There are other statements made in the Menwoir
which, so far as has been determined have not been
made in any other document. Conspicuous among
these are the following incidents: the story of the "antic
drummer boy;"' that Clark on one occasion on the
march to Vincennes smeared his face with powder
before plunging into the water;2 that the strong men
gave assistance to their weaker companions ;3 and that
food was secured from a canoe, being paddled by some
squaws, which was overtaken by some of Clark's men.4
  From these considerations, together with those cited
in the notes, the conclusion is warranted that the
Memoir is not made up of the reminiscences of an old
man who strove for the dramatic in his presentation.
The language, stilted on occasion, notably in the
speeches before Indian councils, is not conspicuously
so when compared with that used in the Mason Letter
and Clark's Journal in describing similar events.
Granted that it is not as authoritative on a particular
point as either of the three other leading documents
constantly cited, for the events described had trans-
pired at least ten years before it was written, the
Memoir must be regarded as the supplement to each
of these in turn and to all of them upon a number of
'Aute, 271; Roosevelt, IT inning of the West, 11.. 73.
-'Ane, 274; ibid., 74.
JAnse, 276; ibid., 76.