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L   . Conference.
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F Men y· `\ r address, cri
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 tically rev
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! Commencement is the time to begin the real job of Q,
learning, of adjusting from the academic world while _
; retaining the zest of intellectual endeavor, to the en- * ` A
. V vitciimciit cf practical mcii HOW wcll Uriivctgity grad- Dr. Oswald congratulates Dr. Phillip Dr1cirls0n,Pr€
uates have transferred learning compounded into wisdom dénf, Univémit y of Louisville.
to the greater society of the Commonwealth is evidenced _
l in that historic progress within our State has been lead   . ‘
by its system of higher education. In the span of the .·  
l last century, from the birth of the University to the  . a '
present time, the Commonwealth has left the day of _, 1 * ‘·'
2 civil strife and a society not too far removed from the ‘ I \_k  
i I hardy pioneer for the threshold of the Twenty-First . gi   I ,
l i Century. Indeed, t0day’s frontiers are of the mind where V •·— N
{ ‘ discoveries swirl in man’s unceasing attempts to voyage     p \
i · into the unknown, either by spaceship, by the test tube / ` \ I
; i of the laboratory, by the wisdom of a library or by an [
·   artist translating the awesome complexities of existence l
into man’s range of comprehension. The assets of culti- [ U
vated brain power has signaled the nations of the darkest 2 .
continent that it is trained intelligence, not material  eluwg béi
; I goods, which expedites the forward movement of civi- ,,  Om Nw SW1
2 ]‘ ‘ · · · DT Hal h ] An clu c' w rd an lLOIl0I'(U'l/ (l(`¥“t"` M  fr ]
ization. Man learns the equation for survival 1S found · P · g C ' d d is · : Om NG
, in centers of learning, not on the battlefields. God Edward T- B’wd*·dt· lm il"? 066Gle
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