren T. Green 'OS, is now located
Platts. I am still head of the department of Modern Languages here, but in Jersey City, N. J., as manager of
this is my last year as I have recently the Mengel Box Company's plant"
been appointed to an instructing-fol-lowshiX
in Columbia University, and I
Mr. George V. Page '17, who attendshall go there this fall to work on my ing the K. E. A. at Louisville, was a
Ph. D. degree in Romance Languages. visitor on the campus one day last
This summer I am to be director of a week. He stated that rocently, in looklarge boy's summer camp in Texas. ing up notes for the Kernel, he was
Between the close of my work here surprised to find the number of U. K.
and the opening of it out there, how- people located at Bowling Green and
ever, I hope to come by Lexington a says he Is going to get busy in organizfew days and renew old acquaint- ing a "live club" there. Mr. Page is
head of the department of physics at
You are to be congratulated on the Western State Normal and hopes to be
excellence of the Kernel: I consider in U. K. again next year, working for
it one of the best college publications hl.s M. S.
in the entire country, and I don't
know what we alumni would do with"Donald T. Wright, special in
out it, as a means of keeping us in
touch with affairs in old State. Oscar Journalism '20, was the speaker on
V. Petty '20, Tenn. Military Institude, March 16th at the weekly luncheon
and forum of the Mlddletown (Ohio)
Chamber of Commerce, his subject bexX
"These are Kentucky men in the ing 'Our Inland Water ways.' Mr.
anthracite region of Pennsylvania. The Wright is owner and editor of the
'Old Time spirit of Kentucky is still 'Waterways Journal,' office at 419
prevalent and as long as that holds Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo."
forth we can't go wrong.
"Please change my address from
W. S. Carruthers, '14, Specialist In
welding, and Heat Treating; E. A. Union City to 101 South Franklin
to Chief Street, Muncie, Indiana. I will conEdmonds, '19, Assistant
Draftsman; I. H. Marking, '21, Sales tinue in my present position as ResiEngineering; H. F. Bell, '21, Sales dent Engineer, Big Four Railway, but
Engineering; E. Zuckorman, '21, Sales a change in location of work necessiEngineering;
they are with the tates a removal of residence also.
"Fred Myers' 13, is located at 318
Carbondale Machine Company, at
East 28th Streot, Indianapolis, and is
"Fritz DeMoy '19, is Electrical En- in the Maintenance of Way Departgineer for the Hudson Coal Company, ment of the Big Four.
"Hope we do not miss any numbers
which is the largest coal company in
of the Kernel as we look forward each
the Valley.
"We aro about a hundred miles from week to tho news of the University
both Philadelphia and New York and and its various activities." Edgar
Arrington Humphreys '13.
aro in the heart of the only bard-coa- l


