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      Mr. Reed said that he was glad to see the motion made and seconded for the bonus. He
noted that President Todd had been reluctant to take the bonus in the past. He said President
Todd is worthy of the bonus.

      President Todd thanked Mr. Reed and said that he appreciated the support. It has been an
interesting year and hopefully things will get better. He said that he and Governor Ernie Fletcher
had recently talked about the need to try to have more interaction. Also, if the faculty can get
involved in an academic exercise looking at the core career and looking at modernizing some
things that will help. That will give some other things to look at from the lack of salary increases
and things of that nature.

      President Todd said that when UK lost the community colleges it also lost some friends.
As pointed out by Dr. Meriwether, UK lost a lot of those friends while on his watch with the loss
of Lexington Community College. This furthers the need to be out there with a proactive
approach to advocacy and policy making and show some leadership in policy making. He
committed these things to the committee.

      President Todd said that he liked Mr. Hardymon's suggestion about having some of the
things written down that need to be worked on so it can be a measure for next year.

      F.    Meeting Adjourned

      Mr. Reed reemphasized the importance of the evaluation process. He thanked each
member for attending the meeting and also thanked President Todd for attending and providing
his self-assessment which was very helpful. With no further business to come before the
Executive Committee, the meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Russ Williams
                                        Secretary, Executive Committee