 ·{4";-eel I I {
, , .. . ing facilities maintenance, grounds, tickets, e   ,I  
1 I ,_e_ accounting, purchasing and data process- '   l   II I be 1
l I iiltillifill   l ing. lvy was tournament manager for nine ji   _, ·. =    0  i
Q  "’ ` ll _ Q  _, ~ NCAA Men's Basketball Toumament       ·· t‘  { l
3  l- ll     H I rounds in Lexington, including the 1985 Fi- g  l I cf,  ,   -.   *» =   Y
W ,cl,i       §E2l$$llSS¤?Lil°lSiiSmi“3g€d    N An SEC
He was named Southeast Conference i r l  
I Housing Director ofthe Year in 1975 abd Cllll Hagaa ·54 was ea slaee at the 2000
  herds eh heherehf memherehrp rh UKSIK Southeastem Conference Toumament
  1 Association. He is chairman of the SECs Wllele ae was lleaeled as a legendary bas-
  \ Meh S Bailetball r9‘~'r§aehehr heifer Cem' ketball player in the SEC. ln 1978 he
{  . ~ r   mrrree eh Wee heme r e 1994 NCAA became UK's first alumnus to be enshrined
  l   |,,l,·,·L, lvl,   euslleiei rgiereeger Orrhle Year PY rrle Cer in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame.
` '‘'  “` ` ` ‘° €€€ € IC U$m€$$ 306€€V$ 9 Hagan was named a collegiate All-
|vy  es   J  flgmerree ‘ rhe ergehrzerrehle hrgheer American in 1952 and 1954. During his
9hOr collegiate career his Wildcat basketball
of     Hs is eh hOhOrerY memher Or Omrereh teams won 86 of 91games, won an NCAA
Is I _ _ t d_ et I te Deira Kel£he· eh heger egereg meg erl;‘rl;e' championship in 1951 and were unde-
ariy vy, senior associa e ire or o a — sizes aca emics an ea ers ip. e o s feated in 1954I He sea,ea as ee_eablala el
letics, begins duty luly 1 as the a 1967 undergraduate and a 1968 master's the teaml
University of Kentucky’s next director of of business administration degree from As a prOf€SSlOnal player lel the SL
alhleticsl followlingethe retirement oftC.M. the University of Alabama. laellls Hawks el lae Nalleaal Basketball
ewreh remr e e mrhrs rehYe DOS · Association, Hagan averaged more than 20
University of Kentucky President . aelals per ealae as als leala Wea slx
Clll3lll€S   Wethington lh lT1€1d€tl`1€     Western     and One Vl/Orld
recommendation to UK Athletic Associa- elaalaaleasalb in 1958I He received NBA
tion Board of Directors. Aftera search fora         ll- ll l - 0 · -
_ _ _ _ . . . A Pro onors rom 1957 62 an was a six
Few ¤tlil€¤mm·i- TI‘aIIlIIlg GEMS! Ill 2001 time All-Star sae-alan. As piayamcil of
elelrelcommeln e WS éepgoietmlelkite d A elelmelbleeklag Celembal, al llle UK the Ballas Chapparals, he was selected on
Welle Wee e er ephrOYe Y1 e ear Nllllel Tlalalae Center sleaals llle be_ela_ the first American Basketball Association
O Al;I$;ele;lIee Cllleelel I WIN Oveleee alae el a ·all,e_lleel additiOn le lae ·llala_ All-Star team and as the Texas Professional
eeeelel eeelelleee el lleelrille Alhlelle Ae ing center Approximately 7,500 square feet   Or me Yeeerrh Fee- Hle eeeredl
. . . . . l will be added to accommodate new offices · hem S hhhg re hre eeerehe ee'
ileflilggggixgleliysggeiggieleigliigiglieellqeley for the football coaching staff and coaching reee UK d_ I el _ I 14
' l film crew. Construction is expected to be- e Wee le rreerer O at ehee Or
€€lSl"Vy eeme le UK le l 969 el the eee el 26 gin this summer with completion targeted Yeegerglgrhhlhg 1elY ri r975· e el _
. , . for the summer of 2001. e eelhr egeh was Ohere lh
es tile ilgggiihs YOiiiie§§;lCiil5€l§ie(3ll4ili OuSl Businessman Paul Orberson gave the i%5 Wheh the Herherr H¤¤Y€r BOYS Club
llilsllllsogiationl agalhlblgsistaiit athleticllslgfrec immdliig gllr Ol Sl `6 mllllllll lOl llle “r’°°m" Olhlbrlllllllllll Olglllllllld llll Cllll Hagan BOYS l
' · · · · C f Am ` " ' h t f
la. rilalsaiarralssriils  ¤**i€¤a·¤*¤g¤¢¤W*i€ O,`;€,,‘;l,,,,,,‘*§§il[j“ ,,§O$Y2,§,‘§“li‘g‘j,aS,l,€ l
association When C M Newton ioined UK Eh/iii i' Niirier iemiiy Wim pmvicied the · · l lg l — ·
_ · _ · _· _ ellelaal glft lel the Nutter Training Center} recipient ofthe Boys Club Medallion which
Arhiehee as erhiehee drreerer rh r989· he alse made a male, ala tOward the eXbaa_ recognizes individuals who have rendered
l9fOll“Ol€€ [VY lo lf?S§OCiatekathletii dlrec— elem el the laellllyl "unusually devoted service to a Boys Club
eleelgeilgil eine e airs' me me VY is Op "This is going to be beautiful and keep OYer ei eeherderehre Perreei Orhrhell _
l hee eewed le ale eulleel eel eleee us at the top of the conference in facilities," iregeh was harhed re the Hall or Dl$hh‘ ]
199;/llwith responsibilities incluleling over- Observed COeCii iliei Mumme llliliiis ieciiiiy glllslled Alllmlll Oll llllplll ll l975l l
` . ' . enables us to have more contact with our l
Z`§$QiL‘ialil§¤dfIlirillLZZZSESEFESS Slléiisl plate? and Wil mttuate the me Of
handling operations and sewing as game iemiiy in Kentucky ioeibeiil l
management director for the men's basket- l
ball and football teams, and coordinat-