wero relensed during one of the figures Hotel, Saturday, April 8 at 12:30 Blades, Ralph Boron, L. R. Burroughs,
wns hung o'clock.
F. W. Crcodle, S. E. Flick, C. R. Gibnloft In the center of tho ball room.
The tnblo was placed In tho main bons, H. E. Glen, J. L. Gray, J. It. Kelly,
Tho programs wero little booklets with enfo of tho hotel nnd covers wero laid E. E. O'Hara, T. II. Oliver, D. M. Ram-soC. M. Rlefkln, J. H. Slater, E. R.
covers in black, on which tho coat of for fifteen members. A clover fcaturo
arms appeared In gold nnd was tied of the program was the "goat" stunt ,'SnicIor, S. M. Spears, R. A. Stoossor, A.
J Jl Jl .Jl lj l
.J. .J.
with white leather ribbons. A large by Sue Shonault, Daisy Loo tlnsloy W. Stone, J. E. Truo, A. V. Voclcker, J.
Sigma Nu Convention Dance
number of guests were present for tho and Amnnda Forknor, who gavo read A. Wilson and R. C. Wilson; nnd tho
A moonllRht Kanlon scene was the
pledges, C. T. Benson,, .1. II. Butler,
ings of original pootns.
brilliant event.
settlnK for the beautiful tlnnco of Inst
Those present wero: Misses Ruth II. B. Little, Arthur Nutting and L. C.

'r from a contrivance which


Thursday evening, with which the
SlRnm Nu of tlio University entertained at tho Phoenix hotel In honor for
the fourth division convention.
Tho hosts were II. TaRgott Allen
Guthrie Duvall, Ed. R. Orogp, L. 13
Herrlnc. T. Jero Beam, J. William
Colpltts, Jr., Neal W. Wllkerson, William O. Finn, T. Bruce Fuller, Charles
D. Graham, Graham B. McCormlck,
Troy L. Perkins, Sam H. Itldgway, Jr.,
John D. Taggart, Clyde T. Watts, Madison Caweln, Jr., Henry D. Chenault, R.
R. Dinwiddle, Beverly B. Mann, Alfred
P. Sturges, John C. Scott, William W.
Whitfield, James D. Atkinson, Theodore Brewer, Maurice G. Buckles,
Thomas A. Fennell, L. Stokes Hamilton, LeRoy DeHaven Lltsey, J. R. Rico,
James D. Wlmsatt, Howard B. Asher,
Asher, J. Leslie
T. Breckinridge
Brown, C. J. Haydon, Raymond P.
Thompson, Reed S. Miller, Roy A.
Wedeklnd, Holman A. Wilson.
The ballroom was mode into the
moonlight garden, with a canopy extending the full length of the ceiling.
This was hung low and represented a
sky. The room was shining at the south end of the hall opposite the enrance. There was a garden gate with a low fence on which
were climbing roses. Between all the
windows tall trellises of lilacs were
lovely and groups of palms were all
about the room. An old well was arranged from which the fruit frappe
was served and an arch of black, white
and gold was placed over the orchestra
platform. For the special Sigma Nu
dance the shield of the fraternity,
made into an electric illumination, appeared as a "sign in the sky."
The favors were balloons, which

Announcement of Interesting
Mrs. Flflne Parrott Simpson an
nounces the engagement of her niece,
Miss Elizabeth Wilson Clare, to Mr.
Chalrlcs Oilman Mllward.
Tho marrlngo will be solemnized In
This is one of tho most interesting
announcements of the Easter time on
account of the prominence and popular
ity of these young people, both of
whom were students of the University,
she a member of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma fraternity and ho of tho Phi
Delta Theta.
Miss Clare Is the beautiful young
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fulton W. Clare.
Mr. Wilward Is the son of Mrs.
Charles Mllward and a successful
young business man of Lexington.
Saturday the Chi Omega fraternity
of the University will entertain with a
from 3 to G o'clock at Patterson hall.
Saturday afternoon tho Kappa Delta
Alumnae will entertain with a card
party at the Phoenix hotel.
party will be for the benefit of a hospital fund with which all Kappa Deltas)
are assisting in the care of Invalid

star-lighte- d

A lumni Directory
The F. D. Lawrence
Electric Co.
Fourth 8t.


Cincinnati. Ohio

Electrical Supplies

Distributors for the
Electric Co.


