Research on nicotine metabolism in the tobacco plant represents the type

of research that can yield valuable information on how the chemical components

of tobacco and tobacco smoke are synthesized.        An understanding of these

processes may well make possible modifications in the chemical composition of

tobacco and smoke through genetic, cultural, or curing techniques.

     Basic information from the studies of "Viral Gene Expression in Tobacco

Cells" may well contribute to control of diseases of tobacco, as well as how

genes of host plants and virus particles interact in plant development and

product production.    Also impressive was the research on the influence of

smoking on biochemical and defense mechanisms.

     Basic studies, such as -he three listed above, are indeed appropriate to

the mission of the Institute and can serve as vital connecting links between

the medical and agricultural research on tobacco.

     Finally, the research on aerosols in tobacco smoke is at the cutting edge

of smoke chemistry and physics and should be continued.