The marriage of Miss Ruth Elliot
and Mr. Grant C. Knight, both of the
University faculty was solemnized at
the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd
Wednesday evening, April 12. Following the ceremony a delightful supper
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Knight reKentucky chapter of Triangle fra- turned from their honeymoon Monday
Saturday night evening and are at homo with tho
ternity entertained
with an unusually pretty dance at the Misses Hanna on EaBt Maxwell Street.
Lafayette Hotel from 8 to 12 o'clock.
Southern stnilnx trailed from the lights
and festooned the four improvised
arches, while spring blossoms and
balloons were effectively
used as decorations.
Formerly With Caskey Jewelry Co.
The favors for the girls were charm
ing programs with address books Careful Watch Repairing
bound in soft brown leather with the
fraternity crest embossed in gold, and
programs were similar.
the men's
The hosts, members of the active
PHONE 2682
chapter, were: W. P. Ballinger, J. E.
Barns, N. O. Belt, G. W. Benson, W. G.
The members of Alpha Tau Omega
fraternity were hosts to un Informal
dance at their chapter house on South
Limestone Wednesdny evening, April
A large number of guests wero

Surely it is for us to do only that
which remains to be done to assemble funds and to offer ourselves in ear
nest support for the erection of the
proposed building as an inspiring
memWhile it is to be a state-widorial for Kentucky's fallen heroes, all
connected with the University
particularly concerned since the imposing edifice shall be numbered
among the new buildings on the
campus to further adorn and to honor
the beautiful grounds.

Buckles and
New Spring Designs

East Main St. Opposite Phoenix
Lexington, Kentucky

for "Frat" Jewelry


This Junior is learning
to be a banker
you are
a day in
IF lab, don't putting in three hoursyears later thefind yourbe surprised twenty

self promoting a public utility bond issue. Or if you start
in newspaper work, as like as not later on you will turn to
manufacturing or advertising or law.
You don't know where opportunity or inclination will
lead you. This fact has a great deal to do with your work
at college not so much the things you learn as the way
you learn them.
Don't think of education as a memory test in names and
dates and definitions. That knowledge is important, but
only as an incidental. Of far greater value is the habit of
getting at underlying laws, the basic principles which tie facts
The work of the pioneers in electrical experiment, at
first glance confusing, is simplified once you realize that
much of it hinged upon a single chemical phenomenon, the
action of the voltaic cell.
Analyze your problems. Look for fundamentals.
to connect a law or an event with what went before and what
comes after. Make your education a training in logical

Newark, N. J.
Buffalo Chicago New York Philadelphia


to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kentuckians
J. E. Boiling, '15
H. Worsham, '16
It. Waterfill, '20
J. H. Bailey, '20
W. B. Thornton, '21
G. E. Zerfoss, '21

I. Lyle, '96
B. T. Lyle, '68
L. L. Lewis, '07
M. S. Smith, '88
R. L. Jones, '12
R. R. Taliaferro. 'IS

One of a Series of Sunday Evening

Monogram and

Keys and Thirteen fraternity will
dance at Buell
Armory Saturday evening.

750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,




carrier Engineering corporation

An Interesting engagement that was
undo known Sunday was, that of
Brady Stewart of Kevll, Ky a senior
in the Law College and Miss Eva Lee
Allender of Lexington. Tho marriage
will take place In the early summer.


entertain with a

Members of Theta Sigma Phi,
Woman's journalism fraternity, observed Founder's Day of the organization with a luncheon at the Phoenix

Sec'y, Sales Mgr.


Saturday evening the Keys fraternity of the University will give a dinner at the Phoenix hotel.



Hiighson, Adallne Mann, Frances
Marsh, Dayslo Leo Tlnsloy, Irene Mc
Nntnnra, Amanda Louise Forkner,
Virginia Throckmorton, Jessie Dodd,
Suo Shonault, Anna Louise Connor,
Kitty Conroy, Margaret Smith, Elizn
both Murphy. Marguerite McLaughlin
and Dorothea Murphy.




The Bible


Published in
the interest of Elec
trical Development by
0ft Institution that will
be helped by what
ever helps the


This ability to think straight, whether acquired in
Engineering or Arts, is the biggest thing you can get at
college. Its aid as a means to success applies equally to
whatever work you take up since mental processes are the
same everywhere.
It is the power which enables u mechanic
to become sales manager, a lawyer to head a great industrial
organization. Develop it, if you would be ready when your
big opportunity comes.


Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church

Next Sunday
7:30 P. M.
Lecture followed by Social Hour Refreshments
10 A. M. Special Discussion Classes for Students.


Electric Company
The executives of this Company have been
chosen from all branches ofthe organization.
It doesn't make much difference where you
learn to think straight, so longasyou learn.
